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What is your profession? (1 Viewer)


Somewhere in Babylon
DP Veteran
Jan 12, 2010
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Somewhere in Babylon...
Political Leaning
*Spartan Cheer from 300* Nah just playin

At the moment... I am an actor, fully graduated out of film school with an agent... I'm giving this a shot to see what happens and if all doesn't go well, will find a new thing to do.

What about you?
i'm a circus performer, but on Tuesdays i live a double life as a mild mannered professional bull****ter.
Hi, I am a new member of forum. Would a newcomer be warmly welcome here? Good day you guys!!!
Truck driver I am flying to Ohio today to start with new company.

I have been driving since 1995.
Hi, I am a new member of forum. Would a newcomer be warmly welcome here? Good day you guys!!!

For the most part yes.

Now to the topic: I do IT work. Mostly infrastructure stuff (servers, switches, etc) and some programming and database work.
If I claim a profession, now, it's savior of the world. :mrgreen:

Well, no, actually I'm in college with an aim to be an actuary (not in the health care field, though). I love the idea of making sense out of chaos and having heavy influence over a company's decisions while not being the bane of their existence.
Future prime minister of the future Republic of Wallonia.
I own an IT security consulting firm... Former Private Military Contractor (way before it was cool), Part time CQB instructor, part time BJJ teacher.
I own an IT security consulting firm... Former Private Military Contractor (way before it was cool), Part time CQB instructor, part time BJJ teacher.

is that sexual?
When I'm not busy with being Master of the Universe I dabble in photography and stock trading.

I'm working as a CNA in home health until I decide whether or not I want to return to nursing school to finish my last semester.

Which year? :lol:

Formerly (for about 10 years) I was professional whitewater rafting guide, rock climbing guide, caving guide, horseback riding trail guide, and whitewater kayak instructor in the summers, and ski patroller in the winter, with some work driving an ambulance 3 days a week for a couple years thrown in there too. (the latter simultaneous with the formers)

I still do some of those things, but not professionally any longer.

I have been working in Software Quality Assurance and System and Data Analysis for last 8 or 9 years. I'm a Software QA Manager.

On the side, I'm also a scuba diving instructor.
I am little more than a beast of burden.
Semi-retired professional writer/researcher/editor.
Java Software Engineer with work in Oracle. 16 years OO Design and Development.
Hi, I am a new member of forum. Would a newcomer be warmly welcome here? Good day you guys!!!

No! Piss off!

Just kidding! Yes of course! Welcome...hold tight. Dont take stuff personally.

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