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[W:#310]Biden says 'we understand' Poland taking in Ukrainian refugees as thousands cross US southern border (1 Viewer)


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Dec 9, 2009
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Houston, TX
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President Biden on Saturday said the United States understands Poland's decision to take in more than 2 million Ukrainian refugees amid Russia's invasion because "thousands of people a day, literally," are crossing the U.S. southern border.

Biden made the remarks during a meeting with Polish President Andrzej Duda in Warsaw to discuss Russian President Vladimir Putin's ongoing war in Ukraine.

"We do acknowledge that Poland is taking on a significant responsibility that I don't think should just be Poland and should be the whole world — all of NATO's responsibility," Biden said. "The fact that you have so many Ukrainians seeking refuge in and in … Poland — we understand that because we have on our southern border thousands of people a day literally, not figuratively, trying to get to the United States."

You have to be kidding me, people fleeing Ukraine is the same as thousands crossing our southern border fleeing Mexico? Can this President get any worse. How many statements has he made that the WH has had to clarify and backtrack from? This is happens when people vote out of emotion and not policies, logic, or common sense

People escaping shitty living conditions in both cases. Sure, one is much worse than the other, but wanting a better life doesn't mean the circumstances have to be equal.

If a young person wants to get out of the ghetto to get a better life, would you try to prevent that person from moving into your neighborhood?
People escaping shitty living conditions in both cases. Sure, one is much worse than the other, but wanting a better life doesn't mean the circumstances have to be equal.

If a young person wants to get out of the ghetto to get a better life, would you try to prevent that person from moving into your neighborhood?
shitting living conditions compared to an invaded war torn country? Really? that is your argument?

You have to be kidding me, people fleeing Ukraine is the same as thousands crossing our southern border fleeing Mexico? Can this President get any worse. How many statements has he made that the WH has had to clarify and backtrack from? This is happens when people vote out of emotion and not policies, logic, or common sense

Uh….yes, actually. Many of the cities people are fleeing from have been war zones for years as the Mexican government dukes it out with the cartels.
People escaping shitty living conditions in both cases. Sure, one is much worse than the other, but wanting a better life doesn't mean the circumstances have to be equal.

If a young person wants to get out of the ghetto to get a better life, would you try to prevent that person from moving into your neighborhood?
There are laws here AGAINST unlawful entry. As a citizen, its like a drunk neighbor sleeping it off on your lawn-it gets old fast.
In the Ukraine instance, it truly IS a matter of life and death.
Biden will do ANYTHING to get those people here, including air shipments.
I just don't understand his reasoning.
Uh….yes, actually. Many of the cities people are fleeing from have been war zones for years as the Mexican government dukes it out with the cartels.
ROFLMAO, Amazing support for the Biden ignorance and tone deafness, There is a difference between war torn Ukraine with the Russian invasion and Polland ACCEPTING refugees to the illegals entering this country under Biden
ROFLMAO, Amazing support for the Biden ignorance and tone deafness, There is a difference between war torn Ukraine with the Russian invasion and Polland ACCEPTING refugees to the illegals entering this country under Biden

Nope, reality. Funny how it’s okay for people to flee war zones and take refuge when they are European Christians yet you shriek in horror when Syrians or Mexicans do it. The hypocrisy is damning.
One might want to read about the real journeys these poor souls endure before making slight of our southern refugees. I recommend "Enriques Journey" for starters. The situation in Honduras and Guatemala for many are horrific, maybe not as bad as a person from Mariupol but bad enough to make people leave everything they know and risk an illegal crossing of Mexico and the US border. Getting from there across Mexico is no picnic.
ROFLMAO, Amazing support for the Biden ignorance and tone deafness, There is a difference between war torn Ukraine with the Russian invasion and Polland ACCEPTING refugees to the illegals entering this country under Biden
I don't think anyone claimed there are no differences. That is your straw man.

What is being claimed is there are similarities.
There are laws here AGAINST unlawful entry. As a citizen, its like a drunk neighbor sleeping it off on your lawn-it gets old fast.
In the Ukraine instance, it truly IS a matter of life and death.

And it’s the same for people fleeing cartel death squads or Syria’s Mad Gasser. Again, the hypocrisy is damning.
I don't think anyone claimed there are no differences. That is your straw man.

What is being claimed is there are similarities.
Biden made that claim as what similarities? you Biden supporters will accept anything he says much of which has to be backtracked or clarified by the WH staff. We really are screwed because of the hate you people had for Trump.
And it’s the same for people fleeing cartel death squads or Syria’s Mad Gasser. Again, the hypocrisy is damning.
Polland has accepted these people where is the U.S. policy on illegals?
shitting living conditions compared to an invaded war torn country? Really? that is your argument?
Some of the places these people are fleeing aren't much better than war torn countries. Many are escaping high crime and brutal treatment.
Biden will do ANYTHING to get those people here, including air shipments.
I just don't understand his reasoning.
That’s a strawman. There is no reasoning to think that people escaping from the southern border, which has been occurring for decades, is what Biden wants.

What Biden doesn’t want is the draconian and inhumane treatment of refugees, like caging children that we forcibly separate from parents; denying them basics, like soap and toothpaste, like the previous guy did.

As it is, border crossings are down 60% from their 2000 high.
People escaping shitty living conditions in both cases. Sure, one is much worse than the other, but wanting a better life doesn't mean the circumstances have to be equal.

If a young person wants to get out of the ghetto to get a better life, would you try to prevent that person from moving into your neighborhood?

Are you kidding me? That (bolded above) would ‘qualify’ over a billion people from all over the world to arrive unannounced at (or past) the US border and demand entry.
Polland has accepted these people where is the U.S. policy on illegals?

Again, if the criteria is “it’s a matter of life and death!” then whining about people fleeing cartel death squads while happily letting Ukrainians escaping Putin’s bombs in is utterly hypocritical.

Also, not quite sure how you managed to misspell “Poland”.
Some of the places these people are fleeing aren't much better than war torn countries. Many are escaping high crime and brutal treatment.
Doesn't matter, Polland is taking war ravaged refugees legally, Biden is condoning illegal border crossings.
Again, if the criteria is “it’s a matter of life and death!” then whining about people fleeing cartel death squads while happily letting Ukrainians escaping Putin’s bombs in is utterly hypocritical.

Also, not quite sure how you managed to misspell “Poland”.
quite an exaggeration but don't let the facts that we have laws get in the way of your personal loyalty to liberalism and open borders

You have to be kidding me, people fleeing Ukraine is the same as thousands crossing our southern border fleeing Mexico? Can this President get any worse. How many statements has he made that the WH has had to clarify and backtrack from? This is happens when people vote out of emotion and not policies, logic, or common sense

Next time nominate someone better than an ass like Trump and we’ll be happy to consider voting R. Until then and until you can articulate a political platform more detailed than “ban abortion, keep the brown people out and own the lefties” don’t be surprised that you keep losing.
quite an exaggeration but don't let the facts that we have laws get in the way of your personal loyalty to liberalism and open borders

Uh…..no, it very much is not.

“Last week, the Mexican government released new data showing that between 2007 and 2014 — a period that accounts for some of the bloodiest years of the nation’s war against the drug cartels — more than 164,000 people were victims of homicide. Nearly 20,000 died last year alone, a substantial number, but still a decrease from the 27,000 killed at the peak of fighting in 2011.

Over the same seven-year period, slightly more than 103,000 died in Afghanistan and Iraq, according to data from the United Nations and the website Iraq Body Count.”

I get that tearfully shrieking “open borders” over and over again is a beloved Trump cult talking point, but that doesn’t change the fact that, if we are using “it’s a matter of life and death!” as a criteria, there’s no excuse for complaining about letting in the people fleeing the war zone south of the border.
Next time nominate someone better than an ass like Trump and we’ll be happy to consider voting R. Until then and until you can articulate a political platform more detailed than “ban abortion, keep the brown people out and own the lefties” don’t be surprised that you keep losing.

Trump was better as the results show, but you bought personality, the leftwing rhetoric and voted out of hatred and ignorance. It is stunning how you continue to buy the racists bullshit spewed by the left and how anything you don't agree with is an attack on you personally. People can disagree civilly but not in the liberal world. It is truly amazing how many Americans now against abortion were actually born
Uh…..no, it very much is not.

“Last week, the Mexican government released new data showing that between 2007 and 2014 — a period that accounts for some of the bloodiest years of the nation’s war against the drug cartels — more than 164,000 people were victims of homicide. Nearly 20,000 died last year alone, a substantial number, but still a decrease from the 27,000 killed at the peak of fighting in 2011.

Over the same seven-year period, slightly more than 103,000 died in Afghanistan and Iraq, according to data from the United Nations and the website Iraq Body Count.”

I get that tearfully shrieking “open borders” over and over again is a beloved Trump cult talking point, but that doesn’t change the fact that, if we are using “it’s a matter of life and death!” as a criteria, there’s no excuse for complaining about letting in the people fleeing the war zone south of the border.
Any idea how far Mexico city is from our border? we have a legal way to get into this country just like all other countries. Polland has opened its borders to the refugees from Ukraine, when did Biden make that decision and get Congressional approval.
Doesn't matter, Polland is taking war ravaged refugees legally, Biden is condoning illegal border crossings.
That's your unsubstantiated opinion.
Are you kidding me? That (bolded above) would ‘qualify’ over a billion people from all over the world to arrive unannounced at (or past) the US border and demand entry.
Sure, but that's not happening, is it? The fact is, they come here because they think they can have a better life. Plain and simple. I'm not saying this is legal or good, I'm saying I totally understand it.

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