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VP Takes Full Responibility In Shooting (1 Viewer)


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Sep 8, 2005
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"I'm the guy who pulled the trigger that fired the round that hit Harry," Cheney told Fox News Channel in his first public comments since the accident Saturday in south Texas.

"You can talk about all of the other conditions that exist at the time but that's the bottom line and — it was not Harry's fault," he said in an interview with Brit Hume. "You can't blame anybody else. I'm the guy who pulled the trigger and shot my friend."

When asked about notifying the press he said:

Cheney has been roundly criticized for failing to tell the public about the accident until the next day. He said he thought it made sense to let the owner of the ranch where it happened reveal the accident on the local newspaper's Web site Sunday morning.

"I thought that was the right call," Cheney said. "I still do."

Cheney said he agreed that ranch owner Katharine Armstrong should make the story public, because she was an eyewitness, because she grew up on the ranch and because she is "an acknowledged expert in all of this" as a past head of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. He also agreed with her decision to choose the local newspaper as the way to get the news out.

"I thought that made good sense because you can get as accurate a story as possible from somebody who knew and understood hunting and then it would immediately go up to the wires and be posted on the Web site, which is the way it went out and I thought that was the right call," Cheney said.
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Consider that Mr. Cheney has had two DUI's. He was probably drunk.
The Press, especially the dems will not let this go, though. Earlier today a female reporter said the press is, bottom line, ticked about being scooped by a small town Tx newspaper and that Cheyne owes the national Media an apology. The Senator there answered back that Cheyne has apologized to the only one he needed to - the friend he shot. Cheyne's re-affirmation that he did the right thing in his mind regarding the media is just going to be a burr under their saddle! How DARE Chayne not recognize THEM as the top priority in any incident?! :doh
The guy was his friend and I'm sure he feels terrible. I don't understand why it's a big deal that the press wasn't notified immediately. They shouldn't have to explain that. It was an accident. It's nobody's business but theirs. Screw the whining media, they aren't entitled to special reports from the Vice President every time something out of the ordinary happens in his private life. Geez!
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alphieb said:
Consider that Mr. Cheney has had two DUI's. He was probably drunk.
Oh shut up, you Bush-bashing bafoon! Every witness has explained in great detail that this was nothing more than an accident. even the Sheriff has stated this was nothing more than an accident, and then you come along and say something so moronic with absolutely no basis at all! :2mad:
It was a hunting accident - let the stupid thing go already!
easyt65 said:
The Press, especially the dems will not let this go, though. Earlier today a female reporter said the press is, bottom line, ticked about being scooped by a small town Tx newspaper and that Cheyne owes the national Media an apology. The Senator there answered back that Cheyne has apologized to the only one he needed to - the friend he shot. Cheyne's re-affirmation that he did the right thing in his mind regarding the media is just going to be a burr under their saddle! How DARE Chayne not recognize THEM as the top priority in any incident?! :doh

And the Conservatives, especially the extremists, will not let it end now.

They will harp about the media, day in and day out, relentlessly. Just you all watch.
KidRocks said:
Fine. Good enough for me. You're forgiven.

Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?

If only Cheney would of come out sooner than later with this there would of been no firestorm.

The whole point was that it was NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS - had NOTHING to do with YOU at all! Cheyne did not owe anyone except the man he shot an apology, and he did NOT have to do it on national T.V.

Jimminy Cricket! :doh

And, by God, SOMEONE needs to rein in the media. This was RIDICULOUS!
easyt65 said:
Oh shut up, you Bush-bashing bafoon! Every witness has explained in great detail that this was nothing more than an accident. even the Sheriff has stated this was nothing more than an accident, and then you come along and say something so moronic with absolutely no basis at all! :2mad:
It was a hunting accident - let the stupid thing go already!

I didn't say it wasn't an accident. I think it was probably a drunken accident. He has a history of heavy drinking.:spin:
easyt65 said:
The whole point was that it was NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS - had NOTHING to do with YOU at all! Cheyne did not owe anyone except the man he shot an apology, and he did NOT have to do it on national T.V.

Jimminy Cricket! :doh

And, by God, SOMEONE needs to rein in the media. This was RIDICULOUS!

I will agree with you on that. The first priority was medical care not the PRESS. I could care less if I found out Sunday or Monday or today. I believe it is very possible drinking played a factor. maybe not though.
KidRocks said:
Fine. Good enough for me. You're forgiven.

Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?

If only Cheney would of come out sooner than later with this there would of been no firestorm.

Same here. It was an unintentional accident. Time to move on.
alphieb said:
I will agree with you on that. The first priority was medical care not the PRESS. I could care less if I found out Sunday or Monday or today. I believe it is very possible drinking played a factor. maybe not though.

On WHAT Basis do you get that? There has been NO mention of alcohol in any of the reports. Eyewitnesses explained everything in detail! There was no alcohol...except the alcohol that was pulled outta your rear to post here!
Captain America said:
Same here. It was an unintentional accident. Time to move on.


Mexican troops escorting drug dealers over the border....
Al Gore committing treason in Saudi....
Continued war on terror/in Iraq....

Can we please move on to real news besides the news that the National media feels slighted by having to pick this story up on the wire?!
easyt65 said:
The whole point was that it was NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS - had NOTHING to do with YOU at all! Cheyne did not owe anyone except the man he shot an apology, and he did NOT have to do it on national T.V.

Jimminy Cricket! :doh

And, by God, SOMEONE needs to rein in the media. This was RIDICULOUS!

None of our business?

It's quite apparent that Cheneys overbearing pride evidenced by his superior manner toward inferiors (media) has filtered down all the way to this affect some of his supporters on this forum.

Talk about the dumbing-down of America. How arrogant can the extremists get?
There seems to be a rash of personal insults in here today.......

Too much coffee or not enough?

Can't we all get along? :rofl

(What fun would that be?)
KidRocks said:
None of our business?

It's quite apparent that Cheneys overbearing pride evidenced by his superior manner toward inferiors (media) has filtered down all the way to this affect some of his supporters on this forum.

Talk about the dumbing-down of America. How arrogant can the extremists get?

Can you put any more personal opinion or biased assumption in this last quote?!

Read the transcript of his interview again....while you're reading it, imagine yourself hunting with your best friend and accidentally shoot him. A reporter this morning demanded to know what happened. Cheyne told everyone in the interview. But as I predicted, it isn't good enough for the Bush-Bashers and liberal media because of moronic assumptions like this and posts like above where someone intent on bashing Cheyne pulls alcohol outta their rear and throws out the statement that alcohol must have played a part....just because they just posted it!

The ONLY story in this hunting accident story is that the media was ticked that they got scooped by a small town Texas newspaper!
I have to say that based on reading what he said, it sounded absolutely beautiful. I got all choked up reading about it. I am very impressed with him. He took responsibility and expressed emotion. He really showed a wonderful side to him. Watch this whole incident become old news.
KidRocks said:
None of our business?

It's quite apparent that Cheneys overbearing pride evidenced by his superior manner toward inferiors (media) has filtered down all the way to this affect some of his supporters on this forum.

Talk about the dumbing-down of America. How arrogant can the extremists get?
Dumbing down of America? Come on, this belongs in the same category as Jen and Brad getting a divorce. I don't really care if hunter Joe Shmuck accidently shoots his friend. Why should it be any different if that shmuck hunter is the VP?? As far as we know, no laws were broken. It's none of our business. It doesn't affect us in any way. It's between Cheney, Whittington, and Armstrong. It's totally irrelavent that they didn't go to the press right away.
Easy65, it's Cheney not Cheyne.
Binary_Digit said:
Easy65, it's Cheney not Cheyne.

I don't care if it is 'Brad' or 'Jen' - its a NON-STORY!
aps said:
I have to say that based on reading what he said, it sounded absolutely beautiful. I got all choked up reading about it. I am very impressed with him. He took responsibility and expressed emotion. He really showed a wonderful side to him. Watch this whole incident become old news.

And I thought I was the the only one deeply touch by his statements.:mrgreen: Maybe next time he goes hunting, he will be the intended target.:cool:
But as I predicted, it isn't good enough for the Bush-Bashers

Hey, it's good enuff for me. Who was that talking about generalizations yesterday?

Cheney owning up to this had to be hard for him to do all things considered.

I say we oughta give the guy a pass. It could have happened to any haphazard hunter.
tumbleweed said:
And I thought I was the the only one deeply touch by his statements.:mrgreen: Maybe next time he goes hunting, he will be the intended target.:cool:

And now, tumbleweed, I will be extremely disappointed with those who continue to make fun of the situation. He said it was the worst day of his life, which I am sure is true (maybe next to his daughter telling him she's gay ;)).
easyt65 said:
The ONLY story in this hunting accident story is that the media was ticked that they got scooped by a small town Texas newspaper!

And that my friend is the r-wing extremists latest soundbite, pulled out of their rear ends for their dittoheads approval to parrot nationwide over and over, again and again.

Just you watch and listen.
Captain America said:
Hey, it's good enuff for me. Who was that talking about generalizations yesterday?

Cheney owning up to this had to be hard for him to do all things considered.

I say we oughta give the guy a pass. It could have happened to any haphazard hunter.

Amen Cap'n! The poor guy has to walk around for the rest of his life with the memory of shooting his friend.


...you're much safer going hunting with Dick Cheney than riding in a car with Ted Kennedy! :rofl

THAT was a joke, by the way!

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