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Where are ....[W:17] (1 Viewer)

l dont think it is the right place to talk about them :lol:

l hope they are okay
as far as l know we dont start such threads in this forum:mrgreen:

Really..Are you a Mod?...if people can start a thread about incest/child abuse..

I am sure your thread must be chicken crap in comparison..
Really..Are you a Mod?...if people can start a thread about incest/child abuse..

I am sure your thread must be chicken crap in comparison..

how ?
l dont think it is the right place to talk about them :lol:

l hope they are okay

What's the harm in asking the membership if they've heard about someone's friends who haven't been online lately? If there's something personal going on, I'm sure a person in the know will contact Superfly by PM and let her know.

Personally, I exchange pleasantries and ask about people I'm friendly with all the time - why would common courtesy and concern for others be such a problem?

This thread was posted in Non-Political Forums - Off-Topic Discussions - seems perfectly reasonable to me.
What's the harm in asking the membership if they've heard about someone's friends who haven't been online lately? If there's something personal going on, I'm sure a person in the know will contact Superfly by PM and let her know.

Personally, I exchange pleasantries and ask about people I'm friendly with all the time - why would common courtesy and concern for others be such a problem?

This thread was posted in Non-Political Forums - Off-Topic Discussions - seems perfectly reasonable to me.

Oh, it's OK. Medusa just don't like me because I laugh every time somebody calls her an AW.
What's the harm in asking the membership if they've heard about someone's friends who haven't been online lately? If there's something personal going on, I'm sure a person in the know will contact Superfly by PM and let her know.

Personally, I exchange pleasantries and ask about people I'm friendly with all the time - why would common courtesy and concern for others be such a problem?

This thread was posted in Non-Political Forums - Off-Topic Discussions - seems perfectly reasonable to me.

l never worry about anyone :lol:
Oh noez! Emo Lyss is missing? Such a pleasant girl, too.

My poor, sweet, honey baby lurve thang.
Moderator's Warning:
Skirting the edge of personal attacks or baiting here.... wrong place for it. Consider this first and last warning.
can you explain what you you mean ?

Can you go look for attention somewhere else, Medusa? I started this thread because I was wondering about a couple of people who are not posting right now. I'm not posting about you, mmmK?
Can you go look for attention somewhere else, Medusa? I started this thread because I was wondering about a couple of people who are not posting right now. I'm not posting about you, mmmK?

l dont understand you

who called me aw and where ?:shock:

still personal attack. good

and for attention

l still dont get it

there has never been any boob or ass in my avatar

hehe .
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At the risk of derailing the thread, I don't know where either one of them have been.
At the risk of derailing the thread, I don't know where either one of them have been.

:lol: I know, right?

Oscar is probably on vacation. Alyssa usually disappears for a month or two, but she hasn't been around since March this time. She's a pain in the ass, but I do like her and miss her when she's gone.
:lol: I know, right?

Oscar is probably on vacation. Alyssa usually disappears for a month or two, but she hasn't been around since March this time. She's a pain in the ass, but I do like her and miss her when she's gone.

I've always liked Alyssa, along with tessa. They had spunk and were interesting.

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