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Would you let your teenage daughter hangout with a 32 year man? (1 Viewer)

Would you let your teenage daughter hangout with a 32 year old man?

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They made after school specials for a reason.
I dated a 21 year old when I was 32. And, I thought she was too young. 23 to 25 was about as young as I could stand. And, even then, I ended up marrying another 32 year old.

I cannot imagine any normal 32 year old wanting to spend time with a teen.
Pretty simple question. You would or you wouldn't. I'm asking the question in the context that Roy Moore "dated" teenagers. The question is not about weasel ways to avoid the question. No, "If he was a favorite uncle" or "If he was our pastor" or "If he was a dear family friend helping us during a family crisis." None of that.

Roy Moore used to hang out in malls and at high school football games apparently to connect with teenage girls. He "dated" teenage girls when he was 32.

Would you permit your daughter to hangout with a 32 year old man like Roy Moore?

WARNING: This thread is not about Hillary or Bill or Obama. Don't even attempt to derail the thread with "Yeah but Hillary, Bill, Obama..." If you want to talk about Hillary, Bill or Obama start your own thread.

Just curious, what poll results you were expecting to find?
Assuming you aren't lumping 18 and 19-year-olds in with "teenager" then no, I wouldn't. If she was 18 or 19 then it wouldn't be up to me.
Just curious, what poll results you were expecting to find?

Fair question. I expected to find pretty much what we have seen. I didn't expect to see many/any responding favorably to the question.

Adults hanging out with adults at any age variance is generally viewed as a social or moral taboo in the western world. Children under the age of emancipation hanging out with people in their 30's is not viewed as socially acceptable. It seems most of us are clued in to that.

30 something year old men have little to nothing in common with 14 year old girls.

There are a number of issues here, as I see it: cultural, social, developmental, political, religious. For the most part those issues have not been reflected in the poll results.
Assuming you aren't lumping 18 and 19-year-olds in with "teenager" then no, I wouldn't. If she was 18 or 19 then it wouldn't be up to me.

Right, Bob. At 18 they are considered to be capable of making their own decisions.

If, however, at 18 my daughter or son wanted to hangout with a person in their 30s we'd be having some serious discussions. "We" being me, my 18 year old and the 30 something year old. It would be my responsibility as a parent.
Pretty simple question. You would or you wouldn't. I'm asking the question in the context that Roy Moore "dated" teenagers. The question is not about weasel ways to avoid the question. No, "If he was a favorite uncle" or "If he was our pastor" or "If he was a dear family friend helping us during a family crisis." None of that.

Roy Moore used to hang out in malls and at high school football games apparently to connect with teenage girls. He "dated" teenage girls when he was 32.

Would you permit your daughter to hangout with a 32 year old man like Roy Moore?

WARNING: This thread is not about Hillary or Bill or Obama. Don't even attempt to derail the thread with "Yeah but Hillary, Bill, Obama..." If you want to talk about Hillary, Bill or Obama start your own thread.

Depends. If my child is 18 or older then I have no say in who they date. If they are under 18 then they are not dating anybody if I have my way.
Pretty simple question. You would or you wouldn't. I'm asking the question in the context that Roy Moore "dated" teenagers. The question is not about weasel ways to avoid the question. No, "If he was a favorite uncle" or "If he was our pastor" or "If he was a dear family friend helping us during a family crisis." None of that.

Roy Moore used to hang out in malls and at high school football games apparently to connect with teenage girls. He "dated" teenage girls when he was 32.

Would you permit your daughter to hangout with a 32 year old man like Roy Moore?

WARNING: This thread is not about Hillary or Bill or Obama. Don't even attempt to derail the thread with "Yeah but Hillary, Bill, Obama..." If you want to talk about Hillary, Bill or Obama start your own thread.

When I was 18, after choir practice, I frequently went for coffee or a coke, sometimes alone and sometimes with others, with a happy-go-lucky 30 something guy who was in our church choir. I imagine I would have be included if I was 16 or 17. It was 100% platonic, harmless, and innocent. There was never any suggestion made that was out of line. At age 19, I was in a conversation in a car with another guy in 30's or so--a married man at that--who did say he had the impulse to kiss me. I told him I thought it was time to get home and he took me straight home. There was no physical content or any conversation beyond that.

Now consider that it is 20 - 30 - 40 years later and those guys were running for high office. I should be able to step up and ruin their lives by saying that one dated me as a teenager? Or that the other made an improper proposition to me when I was a teenager? Those events/incidents should ruin a person for life?

Give me a break.

Who among us has never done anything or said anything or followed an impulse that we know was wrong or improper or we aren't proud of or we would be embarrassed about if it wound up on the front pages of the newspapers? While real crimes cannot be overlooked or dismissed as irrelevant, I think what and how a person is now is far more important that what they were 20, 30, 40 or more years ago when they weren't under the looking glass of constant scrutiny and when people didn't make inconsequential incidents into huge deals.
When I was 18, after choir practice, I frequently went for coffee or a coke, sometimes alone and sometimes with others, with a happy-go-lucky 30 something guy who was in our church choir. I imagine I would have be included if I was 16 or 17. It was 100% platonic, harmless, and innocent. There was never any suggestion made that was out of line. At age 19, I was in a conversation in a car with another guy in 30's or so--a married man at that--who did say he had the impulse to kiss me. I told him I thought it was time to get home and he took me straight home. There was no physical content or any conversation beyond that.

Now consider that it is 20 - 30 - 40 years later and those guys were running for high office. I should be able to step up and ruin their lives by saying that one dated me as a teenager? Or that the other made an improper proposition to me when I was a teenager? Those events/incidents should ruin a person for life?

Give me a break.

Who among us has never done anything or said anything or followed an impulse that we know was wrong or improper or we aren't proud of or we would be embarrassed about if it wound up on the front pages of the newspapers? While real crimes cannot be overlooked or dismissed as irrelevant, I think what and how a person is now is far more important that what they were 20, 30, 40 or more years ago when they weren't under the looking glass of constant scrutiny and when people didn't make inconsequential incidents into huge deals.

lol...talk about spin.

Here's what Moore did with the 14-year old teen

Corfman told the Post that Moore spent time alone with her. He drove her to his house and kissed her, she told the newspaper. On a second visit, he took off his outer clothes, as well as her shirt and pants, she told the Post. Moore touched her through her bra and underpants and “guided her hand to touch him over his underwear,” according to the Post.


That's a far cry from having coffee or a coke. Isn't it?
lol...talk about spin.

Here's what Moore did with the 14-year old teen

That's a far cry from having coffee or a coke. Isn't it?

The OP did not address this particular incident though did it? The poll does not refer to it either. Deflect much?

Such an incident with a 14 year old would absolutely be a crime that I did not dismiss as unimportant. The incidents I described were not.

But it begs the question of why the person claiming she was 14 is coming forward now and not bringing it up during any of Moore's previous eight elections?

There is room for the possibility that it didn't happen at all.
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The OP did not address this particular incident though did it? The poll does not refer to it either. Deflect much?

Such an incident with a 14 year old would absolutely be a crime that I did not dismiss as unimportant. The incidents I described were not.

But it begs the question of why the person claiming she was 14 is coming forward now and not bringing it up during any of Moore's previous eight elections?

There is room for the possibility that it didn't happen at all.

(bold mine)

Why is there a pattern of sexual predators getting anywhere between 15 to 300 victims before finally being brought down?
Pretty simple question. You would or you wouldn't. I'm asking the question in the context that Roy Moore "dated" teenagers. The question is not about weasel ways to avoid the question. No, "If he was a favorite uncle" or "If he was our pastor" or "If he was a dear family friend helping us during a family crisis." None of that.

Roy Moore used to hang out in malls and at high school football games apparently to connect with teenage girls. He "dated" teenage girls when he was 32.

Would you permit your daughter to hangout with a 32 year old man like Roy Moore?

I have asked this, and the impression I got from most of the people was HELL NO I wouldn't, but they also in the same breath say that it's "illegal" or "it's not child molestation" or any other myriad of excuses. So it's good for other's kids, but not for their own.
For what it's worth, I hate ****ing teenagers, and couldn't imagine myself wanting to date one. I don't even like walking past them in the mall. They just get on my damn nerves.
The OP did not address this particular incident though did it? The poll does not refer to it either. Deflect much?

You directly referenced Moore with your statement "Now consider that it is 20 - 30 - 40 years later and those guys were running for high office. I should be able to step up and ruin their lives by saying that one dated me as a teenager? Or that the other made an improper proposition to me when I was a teenager? Those events/incidents should ruin a person for life?"

Run from your own statements much?
My bff in HS dated a guy who was 26 at the time...she was 16 and her mother allowed it, which I never understood...they ended up getting married but it didn't last long...he was a real pervert from the git go...the things he did, he would have been arrested for now and I'm not talkin' just about dating my bff...

a girl on a varsity team I coached in college (she was a junior meaning 20/21) was dating a guy who was in his second year of medical school residency and had been dating since she was a freshman. I thought it was really strange and that this girl had some "issues". I was correct and she was later removed from the team by both a vote of the team along with I and the AD. we have seen numerous cases of wealthy older men-including guys like Frank Sinatra hooking up with Mia Farrow for example-bedding much younger women. I guess you can see the men as predatory but I also wonder WTF the women or in some cases, girls thinking
For what it's worth, I hate ****ing teenagers, and couldn't imagine myself wanting to date one. I don't even like walking past them in the mall. They just get on my damn nerves.

Hey! :lol:
Pretty simple question. You would or you wouldn't. I'm asking the question in the context that Roy Moore "dated" teenagers. The question is not about weasel ways to avoid the question. No, "If he was a favorite uncle" or "If he was our pastor" or "If he was a dear family friend helping us during a family crisis." None of that.

Roy Moore used to hang out in malls and at high school football games apparently to connect with teenage girls. He "dated" teenage girls when he was 32.

Would you permit your daughter to hangout with a 32 year old man like Roy Moore?

WARNING: This thread is not about Hillary or Bill or Obama. Don't even attempt to derail the thread with "Yeah but Hillary, Bill, Obama..." If you want to talk about Hillary, Bill or Obama start your own thread.

No. In my opinion no reasonable parent would.
For what it's worth, I hate ****ing teenagers, and couldn't imagine myself wanting to date one. I don't even like walking past them in the mall. They just get on my damn nerves.

Tell us how you really feel. :lol:
a girl on a varsity team I coached in college (she was a junior meaning 20/21) was dating a guy who was in his second year of medical school residency and had been dating since she was a freshman. I thought it was really strange and that this girl had some "issues". I was correct and she was later removed from the team by both a vote of the team along with I and the AD. we have seen numerous cases of wealthy older men-including guys like Frank Sinatra hooking up with Mia Farrow for example-bedding much younger women. I guess you can see the men as predatory but I also wonder WTF the women or in some cases, girls thinking

Yeah, I don't get it either.
Just like Ray Donovan, season 1, episode 1.

Do you want the bag or the bat?

Never saw the show, but I understand the phrase.
Yeah, I don't get it either.

back a few years, (Think Anna Nicole Slut), I believe David Letterman walked the streets of NYC with a picture of that guy she was married too (who was dead by the time) and showed his picture to attractive 20-35 year old women (I am guessing at their ages but they were easily young enough to be the daughter or grand daughter of the deceased) . He would ask the women if they thought this man was someone they'd hook up with or if he was attractive. the responses were predictable

Gag me
You crazy

well the last women he interviewed was a funny black lady and she said-"Whats the catch or something like that. And DL told her the guy was worth near a billion.

and the woman said

Pretty simple question. You would or you wouldn't. I'm asking the question in the context that Roy Moore "dated" teenagers. The question is not about weasel ways to avoid the question. No, "If he was a favorite uncle" or "If he was our pastor" or "If he was a dear family friend helping us during a family crisis." None of that.

Roy Moore used to hang out in malls and at high school football games apparently to connect with teenage girls. He "dated" teenage girls when he was 32.

Would you permit your daughter to hangout with a 32 year old man like Roy Moore?

WARNING: This thread is not about Hillary or Bill or Obama. Don't even attempt to derail the thread with "Yeah but Hillary, Bill, Obama..." If you want to talk about Hillary, Bill or Obama start your own thread.

Obviously, I don't have a daughter, but if I did, I would definitely not allow that. No way, Jose.
The OP did not address this particular incident though did it? The poll does not refer to it either. Deflect much?

Such an incident with a 14 year old would absolutely be a crime that I did not dismiss as unimportant. The incidents I described were not.

But it begs the question of why the person claiming she was 14 is coming forward now and not bringing it up during any of Moore's previous eight elections?

There is room for the possibility that it didn't happen at all.

I'm sure you're clinging to that idea.
Anyone that tells you that they would not let their 16-year-old daughter hangout with a 32-year-old man doesn't know teenagers today. You tell her that and you can bet she will. Remember the age of consent is different in every state. If she is over the age of consent, you the parent no longer have a say in it.

Think about it this way, do you support a 16-year-old being able to have an abortion without her parents permission? If so, they why do you balk at who she decides to date? Why is she an adult in one case and not the other.

I'm a father to one teenage girl. I've been a stepfather to six, including two girls who have already went through their teenage years. And I've got another one that I just take care of. So, yes, I've been there. The best that you can do is explain why it isn't a good idea and hope that you have raised her to make good decisions.

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