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What is the One MOST OFFENSIVE Thing Trump Has Said So Far? (1 Viewer)


Buttermilk Man
DP Veteran
Dec 29, 2015
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Olympia Wa
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When asked in a recent Bloomberg poll what bothered them most about Donald Trump — of a slew of controversies — likely voters picked one action above all others:

When the candidate mocked a reporter with a disability last November.
Donald Trump'''s Worst Offense? Mocking Disabled Reporter, Poll Finds - NBC News

This is my pick as well. I said the day after it happened that I expected this to be big, and when a week after Trump seemed to suffer no ill effects that was when I was confident that he was going to take the nomination.

What say you?

Sorry but please only pick ONE.

Make a decision!

Thank You.

Last edited:
Donald Trump'''s Worst Offense? Mocking Disabled Reporter, Poll Finds - NBC News

This is my pick as well. I said the day after it happened that I expected this to be big, and when a week after Trump seemed to suffer no ill effects that was when I was confident that he was going to take the nomination.

What say you?

Sorry but please only pick ONE, make a decision!

Thank You.


By far the most offensive statement Trump has ever made, "So ladies and gentlemen, I am officially running for president of the United States."
Honestly, when he mocked that reporter with a disability is my top pick as well.

That was pretty messed up.
The mocking of the reporter with a disability will probably win. It's the hardest for him to figure out an excuse for.
Donald Trump'''s Worst Offense? Mocking Disabled Reporter, Poll Finds - NBC News

This is my pick as well. I said the day after it happened that I expected this to be big, and when a week after Trump seemed to suffer no ill effects that was when I was confident that he was going to take the nomination.

What say you?

Sorry but please only pick ONE.

Make a decision!

Thank You.


That's like asking which wife-beater in jail I despise the most, or which Michael Bay movie I think is the worst.
You tellin' me you didn't like Transformers 2? :lol:

There are people who like Transformers 2?

There are people voting for Trump, so I guess anything is possible, but still...Transformers 2?
You tellin' me you didn't like Transformers 2? :lol:

Actually, that's pretty disingenuous on my part, because I really don't mind Michael Bay movies that much. I won't spend money to go see them, but if they're on the tube, sure, I might watch - besides, who doesn't enjoy a bit of mindless entertainment every now and then? That's why I sometimes like Tarentino movies.
This is DP, we are up to the challenge.



Okay, alright already. The "I like the ones who weren't captured" remark about John McCain. It wasn't his most childish remark - that would be the one already mentioned about his mocking the disabled reporter - but it was to me his most offensive. It lets me know just how little he would care about any of our troops who might be captured in time of war.
Frankly, the most offensive thing that Donald Trump has said over the past year and a bit is "I'm announcing my candidacy for the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States".
Donald Trump'''s Worst Offense? Mocking Disabled Reporter, Poll Finds - NBC News

This is my pick as well. I said the day after it happened that I expected this to be big, and when a week after Trump seemed to suffer no ill effects that was when I was confident that he was going to take the nomination.

What say you?

Sorry but please only pick ONE.

Make a decision!

Thank You.


To answer honestly - Probably nothing that I've heard. I'm not offended by this kind of stuff and mostly because I look at several facts.
1. He tends to come out hard against people who start out hard against him first or at least he's perceived them as attacking him first.
2. He's older and is used to running a business, not a political campaign. I have a customer who is very offensive, but he also is a good businessman. I have a good friend who uses the "f" word all the time, it is acceptable to her so I don't judge her because I personally don't like the word.
3. People are too serious about the stupid things in life and not serious enough about the important things in life.
4. Some of what he has said was absolutely taken and misconstrued by the media and the Republican/Trump haters. That's just the way it is.
5. I find him to be honest and sincere.

The baby things was proven to have been taken out of context
The 2nd Amendment thing was not taken the same way by the majority of the people (many thought it was blown out of context and meaning).
The Khan stuff - I feel and many have later said that the Khan's were in the wrong to attack Trump first and especially based on their own standing with immigration and the Hillary Campaign
Megan Kelly - Personally, she didn't like him and she had something to prove - it was clear to me so what he said in reply was harsh, but that's how life is tit for tat.
McCain - OK, he's a military person who deserves our utmost respect. But, as for whether he is a hero - some would argue that getting captured doesn't necessarily make you a hero. Sorry but Trump isn't the only one that thinks this.
Mocking the disabled - I didn't see this one but would probably say this was the one I couldn't defend.

Everyone has their good moments and bad - but I don't think Trump is being judged fairly.
To answer honestly - Probably nothing that I've heard. I'm not offended by this kind of stuff and mostly because I look at several facts.
1. He tends to come out hard against people who start out hard against him first or at least he's perceived them as attacking him first.
2. He's older and is used to running a business, not a political campaign. I have a customer who is very offensive, but he also is a good businessman. I have a good friend who uses the "f" word all the time, it is acceptable to her so I don't judge her because I personally don't like the word.
3. People are too serious about the stupid things in life and not serious enough about the important things in life.
4. Some of what he has said was absolutely taken and misconstrued by the media and the Republican/Trump haters. That's just the way it is.
5. I find him to be honest and sincere.


Interesting take. However, I dont think that ones needs to be personally offended to answer the question. #3 I particularly agree with, Americans anymore do very poorly at knowing the meaning of things as well as the value of things, we cant prioritize worth a damn anymore. THis is a serious problem.
I'm gonna break ranks and go with "blood coming out of her wherever."

The McCain comment was a very close second.
mocking the disabled reporter
The most offensive thing Trump has said so far is "I'm running for president."
The most offensive thing Trump has said so far is "I'm running for president."

Why in your opinion is he not a US Citizen in good standing who meets the Constitutional requirements to file an application for the job.

Because a person who is exercising their rights is by definition not offensive.

I am all ears.

This is what offended me most:


Bringing your opponent's family into a political fight, for the sole purpose of essentially calling her ugly, is beyond despicable, especially when Heidi Cruz played no real part in the primary.
Numbero uno

False. About half of the run-time of the movie was some stupid scene of Transformers tip-toeing in the back yard and breaking stuff.

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