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Why "Pride?" (1 Viewer)

Velvet Elvis

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
Something has been bothering me. Perhaps it's my immunity towards this whole "gay" thing.

Why are gay people "proud" to be gay? I'm not "proud" to be straight. I never meet new people and announce whether or not I'm into men or women. I never wake up in the morning and think, "wow...thank God I'm straight!" I've never wanted to hold a meeting, party or gathering with sexual orientation in mind (Gay? Nope...can't show up. Only straight people invited).

Someone give me an unbiased answer on why ANYONE should be "proud" of their orientation, and rather just "be" gay or straight. Why is it anyone's business who's into whom or what? Why must it be public business?
"Pride" here means "not ashamed."
Something has been bothering me. Perhaps it's my immunity towards this whole "gay" thing.

Why are gay people "proud" to be gay? I'm not "proud" to be straight. I never meet new people and announce whether or not I'm into men or women. I never wake up in the morning and think, "wow...thank God I'm straight!" I've never wanted to hold a meeting, party or gathering with sexual orientation in mind (Gay? Nope...can't show up. Only straight people invited).

Someone give me an unbiased answer on why ANYONE should be "proud" of their orientation, and rather just "be" gay or straight. Why is it anyone's business who's into whom or what? Why must it be public business?

Because for thousands of years they've been told its shameful, sinful, an abomination, a crime, the work of the devil, etc. And not always just told, sometimes that message comes at the end of a fist, or worse.
Something has been bothering me. Perhaps it's my immunity towards this whole "gay" thing.

Why are gay people "proud" to be gay? I'm not "proud" to be straight. I never meet new people and announce whether or not I'm into men or women. I never wake up in the morning and think, "wow...thank God I'm straight!" I've never wanted to hold a meeting, party or gathering with sexual orientation in mind (Gay? Nope...can't show up. Only straight people invited).

Someone give me an unbiased answer on why ANYONE should be "proud" of their orientation, and rather just "be" gay or straight. Why is it anyone's business who's into whom or what? Why must it be public business?

It is a reaction to being told they should be ashamed. It is not nearly as bad as it once was for gay people, but there is still a lot of open hostility and shaming done.
"Pride" here means "not ashamed."


The opposite of ashamed is proud.

Shaming is a major tool when trying to train children to be what is socially acceptable to be. Everyone should recognize this from incidents of various types of shaming in their own childhood.

Allowing shaming also tends to encourage levels of bullying, which leads to outright violence.

Pride helps to counter development of a victim mentality. Prevents acceptance of enforced norms and self-hate.
Something has been bothering me. Perhaps it's my immunity towards this whole "gay" thing.

Why are gay people "proud" to be gay? I'm not "proud" to be straight. I never meet new people and announce whether or not I'm into men or women. I never wake up in the morning and think, "wow...thank God I'm straight!" I've never wanted to hold a meeting, party or gathering with sexual orientation in mind (Gay? Nope...can't show up. Only straight people invited).

Someone give me an unbiased answer on why ANYONE should be "proud" of their orientation, and rather just "be" gay or straight. Why is it anyone's business who's into whom or what? Why must it be public business?

Because the laws in place for much of history have tried to make the LGBTQ community feel lesser of themelves or denied them basic rights for openly being themselves. So thus saying that they are not ashamed to be a part of the LGBTQ community they are saying thats its the current laws that need to change, not them, because its clear by them being proud means the laws are failing and thus needs to change.
Something has been bothering me. Perhaps it's my immunity towards this whole "gay" thing.

Why are gay people "proud" to be gay? I'm not "proud" to be straight. I never meet new people and announce whether or not I'm into men or women. I never wake up in the morning and think, "wow...thank God I'm straight!" I've never wanted to hold a meeting, party or gathering with sexual orientation in mind (Gay? Nope...can't show up. Only straight people invited).

Someone give me an unbiased answer on why ANYONE should be "proud" of their orientation, and rather just "be" gay or straight. Why is it anyone's business who's into whom or what? Why must it be public business?

It means to have self respect and to not be ashamed of who you are.

If you want to understand the rest, go to a gay bar. Walk into an environment where you are the minority. See how long you can be there before you feel the need to tell someone you are straight. Maybe it will be because someone of the same sex starts to hit on you and makes you uncomfortable or maybe you will meet some nice people and want to be honest with them when they are trying to get to know you. Learn what it feels like to be around people who are automatically assuming you are gay. As a heterosexual person in a world where 97% of the people are heterosexual you don't have to think about it when people just simply assume you are heterosexual, but in that environment you can get a small taste of what it is like for a gay person in the bigger world.

As far as gay pride parades, please explain Spring Break and Mardis Gras to me. Is a bunch of girls flashing their tits for beads and guys paying for massive amounts of alcohol to attract women a sign of grave shame of heterosexuality?
It means to have self respect and to not be ashamed of who you are.

If you want to understand the rest, go to a gay bar. Walk into an environment where you are the minority. See how long you can be there before you feel the need to tell someone you are straight. Maybe it will be because someone of the same sex starts to hit on you and makes you uncomfortable or maybe you will meet some nice people and want to be honest with them when they are trying to get to know you. Learn what it feels like to be around people who are automatically assuming you are gay. As a heterosexual person in a world where 97% of the people are heterosexual you don't have to think about it when people just simply assume you are heterosexual, but in that environment you can get a small taste of what it is like for a gay person in the bigger world.

As far as gay pride parades, please explain Spring Break and Mardis Gras to me. Is a bunch of girls flashing their tits for beads and guys paying for massive amounts of alcohol to attract women a sign of grave shame of heterosexuality?

Yes. IMHO.
Perhaps it's my immunity towards this whole "gay" thing.

Why is that?

Why is it anyone's business who's into whom or what? Why must it be public business?

Who said it has to be public business? If someone doesn't feel comfortable being open about that kind of stuff, then they don't have to. It's just that many gay people (like me) today aren't hiding the fact that they're gay anymore, nor are we ashamed for being gay. It's just a part of who we are as people, and there's no reason that we should be ashamed and put down by others because of that, y'know what I'm sayin'?
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Something has been bothering me. Perhaps it's my immunity towards this whole "gay" thing.

Why are gay people "proud" to be gay? I'm not "proud" to be straight. I never meet new people and announce whether or not I'm into men or women. I never wake up in the morning and think, "wow...thank God I'm straight!" I've never wanted to hold a meeting, party or gathering with sexual orientation in mind (Gay? Nope...can't show up. Only straight people invited).

Someone give me an unbiased answer on why ANYONE should be "proud" of their orientation, and rather just "be" gay or straight. Why is it anyone's business who's into whom or what? Why must it be public business?

I don't have one single problem with Gay Pride but I have a huge problem with Gay Pride Parades were guys are running around in drag and half naked acting with total sexuality. It is pathetic and undermines their whole message. It is also disgusting , and even if it were heterosexuals, not something that children should be around.
I don't have one single problem with Gay Pride but I have a huge problem with Gay Pride Parades were guys are running around in drag and half naked acting with total sexuality. It is pathetic and undermines their whole message. It is also disgusting , and even if it were heterosexuals, not something that children should be around.

Hmm...I think that's more your personal disgust leading to similar expectations in children.

I break kids down into three developing groups; Pre-schoolers, Pre-teens, and pubescent adolescents.

The first group will look at this scene and then look at their parents for reactions and answers. They don't know much about, nor understand, sexuality; and the naked body holds neither allure nor disgust for them beyond basic curiosity. They learn how to react to things like this from their parents, family circle, and other adult teachers.

The second group has some knowledge but no functionality. They learn about sex, sexuality, and morality and will pretty much react to such scenes as they have been taught to. Some with disgust, some with curiosity, some with indifference.

The third group is in their sexual stage, more knowledge and also the functionality to act on their new desires. They will still react with the same learned behaviors, at least outwardly. However at this stage they are learning that it is best NOT to let Mom and Dad and other peers know what they are REALLY thinking/feeling.

IMO you are not giving kids credit for being more durable than you seem to believe.

Having said all that, personally I can agree that I find such displays less than worthwhile and detracting from the whole. Still, I'm only exposed to them for as long as it takes for that segment of the parade to pass. :shrug:

Still, non-violent free expression has my full support.
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Why is that?

Who said it has to be public business? If someone doesn't feel comfortable being open about that kind of stuff, then they don't have to. It's just that many gay people (like me) today aren't hiding the fact that they're gay anymore, nor are we ashamed for being gay. It's just a part of who we are as people, and there's no reason that we should be ashamed and put down by others because of that, y'know what I'm sayin'?

I do.

I've seen in under a generation an acceptance growing that has been amazing to me. In under one generation! Harassment laws, HR training, and even sympathetic TV characters have all broadened the national consciousness. I always understood Queer Nation's attitude; I just never saw it as very productive. Ditto San Fran's gay pride parade and the Sisters of Charity or whatever they are.

The point is that for normal people, their orientation is just one facet of who they are. It's, as you say, just a part and actually not a very interesting part for those of us who don't really care what two consenting adults are up to.

What's weird is seeing another person as any one facet; what's worse is defining yourself in this way.
The point is that for normal people, their orientation is just one facet of who they are. It's, as you say, just a part and actually not a very interesting part for those of us who don't really care what two consenting adults are up to.


What's weird is seeing another person as any one facet; what's worse is defining yourself in this way.

Yeah, I certainly don't see my sexuality as the sole defining trait of who I am as a person. And I really don't want to be treated any different or special than anybody else because of it; I just want to be treated like any other average mother****er in our society.
I don't have one single problem with Gay Pride but I have a huge problem with Gay Pride Parades were guys are running around in drag and half naked acting with total sexuality. It is pathetic and undermines their whole message. It is also disgusting , and even if it were heterosexuals, not something that children should be around.

Stay home and don't bring the kids if you do go. Would you bring your kids to Spring Fest in Fort Lauderdale, where young heterosexuals let lose and have their own celebration? And what message do you think gays are suppose to convey? Men who dress in drag have no self respect? Gay men should be ashamed of acting like heterosexuals?
The point is that for normal people, their orientation is just one facet of who they are. It's, as you say, just a part and actually not a very interesting part for those of us who don't really care what two consenting adults are up to.

:alert Whoop! Whoop! P.C. ALERT! :alert

"Normal" people? As opposed to....? :shock:

Just kidding, I know you didn't mean anything by it... Just ragging yah. ;)
The fact that this question is being asked is why "gay pride" exists.
I'd say "you're funny," as in crack me up sometimes...

But I don't want to deepen your feelings of oppression. ;)

Well, I've holed myself up in my personal safe space, so I think I can hold off the oppression for just a little while longer. :lamo
Something has been bothering me. Perhaps it's my immunity towards this whole "gay" thing.

Why are gay people "proud" to be gay? I'm not "proud" to be straight. I never meet new people and announce whether or not I'm into men or women. I never wake up in the morning and think, "wow...thank God I'm straight!" I've never wanted to hold a meeting, party or gathering with sexual orientation in mind (Gay? Nope...can't show up. Only straight people invited).

Someone give me an unbiased answer on why ANYONE should be "proud" of their orientation, and rather just "be" gay or straight. Why is it anyone's business who's into whom or what? Why must it be public business?

Are you proud of being American? Why?
But in this case pride might just mean no longer ashamed.
But in this case pride might just mean no longer ashamed.

Exactly correct. I (as well as many gay people) don't feel "proud" to be gay; it's just how I was born. I just don't feel ashamed of being gay (at least not anymore).
Exactly correct. I (as well as many gay people) don't feel "proud" to be gay; it's just how I was born. I just don't feel ashamed of being gay (at least not anymore).

Must be like being ashamed of having red hair or being short. No escape.
Exactly correct. I (as well as many gay people) don't feel "proud" to be gay; it's just how I was born. I just don't feel ashamed of being gay (at least not anymore).

My point.
Well, you could get some hair dye and some stilts... :lol:

But you'd still be gay.
Kind of like that bad joke- What do you call a black guy with a Phd, a Nobel prize, and a Pulitzer for his book explaining his science in lay terms?

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