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What state would you most like to live in? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 23, 2005
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Other than the state that you currently live in, what U.S. State would you most like to live in and why would you like to live there?
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I dunno.
I've gotta be by the ocean .. Florida's got the best beaches, but I love the weather in northern Cali.
I've been thinking more about moving to one of those gated communities in Mexico when I retire. :cool:
Down in Texas, for the warm winter and low taxes:)
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probably Nevada or Colorado, I love mountains and snow.
New York or California.
Other than the state that you currently live in, what U.S. State would you most like to live in and why would you like to live there?

Good question!

Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont. Alaska sounds nice too.

I love the outdoors and really dislike civilization as a whole. What better place for me then Alaska?
I'd move back to Wisconsin so that I could once again drive 58 MPH in the passing lane without being harrassed.
Good question!

Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont. Alaska sounds nice too.

Those are my favorite also. I really like MAINE AND AM ONLY 3HRS. 20 MINUTES from my favorite ocean side MAINE spot.

I onced wanted to move or at least vacation for a couple months in Alaska but as long as The IglooGirl lives there that place will never be the same. She ruined that state for me.

I love the outdoors and really dislike civilization as a whole. What better place for me then Alaska?

I was there twice a long lime ago !! but as I stated in another post The Igloo Girl ruined Alaska for me probably forever.
Altitude of 4500', give or take 500'.....with LOW HUMIDITY....
Not too many cold days, not too many hot days...enough winter precipitation to insure plenty of water during the dry months.

So somewere in the west, but not too far north, and not too near the ocean.
Montana. Elk, antelope, mule deer and a minimum of dickweeds to deal with.
Other than the state that you currently live in, what U.S. State would you most like to live in and why would you like to live there?

Texas - In Austin or San Antonio. Warm weather, laid back culture, and a low cost of living.

North Carolina - In Research Triangle. Warm weather, well-educated people, and a (normally) strong economy.

Massachusetts - Boston. Highly educated city, good public transportation, plenty of stuff to do, plenty of job opportunities, and a great place to start a business.
Probably NC or NorCal for the moderate weather.
I was there twice a long lime ago !! but as I stated in another post The Igloo Girl ruined Alaska for me probably forever.

I would be going to get away from the people. So unless shes altered the wildlife somehow the politics wouldnt matter. ;)
Is this supposed to be a poll or just a regular thread? :confused:

I've lived in three different regions of the US and even though I'm right now in the middle of freakin' Bible-belt, extra-conservative, Reagan-is-god Texas, its the best place I've lived compared to everywhere else.

My view is not because I am liberal, but just because this whole place is backwards yet forwards if you know what I mean. Its ideologically 20 years behind the rest of the country yet technologically and economically 5 years ahead. Its an interesting place to live in and you can find some pretty moderate spots in big cities like Dallas, but you'd have to look hard. Otherwise, its still crappy.

I guess my view of this state changes from day-to-day.
Those are my favorite also. I really like MAINE AND AM ONLY 3HRS. 20 MINUTES from my favorite ocean side MAINE spot.

I onced wanted to move or at least vacation for a couple months in Alaska but as long as The IglooGirl lives there that place will never be the same. She ruined that state for me.

Really? Bringning up Palin in a thread like this?

Vermont or New York City.

I've even looked into gaining Canadian citizenship but it costs $720K to obtain an investor's visa....New Zealand same story.
Well, australia is not a state so...

I have never been, but would like to try Cali or Hawaii so maybe I could finally be a morning person
I have never been to any of these states, but Oregon, Washington, Arizona, and New Mexico have always interested me. I think I would like living in any of them.
Really? Bringning up Palin in a thread like this?


Really? There's a judgement panel deciding whether a person's reasons are good or bad?

That's lame :mrgreen: :2wave:
I'd move back to Wisconsin so that I could once again drive 58 MPH in the passing lane without being harrassed.

LOL ...

Where do you live now, WI?

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