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Your dream burger (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 9, 2011
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Political Leaning
inspired by another burger thread without pics:mrgreen:
post your own pic! I made it today with avocado ,beet root, crream cheese and arugula

LOL thats not a burger!

Here's my dream burger- its gotta have cheese and bacon, lotsa bacon!

Also a thick bun to handle all the lovely gooeyness. And it must have fries to go with it (and onion rings).

inspired by another burger thread without pics:mrgreen:
post your own pic! I made it today with avocado ,beet root, crream cheese and arugula

View attachment 67200369

what are you trying to do with that awful pic, end the flow of American tourists to turkey?

great burger.jpg
LOL thats not a burger!

Here's my dream burger- its gotta have cheese and bacon, lotsa bacon!

Also a thick bun to handle all the lovely gooeyness. And it must have fries to go with it (and onion rings).


Hmm... How about this to go with it?

inspired by another burger thread without pics:mrgreen:
post your own pic! I made it today with avocado ,beet root, crream cheese and arugula

View attachment 67200369

Okay Princess, let's try to enlighten you shall we?

"Burger" is short for "hamburger". I know this in and of itself is a little confusing since the typical "burger" is never made from ham.

A "burger" is ground meat. Usually ground beef, but can also be a mix of other meats or animals. Ground venison for instance is still "burger".

What you posted a picture of is a sandwich. Not a burger. I know, there's no sand in your creation, but seriously, that's a sandwich.

It's really just a salad on a roll.
LOL thats not a burger!

Here's my dream burger- its gotta have cheese and bacon, lotsa bacon!

Also a thick bun to handle all the lovely gooeyness. And it must have fries to go with it (and onion rings).


mine is both healthier and delicious :(
Medium Rare Angus
Fresh Bun.
Sliced cheddar
Onion Rings and a fried egg. The yolk should burst as you bite into it :)
How bout this one and No I havent even thought about it.

World's Largest Hamburgers, Clearfield, Pennsylvania

When it comes to burgers there is no correlation between size and "better". In my experience bigger burgers are often dry and nasty.

An 8-12oz patty tends to make the best burger and if you mix 8 parts 80-20 ground chuck with 2 parts ground lamb, season with salt, pepper and garlic powder then add in one raw egg per pound with some Parmesan cheese and bread crumbs from fresh Ciabatta as a binder you get an awesome burger patty.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: ,yes funny.I may add falafel next time ,enough ?

Unless there's a patty of ground up animal on there, no.
Unless there's a patty of ground up animal on there, no.

I usually dont like meatballs beefs bacons in hamburger but sujuk and mustard would make it great
When it comes to burgers there is no correlation between size and "better". In my experience bigger burgers are often dry and nasty.

An 8-12oz patty tends to make the best burger and if you mix 8 parts 80-20 ground chuck with 2 parts ground lamb, season with salt, pepper and garlic powder then add in one raw egg per pound with some Parmesan cheese and bread crumbs from fresh Ciabatta as a binder you get an awesome burger patty.

I like everything you said. I personally, would pass on the bread for a binder though. never needed a binder for patties.

Also, I absolutely LOVE having chopped onion mixed in with meat so it cooks with the meat.

Other than that - if you start the burgers, I'll bring the beer!!!! :cheers:
I usually dont like meatballs beefs bacons in hamburger but sujuk and mustard would make it great

That's approaching Bratwurst zone. You can make parties out of leaner meat than cow, like Buffalo. Or use other animals like lamb.
Depends on my mood

5 guys burger with jalapenos


or portabella burger ( some pic from the web)


or spicy black bean burger

That's approaching Bratwurst zone. You can make parties out of leaner meat than cow, like Buffalo. Or use other animals like lamb.

I may eat döner burger with lamb meat too.

When it comes to burgers there is no correlation between size and "better". In my experience bigger burgers are often dry and nasty.

An 8-12oz patty tends to make the best burger and if you mix 8 parts 80-20 ground chuck with 2 parts ground lamb, season with salt, pepper and garlic powder then add in one raw egg per pound with some Parmesan cheese and bread crumbs from fresh Ciabatta as a binder you get an awesome burger patty.

meat loaf
When it comes to burgers there is no correlation between size and "better". In my experience bigger burgers are often dry and nasty.

An 8-12oz patty tends to make the best burger and if you mix 8 parts 80-20 ground chuck with 2 parts ground lamb, season with salt, pepper and garlic powder then add in one raw egg per pound with some Parmesan cheese and bread crumbs from fresh Ciabatta as a binder you get an awesome burger patty.

I dont believe size is relevent to dryness or taste. Truth is the cheaper cut of ground beef is the least dry and the best tasting. Remember whenever you talk meat and not dry, its fat that makes it moist. 98% lean ground meat makes a dry burger at medium rare.

Theres a place here that makes 20 ounce burgers they are outrageously good. I ve had it once and my wife and I split it.

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