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Trumpworld Goes Into Meltdown After Trump Endorses Dr. Oz (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 16, 2019
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Political Leaning
OK, Trump's endorsement of Oz is hard to understand until you realize they are both grifters and purveyors of misinformation. Sounds like his base is none too pleased either.

OK, Trump's endorsement of Oz is hard to understand until you realize they are both grifters and purveyors of misinformation. Sounds like his base is none too pleased either.

Couple of ding- dongs
Birds of a feather flock together?
The doctor has an impressive resume. It just goes to show ya…..
Dr Oz is pretty well unknown in Europe. He is said to be a crank and charlatan who supports homeopathy so long may our happy ignorance continue.
OK, Trump's endorsement of Oz is hard to understand until you realize they are both grifters and purveyors of misinformation. Sounds like his base is none too pleased either.

Looks to me like it's The Daily Beast that's in meltdown mode.
OK, Trump's endorsement of Oz is hard to understand until you realize they are both grifters and purveyors of misinformation. Sounds like his base is none too pleased either.

Well, just going by the reactions in this thread, I'd say it's the Trump haters who are going into meltdown.

Hell, if you told me that trump endorsed some ex football player who lied about graduating from college it wouldn't surprise me.
I sincerely hope Walker wins the GA GOP nomination.
jerry springer has more credibility than “DR” OZ…

Who’s next “”DR” Phill???
“It’s like Donald Trump’s staff is sabotaging Trump by convincing him to make the worst possible endorsements,” conservative radio host Erick Erickson tweeted.
It's a plot!

They want to make Trump look bad, that's all!

And they say it's not a cult. Jeeeeebus.
OK, Trump's endorsement of Oz is hard to understand until you realize they are both grifters and purveyors of misinformation. Sounds like his base is none too pleased either.

You are very hard-pressed to find a good GOP candidate these days. If OZ is hated by Trumpers it could be a good sign, but I have seen his ads and they are embarrassing. Of course, so was trump.........
OK, Trump's endorsement of Oz is hard to understand until you realize they are both grifters and purveyors of misinformation. Sounds like his base is none too pleased either.

At least Rolling Stone knows how to write a headline about these guys:

How did oz land the endorsement? Did he tell Tweety that he could lose 14 pounds in 14 hours while eating everything he wants?

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