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Why? (1 Viewer)

Oct 4, 2018
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Is it that when some illegal immigrant tries to enter my country with their kid & in route the kid dies I’m suppose to feel bad. The parents are the ones to blame, not the USA. I also love how when terrible thing happens to these illegals, the Trump administration is to blame. He’s a simple fix, STOP COMING HERE ILLEGALLY.
Is it that when some illegal immigrant tries to enter my country with their kid & in route the kid dies I’m suppose to feel bad.

So if a child dies you should only feel bad about it if you personally murdered the kid?
We can feel bad about it. We should.

But I would bet a dollar to a donut that the people in charge, once they discovered the little girl in stress, busted their butt, as if it were their own child they were tending to, to help that poor child.

The parents, in their desperation, took a chance that risked the life of their child. They lost. It's sad but no one here in America should feel guilty about it or shoulder the blame.

I feel sorry for the little girl and the parents. But I don't blame the gringos.
Yes, you should feel bad about the death of any child even in cases when their death was caused by the criminal or negligent act of another. Perhaps you should smoke less green if the death of a child evokes no feeling of empathy for that loss.
Yes, you should feel bad about the death of any child even in cases when their death was caused by the criminal or negligent act of another. Perhaps you should smoke less green if the death of a child evokes no feeling of empathy for that loss.

If I smoke enough weed not only do I feel bad for all the dead children, I feel bad for all the dead leaves on the ground.
Is it that when some illegal immigrant tries to enter my country with their kid & in route the kid dies I’m suppose to feel bad. The parents are the ones to blame, not the USA. I also love how when terrible thing happens to these illegals, the Trump administration is to blame. He’s a simple fix, STOP COMING HERE ILLEGALLY.[/QU

Its pointless to argue with close minded people who lack humanity. Seven year old children have little to no say in anything. Parents fault...US fault....who cares, a child died. The circumstances are being looked at.
Good. Now, don’t you think you should ALWAYS feel bad about a child dying? Perhaps you meant to sayl “feel bad” instead of “feel guilty”?

I feel so bad we should let all illegals in and forget about our sovereignty so no more chikdren die due to parents not providing for their childs nutritional needs on the journey. Giving your child food and water is just so damn difficult. Makes one wonder if the child was even theirs.
I feel so bad we should let all illegals in and forget about our sovereignty so no more chikdren die due to parents not providing for their childs nutritional needs on the journey. Giving your child food and water is just so damn difficult. Makes one wonder if the child was even theirs.

I don’t know why. Every year several American children die in cars because their own parents left them in hot cars. Some even claiming they forgot about them. People don’t automatically acquire good judgement just because they had a kid, unfortunately.
I feel so bad we should let all illegals in and forget about our sovereignty so no more chikdren die due to parents not providing for their childs nutritional needs on the journey. Giving your child food and water is just so damn difficult. Makes one wonder if the child was even theirs.

And considering the fact that much of the border crossing areas—-for example, the Sonoran Desert—-are extremely inhospitable.....it’s pretty clear you don’t know what you are talking about.

But I get it. You are looking for an excuse to throw a tantrum and whine about “sovereignty”.
Good. Now, don’t you think you should ALWAYS feel bad about a child dying? Perhaps you meant to sayl “feel bad” instead of “feel guilty”?

Stop using stupid word play. The point is it’s not Americans responsibility when some kid dies. That’s on the parents who chose to break the law.
Stop using stupid word play. The point is it’s not Americans responsibility when some kid dies. That’s on the parents who chose to break the law.

What you call “word play” I call “communicating one’s point clearly.”

Oops. I did it again. :)
Is it that when some illegal immigrant tries to enter my country with their kid & in route the kid dies I’m suppose to feel bad. The parents are the ones to blame, not the USA. I also love how when terrible thing happens to these illegals, the Trump administration is to blame. He’s a simple fix, STOP COMING HERE ILLEGALLY.

I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people.

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