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Why Does VP Harris not Return Salutes from Military? (1 Viewer)

Interesting how the mentality of demagoguery has always been a detractor to the advancement of Humanity using the great gift of communication, sharing information and embracing understandings to build a cohesive team working society.

Across the world, all people know what the word "Love Means".... yet, some promote demagoguery which is destructive to love across the spectrum of humanity.
As a result, we get violence, greed, malice motives, power lusting, vanity consumption, fools pride and all the things that willful ignorance can and does produce.

Democracy is a great principle, and as you say... " A "True Democracy" is not just the freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want.
The Concept of "Freedom", also, does not mean one can do whatever they want, when every they want, how ever they want. FREEDOM, is about RESPONSIBILITY !!!
It is the Responsibility to ABIDE by and FUNCTION within the Governing System according to the Laws of The Land, and the Ethic of Respect for All Humanity.

There is no room within Democracy for "Savagery". Savagery is counter productive to Democracy. Savagery promotes violence, greed, malice motives, power lusting, vanity consumption, fools pride and all the things that willful ignorance can and does produce.

America does not need Political Parties, and Political Parties if they are created, should each have the same Respect and Responsibility to the Nation, Its People and its Society. Under Democracy, the Fair Play Principle of "Majority Decision" is what promotes improvements in how Democracy Functions.

As to the system of Capitalism, the design is "great"!!! It was never designed for "wealthy hoarding", and money was the tool that makes capitalism function and it was designed to "CIRCULATE".

America's Problem began upon the Arrival of Europeans, Spaniard's and Others. They came here "Seeking Wealth By Any Means", and within frame of mentality and objective agenda, they brought "Savagery as their Functioning Premise".

From the history of such Savagery, some wise men, sought to create a system of Democracy, to supplant the Savagery. Yet, they could not and did not let go of elements of Savagery, one they designed the Frame and System of Democracy, they allowed and accepted and facilitated elements of demagoguery. It was like a tainted fruit with a spot of rot in its core. We know that rot as "Racism", an that was promoted by Autocracy based on Racial Demagoguery and Obsessions of Wealthy by Any Means. Thus creating the same type of thing they claimed to flee from. A Cruel Cast and Class System with the Disgrace of Slavery to feed those who had what became political power and wealth.
America was populated by masses of illiterate people from around the world, with the majority coming from European Nations.
They came with the delusion that "wealthy could create for them a FAUX version of Royalty", and within their Ignorance, they never knew the function of Royalty was to creating and sustain a functioning society, that could organize, inform, and advance a civil society of people with cultural and civic values. All the early arrivals saw was the twisted delusion, that Royalty was about "wealth". They had nor do many have today, the understanding, that 'wealthy" was simply an assurance they could sustain and promote the society and defend itself to preserve itself.

Ignorance has and is a profound danger to Humanity, its a disgrace and disregard for the very principles the Bible and Religions of many types have tried to teach man to educated himself out of Ignorance. Unfortunately some of those adopted demagoguery, because they too pursued power and wealthy, rather than "service to humanity by and through the congregation of human gatherings and team work.

We have much work to do... to continue advancing to truly learn the beauty and humanity of Democracy, and advance its principles and premise.
Why are they saluting her? She's not in the military. Just tell her to get her ass on the plane and go.
Why are they even needed to be there to begin with?
Fake news jerked your chain and you fell for it making a fool of yourself. Obviously this fake news source has no idea about saluting protocol........ neither do you.

Frankly I've never understood why any president has saluted in civilian dress. This is not Russia, China or Iran or Iraq.

Reagan, stared that!!
Why are they even needed to be there to begin with?
For the Military People, A salute is a gesture or other action used to display respect. it is NOT Required that a Civilian return a Salute. They stand at attention with a Salute in showing their respect to protect and defend those who govern and lead this nation. That is why Military People, Salute The Commanders.

I would be great if America spent more time Teaching Civics and the Protocol within American Democracy and its Systems.
Non Military People use the "Hand shake among each other", It happens within Civilian, and Business as well as Personal Individual interactions.

Republicans should not be so gullible to fall for "any and every divisive narrative that is of base motive to strong contention, and fall for the same repeated game of leading people with a "attack something mentality". It's Pure Demagoguery of the Most Vile Motivations !!!! Today's Republican is groomed and driven with devoted intent to promote divisiveness in any and every situation, by any and every means they can conjure up. It is based within, violence of any and every type, greed, malice motives, power lusting, vanity consumption, fools pride and all the things that willful ignorance can and does produce.
Republicanism's current foundation and platform is that of "Savagery, upon and against American Democracy.
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For the Military People, A salute is a gesture or other action used to display respect. it is NOT Required that a Civilian return a Salute. They stand at attention with a Salute in showing their respect to protect and defend those who govern and lead this nation. That is why Military People, Salute The Commanders.

I would be great if America spent more time Teaching Civics and the Protocol within American Democracy and its Systems.
Non Military People use the "Hand shake among each other", It happens within Civilian, and Business as well as Personal Individual interactions.

Republicans should not be so gullible to fall for "any and every divisive narrative that is of base motive to strong contention, and fall for the same repeated game of leading people with a "attack something mentality". It's Pure Demagoguery of the Most Vile Motivations !!!! Today's Republican is groomed and driven with devoted intent to promote divisiveness in any and every situation, by any and every means they can conjure up. It is based within, violence of any and every type, greed, malice motives, power lusting, vanity consumption, fools pride and all the things that willful ignorance can and does produce.
Republicanism's current foundation and platform is that of "Savagery, upon and against American Democracy.
She's not their commander, yet.
Is the salute mandatory, or could they just take a knee if they want while she boards the plane?

But my question was "Why are they even needed to be there to begin with?"
Actually several people confirmed that Trump did say that.
And Biden made his remarks in jest, not as an insult. Trump according to people in the know did not make a joke when e called the soldiers losers.

Name one person by name who claims they personally heard Trump say what you claim.

Nothing about what Joe Biden said was in jest. FACT: He wanted to be applauded - and wasn't. So he ordered them to "applaud" - calling them "slow dull stupid bastards." There was nothing joking about it.
She's not their commander, yet.
Is the salute mandatory, or could they just take a knee if they want while she boards the plane?

But my question was "Why are they even needed to be there to begin with?"
They represent symbolism of "the security of Military presence", you do realize those Aircraft are Military Aircraft and Helicopters.
No, Trump never said that. No one person said he did and everyone present said it is a lie.
What IS a fact is that Biden called military personnel in a forward base often in combat "slow," "dull," "stupid" and "bastards." It's on video.
If you don't like American why not pack up and leave... ? because, it is an assured fact, America will not return to being the White Nationalist, White Male Dominated Jim Crow Society nor the Jim Crow System.
It does not matter how much Confederate Agenda Driven Republican try to damage America and create their aims of Jim Crow Voter Repression, none of it will stand... and at some point. The Majority of American will be joined by more America, to stand against the vile Confederate, bigoted, racist and ignorance that is the basis of Modern Day Republicanism.
If you don't like American why not pack up and leave... ? because, it is an assured fact, America will not return to being the White Nationalist, White Male Dominated Jim Crow Society nor the Jim Crow System.
It does not matter how much Confederate Agenda Driven Republican try to damage America and create their aims of Jim Crow Voter Repression, none of it will stand... and at some point. The Majority of American will be joined by more America, to stand against the vile Confederate, bigoted, racist and ignorance that is the basis of Modern Day Republicanism.

I have been working on a deal with Mexico. For each refugee we take in, they take in a Trumpist.
That the lady you voted in as VP displays her total lack of respect for our US military is what should make you feel ashamed...for her actions and for yours.
That is not a lack of respect at all. She, as a civilian, should not be saluting. That was a stupid "tradition" to start. Since it is so new, it should be dropped just as easily as it started.
You mean the Americans who honor and respect our military rather than the ones that force them to bivouac in parking structures? We know which grown Harris belongs to.
You mean those Americans who are trying to claim that it is disrespectful for a civilian not to render/return a salute, despite not even being in their chain of command, never having served, and being in civilian clothes/not a uniform?

It is not disrespectful for someone who isn't even supposed to salute (can if they wish, definitely not required or any sort of sign of respect, since it will likely be done incorrectly) to not salute.
If you don't like American why not pack up and leave... ? because, it is an assured fact, America will not return to being the White Nationalist, White Male Dominated Jim Crow Society nor the Jim Crow System.
It does not matter how much Confederate Agenda Driven Republican try to damage America and create their aims of Jim Crow Voter Repression, none of it will stand... and at some point. The Majority of American will be joined by more America, to stand against the vile Confederate, bigoted, racist and ignorance that is the basis of Modern Day Republicanism.
If you don't like Americans why not pack up and leave... ? because, it is an assured fact, America will not return to being the Democratic Party's White Nationalist, Democratic Party's White Male Dominated Jim Crow Society nor the Democratic Party's Jim Crow System.

It does not matter how much Confederate Agenda Driven Democratic Party tries to damage America and create their aims of re-establishing Democratic Jim Crow Voter Repression, none of it will stand... and at some point. The Majority of American will be joined by more Americans, to stand against the vile Democratic Party's Confederate, bigoted, racist and ignorance that is the entire history of the Democratic Party.
That is not a lack of respect at all. She, as a civilian, should not be saluting. That was a stupid "tradition" to start. Since it is so new, it should be dropped just as easily as it started.
It's not a "new" tradition. It's been around longer than almost 50% of the US population.
No. The president salutes as a courtesy being Commander in Chief, but there are no official statutes that require other top politicians like him or the VP to do so.

Kamala Harris VP salute: Do vice presidents salute military? | wusa9.com

Calm the **** down. She isn't commander in chief. She's not part of the military.

You're mad at her because she's female and black.

As many people as she's put behind bars, you'd think she'd be the darling of the right. But nooooo. Her skin is a shade too dark and she has an inni instead of an outti.

OMG.. they had to take their breaks in parking garages and also in DC hotels after their shift... the horror... good lord.. I slept in much worse when I was in...

The USCP and the National Guard have coordinated their efforts to ensure that National Guardsmen and women are stationed throughout the Capitol Complex are in appropriate spaces within Congressional buildings, including the U.S. Capitol, where they may take on-duty breaks. Off-duty troops are being housed in hotel rooms or other comfortable accommodations.

We had to sleep in a berthing that was up in the island of the carrier, and had to have a hatch open to the outside in Bremerton WA in Nov/Dec once. It was so cold inside that berthing that someone's water in their water bottle by their bed froze overnight. We had been in that berthing for at least 3 nights before they would get even a heater in there for us after they were shown evidence that it was below freezing in there, literally.

Those troops were not sleeping (as in overnight or during their actual off duty hours) in that parking garage and as soon as members of Congress found out what was going on there, they worked to fix it. I'm so tired of these "but what about when this happened" BS claims from Trump supporters.
It's not a "new" tradition. It's been around longer than almost 50% of the US population.
Compared to the country, it is a new tradition. The vast majority of our Presidents did not render or return salutes during their time as President. That is even more true for VPs.
Thank you for your service. But as civilians, etiquette does not require either I or the VEEP to salute. As I noted, doing so is a relatively recent thing.
I don't have to salute and I'm retired military. I don't plan on wearing a uniform in the future often enough to have to render any sort of salute.
She didn't care when our military was sleeping in a cold parking garage in the dead of winter with one bathroom for 5,000 male and female soldiers. She didn't care when they were getting snacks instead of real food. She didn't care when they finally got real food and then got sick because is was undercooked and had metal shavings in it.

Dude...don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining. I don't give a rat's ass what she says...it's all bullshit. Look at what she does. Total disrespect. Hell, just wait till she signs legislation to cut the budgets of the military and the VA. (And she will.)

Look at what she does...not what she says.
They weren't sleeping there, they were taking breaks there. They were sleeping in hotel rooms.
We had to sleep in a berthing that was up in the island of the carrier, and had to have a hatch open to the outside in Bremerton WA in Nov/Dec once. It was so cold inside that berthing that someone's water in their water bottle by their bed froze overnight. We had been in that berthing for at least 3 nights before they would get even a heater in there for us after they were shown evidence that it was below freezing in there, literally.

Those troops were not sleeping (as in overnight or during their actual off duty hours) in that parking garage and as soon as members of Congress found out what was going on there, they worked to fix it. I'm so tired of these "but what about when this happened" BS claims from Trump supporters.

Never complain to someone from light infantry about poor sleeping conditions... 😄

Sleep? What is this sleep you speak of?

Haven’t been interested in camping since..
They represent symbolism of "the security of Military presence", you do realize those Aircraft are Military Aircraft and Helicopters.
But are they needed?
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And none of that changes that they don't need to salute, and that a civilian not saluting is not a sign of disrespect. Hell, I crossed many a quarterdeck without rendering/returning a salute because I was not in uniform, I was in civilian clothing.
Never complain to someone from light infantry about poor sleeping conditions... 😄

Sleep? What is this sleep you speak of?

Haven’t been interested in camping since..
My husband said something like that about camping years ago, but has since been back out with me.

You signed up for it. "Choose your rate, choose your fate" was a common saying in the Navy.
i have to say that seeing this thread climb to 9 pages makes me feel much better about our country. i like petty over a totally crazy and corrupt Administrative branch.
Who ever said it was required? I sure didn’t. I asked why she doesn’t return salutes. It’s a common courtesy she’s not interested in doing.
No, its not. Many military would rather not be saluted by civilians, particularly ones who don't know anything about them or how to render them. It isn't a sign of respect or courtesy. It is a stupid rather recent tradition started by Reagan who seemed to have no clue why civilians shouldn't be rendering or returning salutes.
Oh she’s so much more smart than the previous VP’s who did salute out of common curtesy. She’s a disgrace.
How many "previous" VPs saluted? Go ahead and give us the percentage out of all the VPs we've had who saluted.

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