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Will you be following Obama's Advice? (1 Viewer)

Will You be Selling Obamacare at Thanksgiving?

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • No

    Votes: 53 93.0%

  • Total voters


Computer Gaming Nerd
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2013
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Organizing for Action has urged Americans to go to their Thanksgiving dinners armed with talking points ready to talk to family about Obamacare.

Are you going to be one of them?
The poll question does not match the accompanying post question. So my answer is no to the poll question and likely yes to the post question. ;)
Oh I am sure it will be discussed, just perhaps in a different light than some would prefer.
For clarity, this is what he is talking about: It's time to have the talk

On the list of things to bitch and complain about, this doesn't even merit consideration.
For clarity, this is what he is talking about: It's time to have the talk

On the list of things to bitch and complain about, this doesn't even merit consideration.

I disagree. The POTUS wishing folks to encourage participation in the latest mandated income redistribution scheme does merit consideration.
Why would anyone "sell" O-Care? I don't try to convince anyone to try anything unless I like the product or I'm getting compensated. Otherwise 0-Care needs to either sell itself or the Obama admin needs to convince people to want it.
No. It's bad enough to argue about senseless family matters, why bring politics to a Thanksgiving gathering?
I disagree. The POTUS wishing folks to encourage participation in the latest mandated income redistribution scheme does merit consideration.

That's a bit over the top. It's really a rather mundane public service bit. And being insured is important.
Organizing for Action has urged Americans to go to their Thanksgiving dinners armed with talking points ready to talk to family about Obamacare.

Are you going to be one of them?

I'm quite certain that my fiance is praying nobody brings it up on Thursday. There's already enough drama in her family and having me verbally assault whoever might try to "sell" it at dinner is not going to help anything.
That's a bit over the top. It's really a rather mundane public service bit. And being insured is important.

In case you missed it, over 5 million citizens that are now insured were told that their current medical care insurance policy was deemed to be "crap" by PPACA and will no longer be offered for renewal in 2014. In many cases the "better" replacement policy will cost more than they can comfortably afford, or the cost of replacement insurance remains a mystery since the PPACA website is inoperable.
Organizing for Action has urged Americans to go to their Thanksgiving dinners armed with talking points ready to talk to family about Obamacare.

Are you going to be one of them?

Obamatrons won't stop at anything, even ruining a holiday tradition, to spout their leader's mantra.

If I was an American and hosting a Thanksgiving meal this week, I'd be sure to set the groundrules as guests walk through the door - if you talk politics, you'll be politely asked to leave - if you refuse to leave, you'll be ushered out the door.
Will You be Selling Obamacare at Thanksgiving?

my parents are on medicare, and i have insurance, so probably not. we will talk about the best way to steal money from rich people in order to give it to the lazy poor, though. then we'll giggle madly, lick blood from our palms, and light cigars with our welfare checks. after dessert, we plan to burn the Koch brothers in effigy.
In case you missed it, over 5 million citizens that are now insured were told that their current medical care insurance policy was deemed to be "crap" by PPACA and will no longer be offered for renewal in 2014. In many cases the "better" replacement policy will cost more than they can comfortably afford, or the cost of replacement insurance remains a mystery since the PPACA website is inoperable.

Well, crap is crap, and quality usually costs more. Your point? ;)
Organizing for Action has urged Americans to go to their Thanksgiving dinners armed with talking points ready to talk to family about Obamacare.

Are you going to be one of them?

Nope, we keep politics and religion discussion as far from the table and house as we can on Thanksgiving. Nothing good has ever come from those types of discussions.
Well, crap is crap, and quality usually costs more. Your point? ;)

Define 'crap'.

My plan was fine, covered everything I needed, my deductible was manageable, and my copays reasonable.

Now they want to eliminate the copays, raise the deductible, and raise the premium.

Exactly why was my old plan 'crap'?
Organizing for Action has urged Americans to go to their Thanksgiving dinners armed with talking points ready to talk to family about Obamacare.

Are you going to be one of them?

IF the topic comes up, it'll likely be a bitch session about it. Not a sales pitch for Obamacare here.
Define 'crap'.

My plan was fine, covered everything I needed, my deductible was manageable, and my copays reasonable.

Now they want to eliminate the copays, raise the deductible, and raise the premium.

Exactly why was my old plan 'crap'?

You see, you don't really know what's good for you. Where as the Washington DC liberal / progressive / Democrats really know what you need far, far better than you do, as it typical for any liberal / progressive / Democrat.

My advice? Keep voting for them, and you'll get more of the same.
Well, crap is crap, and quality usually costs more. Your point? ;)

Is it better to keep a "crappy" car that takes you to/from your job or to be forced to replace it with a "better" one that you cannot afford? ;)
Define 'crap'.

My plan was fine, covered everything I needed, my deductible was manageable, and my copays reasonable.

Now they want to eliminate the copays, raise the deductible, and raise the premium.

Exactly why was my old plan 'crap'?

First, if a policy doesn't cover things needed, it's crap. Many did not cover enough on the whole. As these are group polices, you personally are not the issue.

I'll look for it later, as I'm about to leave for awhile, but PBS put out a report showing little of these drops are actually related to ACA, but the normal yearly drops that occur often, and have occurred over the years. But, companies are more than willing to let you blame ACA.
Why would anyone "sell" O-Care? I don't try to convince anyone to try anything unless I like the product or I'm getting compensated. Otherwise 0-Care needs to either sell itself or the Obama admin needs to convince people to want it.

Most people have been so deluded by the lies of the right that they believe most of the **** those charlatans are shoveling. I'm not saying Obamacare is perfect (oh, it is not), but there's people who haven't even checked it out because they're convinced they're going to get screwed, even if they're not.

No. It's bad enough to argue about senseless family matters, why bring politics to a Thanksgiving gathering?

You are apparently not Irish.

For the record, I will not be "selling Obamacare" at Thanksgiving, because I don't have to. My family is smart enough and well-off enough to know how to get decent insurance.
First, if a policy doesn't cover things needed, it's crap. Many did not cover enough on the whole. As these are group polices, you personally are not the issue.

I'll look for it later, as I'm about to leave for awhile, but PBS put out a report showing little of these drops are actually related to ACA, but the normal yearly drops that occur often, and have occurred over the years. But, companies are more than willing to let you blame ACA.

In other words, f*** you, its better for the group, because (gov't funded) PBS says so. ;)
Oh I am sure it will be discussed, just perhaps in a different light than some would prefer.

Well, if it's discussed in your presence, Fisher, be prepared for lots of dumbass comments. Most people don't know **** about it. You, on the other hand, know more than the average bear.
Nope, we keep politics and religion discussion as far from the table and house as we can on Thanksgiving. Nothing good has ever come from those types of discussions.

There's certain relatives we don't discuss those matters around, but when it's just my mom, stepdad, brother, and my stepdad's brother's family, we can talk about them without throwing yams at each other, even when we disagree.
Is it better to keep a "crappy" car that takes you to/from your job or to be forced to replace it with a "better" one that you cannot afford? ;)

Not sure those are comparable. That crappy car is no good if it doesn't do the job.
In other words, f*** you, its better for the group, because (gov't funded) PBS says so. ;)

No, PBS said the companies were doing this anyway and have been doing it for years. Not that because it is better for the group.

And PBS is quite independent. And more accurate than Fox. ;)

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