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Trump: 'We have reached a deal' [to end the shutdown] (1 Viewer)


Purge evil with Justice
DP Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
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Slightly Liberal

"I am very proud to announce today that we have reached a deal to end the shutdown and reopen the federal government," Trump said in remarks from the Rose Garden.

The path included signing a stopgap funding measure that would fund the government through February 15. But sources said it would not include any new funding for Trump's promised border wall, once an ironclad demand that led to the shuttering of government agencies over the past month.

On Friday morning, issues remained over backpay provisions that any agreement would include, one source said. Federal workers have now gone for two pay periods without paychecks.

Zero funding for the wall and the shutdown is poised to end. Trump boxed himself in and Pelosi's Democrats would not let him out!
The dems have 3 weeks, or this begins again and this time, Trump won't own it.

It's open for another 3 weeks while he and the Democrats work out a deal on border security

What this did was put the ball back in the Democrats be court while taking the pressure of the shutdown off of Trump

If Democrats refuse to follow through then that's on them
Zero funding for the wall and the shutdown is poised to end. Trump boxed himself in and Pelosi's Democrats would not let him out!

I'm not sick of winning yet.
It's open for another 3 weeks while he and the Democrats work out a deal on border security

What this did was put the ball back in the Democrats be court while taking the pressure of the shutdown off of Trump

If Democrats refuse to follow through then that's on them

Nope. Sorry. Democrats have already offered general funding for border security. There will be no funding for a wall. 100% a win for Democrats and Americans. 100% failure of Trump and Republicans.
The dems have 3 weeks, or this begins again and this time, Trump won't own it.


He absolutely owns it.

Ask Teddie Bear Cruz.
The Dems have 3 weeks, or this begins again and this time, Trump won't own it.

Yes, he will. Trump caved, and he's going to have to cave again. He doesn't have the votes, and he has nothing to offer Democrats that would even kind of be worth it.
Even Fox "News" realizes that Trump got his ass kicked.

The dems have 3 weeks, or this begins again and this time, Trump won't own it.


tRump capitulated. There is simply no other way to interpret this.

Ann Coulter seems a bit perturbed, wouldn't you say?

I'm not sick of winning yet.

Govt is open for 3 weeks while be he and the Dems work out a deal on border security.

If Democrats refuse to follow through with their agreement to work out a deal, then that will be on them and Trump still has the option of declaring a National emergency

Oh, this also took the pressure of the shutdown off of Trump and Federal workers get their back pay
The dems have 3 weeks, or this begins again and this time, Trump won't own it.


Do you honest to god believe that?

As long as he is the one taking people hostage it will be on him. If he wants something, he should negotiate. If the dems want something, they should negotiate. If they can't negotiate something, then neither of them get anything. But no one should take hostages. And that's on Trump period.

Zero funding for the wall and the shutdown is poised to end. Trump boxed himself in and Pelosi's Democrats would not let him out!

Good. I'm kind of surprised, actually. My wife is flying to the NE on Monday for a one day meeting, back Tuesday, and we were almost counting on her missing the trip, or getting stuck, because of mounting problems with airlines. Now let's hope air travelers only have to worry about the normal rain, snow, ice, and wind, and mechanical delays and overbooked flights, and actually sick flight attendants whose replacement goes to the wrong gate, or is an hour late, etc.!!

Trump removed the pressure of the shutdown and off of him and announced that the Democrats we're willing to work out a deal on border security

If Democrats refuse to honor their side of the agreement, then that's on them and Trump will still have the option of declaring a National Emergency

And Federal Workers get their backpay. Trump basically put the ball back in the Democrats court and if they refuse to negotiate, then Americans will see them for the lowlifes they are.
Good. I'm kind of surprised, actually. My wife is flying to the NE on Monday for a one day meeting, back Tuesday, and we were almost counting on her missing the trip, or getting stuck, because of mounting problems with airlines. Now let's hope air travelers only have to worry about the normal rain, snow, ice, and wind, and mechanical delays and overbooked flights, and actually sick flight attendants whose replacement goes to the wrong gate, or is an hour late, etc.!!

Same here. The idea that Trump could reach out and **** around with my life, because he's a giant moron, was not a pleasant thought.
Govt is open for 3 weeks while being he and the Dems work out a deal on border security.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! Is that what he told you to try and save face? There is no deal. Democrats have already passed the bill containing their final offer multiple times.

If Democrats refuse to follow through with their agreement to work out a deal, then that will be on them and Trump still has the option of declaring a National emergency
False. Politicians are always in agreement to try and work out deals. That isn't a thing. It's just what Trump has to say to people like you to make it look like he didn't just cave massively. There will be no wall. Democrats have already offered some additional defense funding, but it is not to be allocated for a wall and never will be.

this also took the pressure of the shutdown off of Trump and Federal workers get their back pay
Basically, Trump wanted to get the fact that Roger Stone has been indicted out of the headlines so he decided that it was better to lose badly twice in one day than it was to lose today, and then again next week. Of course, he's going to lose something else next week anyway.
tRump capitulated. There is simply no other way to interpret this.

What he did was put the ball back in the Democrats court when he announced they were willing to work out a deal for border security.
. He also removed any pressure of the shutdown off of himself.

If Democrats go back on their word, then that's on them. They've got three weeks, and Trump still will have the option of declaring a National emergency
Trump removed the pressure of the shutdown and off of him and announced that the Democrats we're willing to work out a deal on border security

If Democrats refuse to honor their side of the agreement, then that's on them and Trump will still have the option of declaring a National Emergency

And Federal Workers get their backpay. Trump basically put the ball back in the Democrats court and if they refuse to negotiate, then Americans will see them for the lowlifes they are.

This is the SAME DEAL they offered him 35 days ago!!

Now he's never going to get his ****ing wall.
So negotiated less than he would have gotten 36 days ago. All he did was cause a whole bunch of pain for a whole bunch of people for nothing.
Maybe he will shut it down again on 2/15 because of what....nothing.
This is disgusting.
What he did was put the ball back in the Democrats court when he announced they were willing to work out a deal for border security.
. He also removed any pressure of the shutdown off of himself.

If Democrats go back on their word, then that's on them. They've got three weeks, and Trump still will have the option of declaring a National emergency

No. What he did was prove to the nation and especially his base what Melania has known for years: he's impotent and pathetic.

Total surrender.
What he did was put the ball back in the Democrats court when he announced they were willing to work out a deal for border security.
Hahah, he took Nancy's deal, just ****ing admit it!

Trump shuts down government and demands wall funding to end shutdown.
Nancy demands government re-open, and negotiations continue.

Trump just took Nancy's deal.

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