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White City (1 Viewer)

Is White City, OR racist?

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Just waiting for my set...
DP Veteran
Sep 29, 2007
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White City, OR

The only White City in America... and there is no Black City. This struck me as possibly racist.

What are your thoughts?
My house is racist; it is painted white.

Don't even get me started on 1600 Penn Ave.... racists!!

Mine too, but it does have black trim. It is located in a mostly Hispanic ‘city’.


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White City, OR

The only White City in America... and there is no Black City. This struck me as possibly racist.

What are your thoughts?

LMAO is a city racist?
who lives there is there evidence of racist city-driven practices lol

or we talking about the name alone?
if just the name I have no clue it would depend on its origin and why its named that.

things with white in the name were most certainly named like that to let "others" now this is not the place for you and are racist

MOST others are 100% meaningless in regard to race
My house is racist; it is painted white.

Don't even get me started on 1600 Penn Ave.... racists!!
But there is a Black House... it is in Miami. That negates what would have been a racist white house...
LMAO is a city racist?
who lives there is there evidence of racist city-driven practices lol

or we talking about the name alone?
if just the name I have no clue it would depend on its origin and why its named that.

SOMEthings with white in the name were most certainly named like that to let "others" now this is not the place for you and are racist

MOST others are 100% meaningless in regard to race
The name alone confirms racism... but look at these demographics!

The racial makeup of the CDP was 74.7% White, 1.3% African American, 1.3% Native American, 0.8% Asian, 0.1% Pacific Islander
Yes, it is racist.

That city should be ordered to change its name within 24 hours.

Neither am I too thrilled with the "White House." I hope that our great President immediately changes its name back to the "Executive Mansion."

I guess that our great President's advisers have been so busy with other things that they have overlooked this example of racism. Shame on them!
White City, OR

The only White City in America... and there is no Black City. This struck me as possibly racist.

What are your thoughts?


You couldn't do a 30 second Google or Wiki?

Camp White was an Army training base located in Jackson County, Oregon, United States, during World War II. It was also the site of a prisoner-of-war (POW) camp. The camp was named in honor of George A. White, who served as adjutant general for Oregon starting in 1915.[1]

There was a Camp White post office from 1942–60, when the name was changed to White City, the name of the civilian community that took Camp White's place.[1]

Black Diamond, Washington
Black Hawk, Colorado
Black Jack, Missouri
Black Mountain, North Carolina
Black River Falls, Wisconsin
Black Rock, Arkansas
Black, Alabama
Blackburn, Missouri
Blackduck, Minnesota
Blackey, Kentucky
Blackfoot, Idaho
Blackshear, Georgia
Blackwater, Missouri
Blackwell, Oklahoma
Blackwell, Texas
Black Diamond, Washington
Black Hawk, Colorado
Black Jack, Missouri
Black Mountain, North Carolina
Black River Falls, Wisconsin
Black Rock, Arkansas
Black, Alabama
Blackburn, Missouri
Blackduck, Minnesota
Blackey, Kentucky
Blackfoot, Idaho
Blackshear, Georgia
Blackwater, Missouri
Blackwell, Oklahoma
Blackwell, Texas

Yeah, but accept for one place, the rest are compound nouns.
You should finish your deck railing. One to many beers could lead to a nasty fall, and I'd hate to lose a good debater.

I plan to do so, but that will be the last step. The deck is 10’ x 30‘ and after I add the 12’ x 39’ (metal) roof (supported by 5 posts) I will add the railing. The current delay is due to lack of funds to finish the project.
Black Diamond, Washington
Black Hawk, Colorado
Black Jack, Missouri
Black Mountain, North Carolina
Black River Falls, Wisconsin
Black Rock, Arkansas
Black, Alabama
Blackburn, Missouri
Blackduck, Minnesota
Blackey, Kentucky
Blackfoot, Idaho
Blackshear, Georgia
Blackwater, Missouri
Blackwell, Oklahoma
Blackwell, Texas
I must have missed Black City on that list... can you point it out for me please?
You should finish your deck railing. One to many beers could lead to a nasty fall, and I'd hate to lose a good debater.
My deck is the same right now... tore the old one down and building a new one... no railing for about two weeks.

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