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Would you let your teenage daughter hangout with a 32 year man? (1 Viewer)

Would you let your teenage daughter hangout with a 32 year old man?

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Pretty simple question. You would or you wouldn't. I'm asking the question in the context that Roy Moore "dated" teenagers. The question is not about weasel ways to avoid the question. No, "If he was a favorite uncle" or "If he was our pastor" or "If he was a dear family friend helping us during a family crisis." None of that.

Roy Moore used to hang out in malls and at high school football games apparently to connect with teenage girls. He "dated" teenage girls when he was 32.

Would you permit your daughter to hangout with a 32 year old man like Roy Moore?

WARNING: This thread is not about Hillary or Bill or Obama. Don't even attempt to derail the thread with "Yeah but Hillary, Bill, Obama..." If you want to talk about Hillary, Bill or Obama start your own thread.

Only if he is able to show me that he is carrying a legit condom in his wallet.

BS, am just kidding. Get your scroungy ass off my lawn punk before my boot acquaints your butthole with your throat.
Anyone that tells you that they would not let their 16-year-old daughter hangout with a 32-year-old man doesn't know teenagers today. You tell her that and you can bet she will. Remember the age of consent is different in every state. If she is over the age of consent, you the parent no longer have a say in it.

Think about it this way, do you support a 16-year-old being able to have an abortion without her parents permission? If so, they why do you balk at who she decides to date? Why is she an adult in one case and not the other.

I'm a father to one teenage girl. I've been a stepfather to six, including two girls who have already went through their teenage years. And I've got another one that I just take care of. So, yes, I've been there. The best that you can do is explain why it isn't a good idea and hope that you have raised her to make good decisions.

I have a 14 year old, a 16 year old, and a 17 year old. If a 30 something year old man took a sexual interest in my 14 year old he is going to jail. If the guy took a sexual interest in my 16 or 17 year old, I am going to jail after I beat him within an inch of his ****in life.
I dated a 21 year old when I was 32. And, I thought she was too young. 23 to 25 was about as young as I could stand. And, even then, I ended up marrying another 32 year old.

I cannot imagine any normal 32 year old wanting to spend time with a teen.

They would not. The only reason to do so is control and sex. Agree with you on the 23-25 range which is IMO when most young adults start coming into their own. So much maturity happens between 18 and then, of course you can't tell them that during the transition, as a parent you just have to wait. My 27yo laughs now at how much he thought he knew at 18, lol.
I know you said yes or no, it really just depends here. I'd need ages here OP. 14 year old? Maybe, maybe not. Under 14, absolutely not. 15.. depends on the guy.

16 and up (before 18 though).

Yeah. I would. I'd probably do more 'screening' (ie see the quality of guy she wants to hangout with) but would be more open to it than most people in our day and age.

Case A: 15 year old daughter wants to hangout with 30 year old guy, no tattoos, no smoking, no drinking, he served in the military, started a business or worked his way up in a company and can provide, seems like a decent guy, is polite and respectable; yes sir no sir, very HQ man... YES. (my daughter would presumably look and act much older than she is, just for clarification)

Case B: 16 year old daughter wants to hangout with burnout airhead 32 year old guy, covered in tattoos, sags his pants, is an ex con, in and out of jail, no job; not because he CAN'T find work but because he will NOT find work (like a Charles Manson type figure) and so on. No.

I think the whole 'oh muh gerd, someone over 18 finds 15 or 16 yr old girls attractive, MONSTERPEDO' thing is overblown. I'm sick of it. There's a difference between a 25 year old liking a 17 year old and a 70 year old jerking it to like 10 year olds. There is a difference between a sick pedophile, and just some heterosexual normal guy wanting to screw young women.

18 year olds who screw 16 year olds routinely have their entire lives and futures RUINED all for doing what God made them to do. Womanize. Just another one of society's anti-male rules which seek to legislate morality.

If 16 year olds can't consent, why do we have shows like 16 and pregnant?

I'm more concerned about shows like honey boo boo and the sick pedos who get off on THAT, not people banging high school chicks.

When society demonizes men not for wanting to hurt little kids, but for wanting to screw 16 year olds, it's ridiculous really. I find it despicable, that society is doing that.

In the civil war, this kind of arrangement was just, normal.

If my daughter ever wanted to date a 32 year old, and he was HQ etc etc. Sure. I'm voting yes. I see nothing wrong with it.

INB4 pedophile hurr durr etc etc.

****ing witch-hunts I tell you.
East coast of Canada, near Halifax NS.
Country living, and the city is 20-30 minutes away. Live with our kids, in law suite, so we see the 2 Grandchildren every day.
Life is beautiful

Sounds like it. On our last road trip, we went to Maine, and wanted to go to that area, but were just too flipping tired. We figured we'd save it for another trip.
When I was 18, after choir practice, I frequently went for coffee or a coke, sometimes alone and sometimes with others, with a happy-go-lucky 30 something guy who was in our church choir. I imagine I would have be included if I was 16 or 17. It was 100% platonic, harmless, and innocent. There was never any suggestion made that was out of line. At age 19, I was in a conversation in a car with another guy in 30's or so--a married man at that--who did say he had the impulse to kiss me. I told him I thought it was time to get home and he took me straight home. There was no physical content or any conversation beyond that.

Now consider that it is 20 - 30 - 40 years later and those guys were running for high office. I should be able to step up and ruin their lives by saying that one dated me as a teenager? Or that the other made an improper proposition to me when I was a teenager? Those events/incidents should ruin a person for life?

Give me a break.

Who among us has never done anything or said anything or followed an impulse that we know was wrong or improper or we aren't proud of or we would be embarrassed about if it wound up on the front pages of the newspapers? While real crimes cannot be overlooked or dismissed as irrelevant, I think what and how a person is now is far more important that what they were 20, 30, 40 or more years ago when they weren't under the looking glass of constant scrutiny and when people didn't make inconsequential incidents into huge deals.

OK, you win. Based on your experience 30 plus year olds should hangout with teenagers. What could go wrong? :unsure13: Rock on in ABQ and best of luck. :shock:
I know you said yes or no, it really just depends here. I'd need ages here OP. 14 year old? Maybe, maybe not. Under 14, absolutely not. 15.. depends on the guy.

16 and up (before 18 though).

Yeah. I would. I'd probably do more 'screening' (ie see the quality of guy she wants to hangout with) but would be more open to it than most people in our day and age.

Case A: 15 year old daughter wants to hangout with 30 year old guy, no tattoos, no smoking, no drinking, he served in the military, started a business or worked his way up in a company and can provide, seems like a decent guy, is polite and respectable; yes sir no sir, very HQ man... YES. (my daughter would presumably look and act much older than she is, just for clarification)

Case B: 16 year old daughter wants to hangout with burnout airhead 32 year old guy, covered in tattoos, sags his pants, is an ex con, in and out of jail, no job; not because he CAN'T find work but because he will NOT find work (like a Charles Manson type figure) and so on. No.

I think the whole 'oh muh gerd, someone over 18 finds 15 or 16 yr old girls attractive, MONSTERPEDO' thing is overblown. I'm sick of it. There's a difference between a 25 year old liking a 17 year old and a 70 year old jerking it to like 10 year olds. There is a difference between a sick pedophile, and just some heterosexual normal guy wanting to screw young women.

18 year olds who screw 16 year olds routinely have their entire lives and futures RUINED all for doing what God made them to do. Womanize. Just another one of society's anti-male rules which seek to legislate morality.

If 16 year olds can't consent, why do we have shows like 16 and pregnant?

I'm more concerned about shows like honey boo boo and the sick pedos who get off on THAT, not people banging high school chicks.

When society demonizes men not for wanting to hurt little kids, but for wanting to screw 16 year olds, it's ridiculous really. I find it despicable, that society is doing that.

In the civil war, this kind of arrangement was just, normal.

If my daughter ever wanted to date a 32 year old, and he was HQ etc etc. Sure. I'm voting yes. I see nothing wrong with it.

INB4 pedophile hurr durr etc etc.

****ing witch-hunts I tell you.

Groove on this, stay away from my children.
Groove on this, stay away from my children.

You probably don't even have children. (for reasons I don't need to explain. INB4 World of Warcraft, INb4 Neckbeardia)

Teenage women aren't children anyways. They're not going to be pure snowflakes forever dude. One of em is going to star in a porno with like 8 black dudes and get destroyed, that is, if you keep the strict, puritan mindset up.

Do YOU want to see your daughter get destroyed by BBCs when she gets older?
You probably don't even have children. (for reasons I don't need to explain. INB4 World of Warcraft, INb4 Neckbeardia)

Teenage women aren't children anyways. They're not going to be pure snowflakes forever dude. One of em is going to star in a porno with like 8 black dudes and get destroyed, that is, if you keep the strict, puritan mindset up.

Do YOU want to see your daughter get destroyed by BBCs when she gets older?

What is wrong with you?
Would you let your teenage daughter hangout with a 32 year old man?

did it
15 year old daughter wanted to go out socially with her 30+ marketing teacher
[like moore) the fellow asked my wife and me first, if it would be ok with us
my wife had taught with him and knew him to appear to be a decent sort
i also knew him as the coach of a team i officiated
was wary of the age difference but not so much the character of the guy
no problems happened that i am aware of
and a few years later he married a young woman one year younger than my daughter
last time i saw them, then remained a publicly happy couple

had that history not transpired, i would have been among the group of forum members who voted 'no ****ing way'
What is wrong with you?

Look, I know your knee is jerking with this reaction. You're a woman, emotions get tied up. I get it. I understand. But just try to think logically about this one.

Are men and women equal? Do we have equal rights? Yes or no? Okay.

Okay well, can a woman choose what to do with her own body? Yes? Can she have an abortion if she wants one? Yes?

Well then why the hell can she not have sex?

Because of some socially determined age that is so taboo? That's all? Really? That's it?

Women have won the right the vote, did they not? They can serve in the military. They are EQUAL to men now.

So I believe our laws ought to reflect that.

If men and women are not equal, that's sexist. By definition it is.

At 13, I remember talking with my buddies and just bantering about pounding out my 2nd period teacher. We were 13 mind you. If I at 13 had of screwed my 2nd period teacher; I would have been held up by my friends as a hotshot. A big shot.

But if you change the genders, now we all cry monster. Why? Because man. That's why. Man. It's just anti-male bull****. It's a carry over from an era when women were seen as pure special little snowflakes who couldn't have sex with a Chinaman, a black man or a Native American or else she was "raped". You had to guard her honor etc.

Don't women mature faster than men?


I never said it was okay for someone over 18 to go out and **** a 5 year old, that's NOT what i'm saying.

If you want to see an 18 year old senior dating a 15 year old sophomore as a pedophile, then so be it. But you are indeed on the wrong side of history on this one.

You of all people should understand and know what love is. You're a woman! Love has no boundaries, it knows nothing. It just feels.

These laws are a carry over from a time when women didn't have many rights, they did NOT have control over their own bodies. So why do we have laws like this on the books today in a so called modern age?

They can have an abortion.. but they can't have sex even after they hit puberty?

Isn't this a little.. backwards.

All people want to protect their child, I get that. I'd beat someone w/ a wiffle ball bat if he touched my 5 or 8 year old. But 15 or 16? Well. Things are different. Times have changed, people mature, people hit puberty and they know and understand sex now.

Saying women cannot consent to sex is saying they aren't smart enough or mature enough; which is dis-empowering and archaic. Is it not?

To conclude, how do you retort?
Look, I know your knee is jerking with this reaction. You're a woman, emotions get tied up. I get it. I understand. But just try to think logically about this one.

Are men and women equal? Do we have equal rights? Yes or no? Okay.

Okay well, can a woman choose what to do with her own body? Yes? Can she have an abortion if she wants one? Yes?

Well then why the hell can she not have sex?

Because of some socially determined age that is so taboo? That's all? Really? That's it?

Women have won the right the vote, did they not? They can serve in the military. They are EQUAL to men now.

So I believe our laws ought to reflect that.

If men and women are not equal, that's sexist. By definition it is.

At 13, I remember talking with my buddies and just bantering about pounding out my 2nd period teacher. We were 13 mind you. If I at 13 had of screwed my 2nd period teacher; I would have been held up by my friends as a hotshot. A big shot.

But if you change the genders, now we all cry monster. Why? Because man. That's why. Man. It's just anti-male bull****. It's a carry over from an era when women were seen as pure special little snowflakes who couldn't have sex with a Chinaman, a black man or a Native American or else she was "raped". You had to guard her honor etc.

Don't women mature faster than men?


I never said it was okay for someone over 18 to go out and **** a 5 year old, that's NOT what i'm saying.

If you want to see an 18 year old senior dating a 15 year old sophomore as a pedophile, then so be it. But you are indeed on the wrong side of history on this one.

You of all people should understand and know what love is. You're a woman! Love has no boundaries, it knows nothing. It just feels.

These laws are a carry over from a time when women didn't have many rights, they did NOT have control over their own bodies. So why do we have laws like this on the books today in a so called modern age?

They can have an abortion.. but they can't have sex even after they hit puberty?

Isn't this a little.. backwards.

All people want to protect their child, I get that. I'd beat someone w/ a wiffle ball bat if he touched my 5 or 8 year old. But 15 or 16? Well. Things are different. Times have changed, people mature, people hit puberty and they know and understand sex now.

Saying women cannot consent to sex is saying they aren't smart enough or mature enough; which is dis-empowering and archaic. Is it not?

To conclude, how do you retort?

Do you always beat around the bush to get to the top of the mountain?:roll:
Look, I know your knee is jerking with this reaction. You're a woman, emotions get tied up. I get it. I understand. But just try to think logically about this one.

Are men and women equal? Do we have equal rights? Yes or no? Okay.

Okay well, can a woman choose what to do with her own body? Yes? Can she have an abortion if she wants one? Yes?

Well then why the hell can she not have sex?

Because of some socially determined age that is so taboo? That's all? Really? That's it?

Women have won the right the vote, did they not? They can serve in the military. They are EQUAL to men now.

So I believe our laws ought to reflect that.

If men and women are not equal, that's sexist. By definition it is.

At 13, I remember talking with my buddies and just bantering about pounding out my 2nd period teacher. We were 13 mind you. If I at 13 had of screwed my 2nd period teacher; I would have been held up by my friends as a hotshot. A big shot.

But if you change the genders, now we all cry monster. Why? Because man. That's why. Man. It's just anti-male bull****. It's a carry over from an era when women were seen as pure special little snowflakes who couldn't have sex with a Chinaman, a black man or a Native American or else she was "raped". You had to guard her honor etc.

Don't women mature faster than men?


I never said it was okay for someone over 18 to go out and **** a 5 year old, that's NOT what i'm saying.

If you want to see an 18 year old senior dating a 15 year old sophomore as a pedophile, then so be it. But you are indeed on the wrong side of history on this one.

You of all people should understand and know what love is. You're a woman! Love has no boundaries, it knows nothing. It just feels.

These laws are a carry over from a time when women didn't have many rights, they did NOT have control over their own bodies. So why do we have laws like this on the books today in a so called modern age?

They can have an abortion.. but they can't have sex even after they hit puberty?

Isn't this a little.. backwards

All people want to protect their child, I get that. I'd beat someone w/ a wiffle ball bat if he touched my 5 or 8 year old. But 15 or 16? Well. Things are different. Times have changed, people mature, people hit puberty and they know and understand sex now.

Saying women cannot consent to sex is saying they aren't smart enough or mature enough; which is dis-empowering and archaic. Is it not?

To conclude, how do you retort?

"We are going to outlaw it even though we know a lot of youth will do it and we will look the other way every single time unless we decide after the fact that THIS TIME a crime has been committed and THIS TIME some guy/boy needs to get the **** beat out of him "TO SEND A MESSAGE"".

Kinda Screwy, and that sure aint what justice looks like.

Look at what we model to our kids.

We are stupid.
How old is this said teenager, because I happen to know that sometimes people around here claim that 18 year olds are teenagers.....

What part of eigh-TEEN don't you get?
I voted 'probably' and here is why.

As a parent, you have to show restraint. You cannot lock your daughter in her room all day. you can't follow her to school every day.

If a teenager is going to do something, they are going to do it. As a parent, you are powerless in being able to control your children's lives. Even if you try, once they turn 18 they can do whatever they want and you have no power in stopping them.

So the question is somewhat flawed. As a parent, you cannot control who you let your teenage daughter hang out. If she wants to hang out with a 32-year man, she will do it.
"We are going to outlaw it even though we know a lot of youth will do it and we will look the other way every single time unless we decide after the fact that THIS TIME a crime has been committed and THIS TIME some guy/boy needs to get the **** beat out of him "TO SEND A MESSAGE"".

Kinda Screwy, and that sure aint what justice looks like.

Look at what we model to our kids.

We are stupid.

Not to mention how prison is more centered around punishment than rehabilitation. American prisons at least smh.
I voted 'probably' and here is why.

As a parent, you have to show restraint. You cannot lock your daughter in her room all day. you can't follow her to school every day.

If a teenager is going to do something, they are going to do it. As a parent, you are powerless in being able to control your children's lives. Even if you try, once they turn 18 they can do whatever they want and you have no power in stopping them.

So the question is somewhat flawed. As a parent, you cannot control who you let your teenage daughter hang out. If she wants to hang out with a 32-year man, she will do it.

True but I can still voice my opinion...and usually do...:mrgreen:
You wish...honey...

Why the extra dots? Miss me? It hasn't even been an hour. Honey. We agreed on this.

And you went back on your word.

I assume you know what this means, you being down south and all.


Down south.

That's where you just came back from. On me.

You're not going to win this one Elvis.
It shouldn't be hard for anyone to admit that someone trolling for an underage partner, victim, liaison, relationship , hook up is creepy at the least. Elvis and Roy included.
Considering that we came up with the numbers before childhood even existed I will take a pass.

Anyone under 20 is a teenager. Creepy how some don't see a 32 year old guy trolling the mall, local high school classes and high school football games not normal. A 32 y/o West Point grad, Asst. DA doesn't go after teens if he/she isn't socially inept, immature or some kind of perv or deviant. Or is defending this behavior some kind of man thing?

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