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Women and Wearing Hats..... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 26, 2012
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Chicago Illinois
Political Leaning
Do our Ladies of Debate Politics wear Hats? If so what kind of Hats? Why do you wear a Hat other than for a Specific purpose such as Winter or a Funeral? Or just to hold down your hair in the wind. Course we have women that wear Cowboy Hats, Gangster Hats, Straw Hats, but they have others. Caps and Berets. Also Ladies do you have to wear a hat for Work? If so, How do you feel about that?


For the Guys of the DP crew. Do you like when a woman wears a hat? Do you think it adds to their sex appeal? Who Looks better with a hat.....women with short hair or women with long hair.

Would you say American women wear hats more Often than Other women around the World or vice versa?
I like the cow girl hat, the rest suck.

Heya SL. :2wave: But have ya seen women that go to Church that wear like Sunday Dress Hats One of those Big brimmed ones? Would women wearing other Hats turn you off?

What about a Bowler?

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Heya SL. :2wave: But have ya seen women that go to Church that wear like Sunday Dress Hast One of those Big brimmed ones? Would women wearing other Hats turn you off?

That judge on idol, the black lady with blonde hair was wearing hats for a while, she looked pretty hot.

That judge on idol, the black lady with blonde hair was wearing hats for a while, she looked pretty hot.

Nicki Manaj? Yeah....well she is an entertainer. So she wants people to notice her. I would think that plays a part in a woman wanting to wear a hat. Also with that Chick look at how many wigs she wears too. We use to call the Wigs a Helmet. :lol:
Hot chicks in baseball caps and jerseys give me serious chub.




Um...yes please.
Several years ago I saw Morganna (Baseball's "Kissing Bandit") wear three hats at once. It was rather impressive!!
Hot chicks in baseball caps and jerseys give me serious chub.

Um...yes please.

How about Women with Floppy Hats? Oh wait .....considering it is you. :lol: Let me rephrase that. Would you complain if they wore a floppy hat. :2razz:

I don't think the hats matter in those pics.:lol:

Sprinkles make a delicious hot fudge sundae even better.

I'd look for average looking women that become hotter in a baseball cap and jersey, but you have to be gorgeous to be on the internet...or laughably ugly.
I have a couple of cowboy hats (although my good one needs to be reshaped or replaced) and a few ball caps. (This is of course disregarding my military covers.) I have worn my cowboy hat out dancing on occasion, but it's been a while. It's over a decade old, but I can't seem to find another that I like it or that I like, nor a place to get it reshaped that is close by. My ball caps are worn usually with a pony tail to somewhere casual.
I have one of those bowling ball heads. Almost all hats look bad on me, or simply don't fit.

I found one hat that actually looked good when I was 14 years old, and it is still my only hat to this day, because I have not found any others that do.

I wear it in winter pretty much exclusively. I don't like hat hair. But I also don't like freezing my ass off. So that's the purpose it serves.

It looks a lot like this.

I would venture a guess (just a guess) that American women tend to wear hats less than others around the globe. Typically, the only hats I wear are wide-brim hats to keep the sun off my face, when I work in the garden or go fishing.
Cute girls can wear anything, no nothing at all... :mrgreen:

Out here lots of ladies wear hats for the sun. Most are cute, but like I once said of a young waitress where we ate lunch everyday the tactical school was open- "Fellas, I have seen her a dozen times and to this day I STILL can't tell you what color her eyes are!"

I guess I don't care much about what is on a lady's head...
I have a couple of cowboy hats (although my good one needs to be reshaped or replaced) and a few ball caps. (This is of course disregarding my military covers.) I have worn my cowboy hat out dancing on occasion, but it's been a while. It's over a decade old, but I can't seem to find another that I like it or that I like, nor a place to get it reshaped that is close by. My ball caps are worn usually with a pony tail to somewhere casual.

Heya RN. :2wave: Thanks for sharing. Are you still in the Service? Do you have long hair or med? Have you ever had a guy ask ya to wear a Hat?
Why is this in the sexuality section? How is this about sex? It's about style. :roll:
Do our Ladies of Debate Politics wear Hats? If so what kind of Hats? Why do you wear a Hat other than for a Specific purpose such as Winter or a Funeral? Or just to hold down your hair in the wind. Course we have women that wear Cowboy Hats, Gangster Hats, Straw Hats, but they have others. Caps and Berets. Also Ladies do you have to wear a hat for Work? If so, How do you feel about that?


For the Guys of the DP crew. Do you like when a woman wears a hat? Do you think it adds to their sex appeal? Who Looks better with a hat.....women with short hair or women with long hair.

Would you say American women wear hats more Often than Other women around the World or vice versa?

I wear hats occasionally, but they really aren't very popular anymore. Most women do not wear hats unless they are going to a special occasion. I do like them though.
Still wondering why this thread is in the sex and sexuality section. Same with the women and tattoos thread. What do either of these things have to do with sex and sexuality?
Not big on hats, I wear them for utilitarian reasons, out working in the yard or painting (which never seems to stop it getting in my hair anyway, lol) but have never worn one for dressing up.
Still wondering why this thread is in the sex and sexuality section. Same with the women and tattoos thread. What do either of these things have to do with sex and sexuality?

Does Sex appeal have something to do with sex? Do you think the Clothing that males and females wear are part of sexuality?

Were you still confused? :roll:

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