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Who does this stuff? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 16, 2012
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Tucson, AZ
Political Leaning
RFK’s sex diary: His secret journal of affairs | New York Post

So RFK Jr. seems to have kept a diary and in that he not only lists his sexual "victories" but also assigns numbers tied to how far things went.

I never cease to be amazed at the antics of some people. I mean, seriously, what makes a person think that keeping such a journal is a good idea? If you're a philandering douchebag then do you really want to keep a record just to prove it? It's every bit as asinine as Weiner tweeting his junk all over the place. Did these people get laid so little earlier in their lives that they now feel a need to keep tabs? Is there some kind of secret society that hands out prizes to the most prolific adulterer? Is the prize big enough to offset the legal expenses when your wife finds out?

I have NEVER had another guy tell me he keeps track of such things (then again, I've never asked) and I damned sure can't imagine doing so myself so am I the one who's out of whack here? Am I missing out on something? Can I still get the prize if I can reasonably reconstruct my exploits?
RFK’s sex diary: His secret journal of affairs | New York Post

So RFK Jr. seems to have kept a diary and in that he not only lists his sexual "victories" but also assigns numbers tied to how far things went.

I never cease to be amazed at the antics of some people. I mean, seriously, what makes a person think that keeping such a journal is a good idea? If you're a philandering douchebag then do you really want to keep a record just to prove it? It's every bit as asinine as Weiner tweeting his junk all over the place. Did these people get laid so little earlier in their lives that they now feel a need to keep tabs? Is there some kind of secret society that hands out prizes to the most prolific adulterer? Is the prize big enough to offset the legal expenses when your wife finds out?

I have NEVER had another guy tell me he keeps track of such things (then again, I've never asked) and I damned sure can't imagine doing so myself so am I the one who's out of whack here? Am I missing out on something? Can I still get the prize if I can reasonably reconstruct my exploits?
It's a politicians job to marvel in his/her accomplishments. They make a living bragging about their good deeds, so naturally that political narcissism can manifest itself in their sex life.
RFK’s sex diary: His secret journal of affairs | New York Post

So RFK Jr. seems to have kept a diary and in that he not only lists his sexual "victories" but also assigns numbers tied to how far things went.

I never cease to be amazed at the antics of some people. I mean, seriously, what makes a person think that keeping such a journal is a good idea? If you're a philandering douchebag then do you really want to keep a record just to prove it? It's every bit as asinine as Weiner tweeting his junk all over the place. Did these people get laid so little earlier in their lives that they now feel a need to keep tabs? Is there some kind of secret society that hands out prizes to the most prolific adulterer? Is the prize big enough to offset the legal expenses when your wife finds out?

I have NEVER had another guy tell me he keeps track of such things (then again, I've never asked) and I damned sure can't imagine doing so myself so am I the one who's out of whack here? Am I missing out on something? Can I still get the prize if I can reasonably reconstruct my exploits?

What the hell. Award or no. Spend the ten minutes and be done with it.
RFK’s sex diary: His secret journal of affairs | New York Post

So RFK Jr. seems to have kept a diary and in that he not only lists his sexual "victories" but also assigns numbers tied to how far things went.

I never cease to be amazed at the antics of some people. I mean, seriously, what makes a person think that keeping such a journal is a good idea? If you're a philandering douchebag then do you really want to keep a record just to prove it? It's every bit as asinine as Weiner tweeting his junk all over the place. Did these people get laid so little earlier in their lives that they now feel a need to keep tabs? Is there some kind of secret society that hands out prizes to the most prolific adulterer? Is the prize big enough to offset the legal expenses when your wife finds out?

I have NEVER had another guy tell me he keeps track of such things (then again, I've never asked) and I damned sure can't imagine doing so myself so am I the one who's out of whack here? Am I missing out on something? Can I still get the prize if I can reasonably reconstruct my exploits?

Maybe he needed to keep track of which ones of his blackmailers could be telling the truth and which not.
Who has that much paper?
RFK’s sex diary: His secret journal of affairs | New York Post

So RFK Jr. seems to have kept a diary and in that he not only lists his sexual "victories" but also assigns numbers tied to how far things went.

I never cease to be amazed at the antics of some people. I mean, seriously, what makes a person think that keeping such a journal is a good idea? If you're a philandering douchebag then do you really want to keep a record just to prove it? It's every bit as asinine as Weiner tweeting his junk all over the place. Did these people get laid so little earlier in their lives that they now feel a need to keep tabs? Is there some kind of secret society that hands out prizes to the most prolific adulterer? Is the prize big enough to offset the legal expenses when your wife finds out?

I have NEVER had another guy tell me he keeps track of such things (then again, I've never asked) and I damned sure can't imagine doing so myself so am I the one who's out of whack here? Am I missing out on something? Can I still get the prize if I can reasonably reconstruct my exploits?

I've come to the conclusion that you have to be a special kind of insane to be a politician. :)
If I had kept a journal, it would have been very very brief. :lol:
I've come to the conclusion that you have to be a special kind of insane to be a politician. :)

Ain't that a fact!! I mean, hell, there's got to be at least one or two in there that you really don't want to remember.
Ain't that a fact!! I mean, hell, there's got to be at least one or two in there that you really don't want to remember.

I wonder if the wonder wiener keeps a journal too?
I feel the same way about sex tapes. Why on earth would you have a sex tape? NOTHING LASTS FOREVER, people. If you want to see yourself having sex, have a giant mirror installed above your bed. That way, nothing can come back to haunt you.
I feel the same way about sex tapes. Why on earth would you have a sex tape? NOTHING LASTS FOREVER, people. If you want to see yourself having sex, have a giant mirror installed above your bed. That way, nothing can come back to haunt you.

When I have sex, the last thing I want to see is me
If I had kept a journal, it would have been very very brief. :lol:

In cases like this it's pretty much axiomatic that quality trumps quantity. I mean if your pharmacist knows you by "that penicillin guy" you've probably got a problem.
I feel the same way about sex tapes. Why on earth would you have a sex tape? NOTHING LASTS FOREVER, people. If you want to see yourself having sex, have a giant mirror installed above your bed. That way, nothing can come back to haunt you.

I think they do it on purpose for publicity. Think about, how on earth do their sex tapes get out in the first place? :lol: I would think that's something you don't leave lying around out in the open.
I feel the same way about sex tapes. Why on earth would you have a sex tape? NOTHING LASTS FOREVER, people. If you want to see yourself having sex, have a giant mirror installed above your bed. That way, nothing can come back to haunt you.

Well, a mirror in the bedroom is important but after the kids move out you really should have ones installed in the living room, the kitchen, the hallway, the back yard.....
I think they do it on purpose for publicity. Think about, how on earth do their sex tapes get out in the first place? :lol: I would think that's something you don't leave lying around out in the open.

You don't have to leave it out in the open for it to get found. How many people had sex tapes revealed because an angry ex- decided to sell it?

Unless you are Kim Kardashian, and she probably leaked the tape herself.
You don't have to leave it out in the open for it to get found. How many people had sex tapes revealed because an angry ex- decided to sell it?

Unless you are Kim Kardashian, and she probably leaked the tape herself.

That's what I'm talking about, celebrities who's sex tapes mysterious show up on Youtube, but they have no idea what happened to their sex tapes.
That's what I'm talking about, celebrities who's sex tapes mysterious show up on Youtube, but they have no idea what happened to their sex tapes.

If anyone documents my sex life, it's gonna be the guy who does this:

If anyone is documents my sex life, it's gonna be the guy who does this:


I guess that means it's not very good? :lol:
In cases like this it's pretty much axiomatic that quality trumps quantity. I mean if your pharmacist knows you by "that penicillin guy" you've probably got a problem.

Well, nobody would want to read mine either, though. The penicillin guy has much more interesting stories. :lol:

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