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Trump still wants tanks displayed at July 4th celebration (1 Viewer)

I didn't make any mention of psi ratings, only the gross weight of the vehicle.
You might want to brush up on reading comprehension.

At the very least we are still talking about extensive street repairs, and the rest would depend upon where they were driven.
And if you're a DC resident, you know where the Metro routes are, probably better than I do, as I have not been back to my hometown since 1992, and that was only for a day. I moved away in 1977.
Metro was just being built in 1977.

I know you didn't mention it and it's either because you don't know that psi is rather important to how much something will effect the ground and tanks have rather low psi compared to many vehicles or you did know and didn't want to talk about it because it proved how ridiculous your claim of the tanks damaging the metro actually is.
Really no other options.
So which is it.
I know you didn't mention it and it's either because you don't know that psi is rather important to how much something will effect the ground and tanks have rather low psi compared to many vehicles or you did know and didn't want to talk about it because it proved how ridiculous your claim of the tanks damaging the metro actually is.
Really no other options.
So which is it.

It is not the fault of the tank, it's the asphalt.
Tanks accomplish turning by speeding up one tread and slowing down the opposite tread, and this is what does the most damage to streets.

The last time tanks rolled down DC streets was in 1991.
If you have a problem with that, take it up with the city of Washington. They got stuck with the bill.

The last time Washington hosted a military parade, it was a huge mess.
It is not the fault of the tank, it's the asphalt.
Tanks accomplish turning by speeding up one tread and slowing down the opposite tread, and this is what does the most damage to streets.

The last time tanks rolled down DC streets was in 1991.
If you have a problem with that, take it up with the city of Washington. They got stuck with the bill.

The last time Washington hosted a military parade, it was a huge mess.

So did those tanks destroy all the pipes in the roads. Did it disrupt power and communication for weeks. Was the metro damaged.

And your far left source despite their obviously biased opinion can't even do much more than whine.
Another anti American heard from.

You're immune to being glib I see. Or maybe impertinent to it.

Beyond reality is yet another diminishing feature given my post was anti Putin-Trump And Their Rowers. So you missed by a mile. A country mile.

The only answers any more over there are to say anti military and anti American no matter who says what and why. Which tells me you guys are outta gas. Again.

It's very relevant. To the smart people anyway.

Last time a President interjected himself into the July 4th activities was 60 years ago.

But then again, you'd defend Trump if he told you to get on your knees and lick his feet. You'd do it, too.
How pathetic. Your complete BS is pointed out and all you have to come back with is whinning about a typo. Just more proof of how low and sad you have become.

So again why are tanks not OK because they were not around when we won our independence but planes are perfectly fine.

If nothing else your posts are perfect examples of why people over come with blind hate should be ignored. Not only do always resort to dishonesty but there arguments are not even coherent.


Yes, your posts are pathetic.

And you're not supposed to make personal attacks. Calling me "low and sad"? You should read the rules. If you're able to.

And feel free to ignore me if it makes you happy. I ignore the posts of people whose posts aren't worth reading. Since mine make you cry, don't read them anymore.
It's very relevant. To the smart people anyway.

Last time a President interjected himself into the July 4th activities was 60 years ago.

But then again, you'd defend Trump if he told you to get on your knees and lick his feet. You'd do it, too.

Yes, your posts are pathetic.

And you're not supposed to make personal attacks. Calling me "low and sad"? You should read the rules. If you're able to.

And feel free to ignore me if it makes you happy. I ignore the posts of people whose posts aren't worth reading. Since mine make you cry, don't read them anymore.

Oh my!
He is a ****ing douchebag. He took $2.5 million from the national park service for this bull****. A nice fireworks display isn't enough. A complete narcissistic scumbag!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The NPS spent some $30 million on their celebration of their anniversary ... You faux outrage is noted.
Yes, your posts are pathetic.

And you're not supposed to make personal attacks. Calling me "low and sad"? You should read the rules. If you're able to.

And feel free to ignore me if it makes you happy. I ignore the posts of people whose posts aren't worth reading. Since mine make you cry, don't read them anymore.

Why do you people hate your country so much that you cannot celebrate and have to make everything personal about Trump. His speech was OUTSTANDING, NON POLITICAL, focused on the greatness of this country, something you seem to have a problem with. It was a unifying speech that radicals hate and you have no identified yourself as a radical who simply cannot grasp that freedom of speech comes like everything else with responsibility and all you continue to do is show how shallow, partisan, and unpatriotic you are. Hate is terrible and the radicals are full of it!
Why do you people hate your country so much that you cannot celebrate and have to make everything personal about Trump. His speech was OUTSTANDING, NON POLITICAL, focused on the greatness of this country, something you seem to have a problem with. It was a unifying speech that radicals hate and you have no identified yourself as a radical who simply cannot grasp that freedom of speech comes like everything else with responsibility and all you continue to do is show how shallow, partisan, and unpatriotic you are. Hate is terrible and the radicals are full of it!

Why do you people lie when you post?
We can't see Trump either but that's him up there.

Spiritually if not literally.

The Putin-Trump Rowers have become what we once fought against.

Yes, I know that photo is your dream for this country. Unitary executive, forcing your leftist will on the people, no rights, zero individualism (except the leftist elites, of course), an all powerful police state. A leftists dream come true! Sorry, Bud. Not happening here.

"America will never be a Socialist country". Remember who said that? Hint; not Barack Obama.
Pentagon knows what it's doing.

Trump does not.

Neither would I put any E-6 Staff Sergeants in charge of this. Generals know what's going on and how to set it up and hand it over to colonels who know how to do it. Which is the way it needs to be.

M1A2 Abrams tank presents 103 ground pressure kPA and psi 15. This is not in itself a big deal. As has been noted however, tanks have disproportionate effects when braking and turning, and their treads cause extensive damage to the top surface of the road.

Additionally I'd like to get the figures for US Government payouts to Germans and Koreans among others for damages done by US Army tanks to buildings and roads over decades.
Yes, I know that photo is your dream for this country. Unitary executive, forcing your leftist will on the people, no rights, zero individualism (except the leftist elites, of course), an all powerful police state. A leftists dream come true! Sorry, Bud. Not happening here.

"America will never be a Socialist country". Remember who said that? Hint; not Barack Obama.

No, not Obama. That was Trump.

Before Trump, it seemed obvious that America would never adopt socialism. After, with a loose cannon in charge, it seems it had to be said in order to reassure the populace.

Now, will the US ever be a nationalist country? We already have self described nationalist at the helm. Somehow, that's not so reassuring.
Yes, I know that photo is your dream for this country. Unitary executive, forcing your leftist will on the people, no rights, zero individualism (except the leftist elites, of course), an all powerful police state. A leftists dream come true! Sorry, Bud. Not happening here.

"America will never be a Socialist country". Remember who said that? Hint; not Barack Obama.

That's a lot of mangled ideation. It's consistent with Trump however and certain historical figures who need enemies in order to usurp power. That is what is happening here bud. We saw it again today. It will be brought to a stop, Constitutionally of course.

Neither am I a socialist so go back to your broken down drawing board.
No I have it right, Trump's expressions and narcissism is at Mussolini levels.


Trump’s Fascism Versus Obama’s Fascism
Trump’s Fascism Versus Obama’s Fascism - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Aug 22, 2017 · That statement by Obama to America’s future military leaders, was only verbal, but its underlying value-system is clearly fascist. When Obama defended racist fascism at the United Nations, it wasn’t by any such mere speech, but by his actual actions, at the U.N., carried out there by his friend and U.N. Ambassador, Samantha Power, as I reported on 24 November 2014. apparently the press (which had ignored Obama’s defense of Nazism at the U.N.) just won’t let go of Trump’s statement unless and until he becomes replaced by his even-more-far-right Vice President, Mike Pence. But that still doesn’t fully answer why the press ignored it when Obama defended Nazism at the U.N. The rest of the answer comes when we recognize that America’s press gets its cues from the two political Parties


FDR and HST held their parades during times of war or victory following a world war. JFK had his when he knew the Russians were shipping missiles to Cuba and he used military in the 4th parade to warn Russia not to **** with the USA.


Funny there were no tanks,, cannons, or missiles paraded before the crowds yesterday. Yes, there was a flyover no more extravagant than any other holiday. Next....

Traced back to find out what we were talking about. If I have it right and this is what you were referring to, have to plead guilty to being triggered by Trump and tanks. It brought to mind the European militarism of the 1930s. Our institutions are strong enough to withstand him, but admit it or not, Trump brings a fascist style with him, manifested repeatedly.
So glad it rained yesterday in Washington. :thumbs:
Trump’s Fascism Versus Obama’s Fascism
Trump’s Fascism Versus Obama’s Fascism - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
Aug 22, 2017 · That statement by Obama to America’s future military leaders, was only verbal, but its underlying value-system is clearly fascist. When Obama defended racist fascism at the United Nations, it wasn’t by any such mere speech, but by his actual actions, at the U.N., carried out there by his friend and U.N. Ambassador, Samantha Power, as I reported on 24 November 2014. apparently the press (which had ignored Obama’s defense of Nazism at the U.N.) just won’t let go of Trump’s statement unless and until he becomes replaced by his even-more-far-right Vice President, Mike Pence. But that still doesn’t fully answer why the press ignored it when Obama defended Nazism at the U.N. The rest of the answer comes when we recognize that America’s press gets its cues from the two political Parties



funny, comparing Barack Obama to a movie star, George C. Scott. Works for me.
No, not Obama. That was Trump.

Before Trump, it seemed obvious that America would never adopt socialism. After, with a loose cannon in charge, it seems it had to be said in order to reassure the populace.

Now, will the US ever be a nationalist country? We already have self described nationalist at the helm. Somehow, that's not so reassuring.

Oh the dread....Someone who want's to put us first...Terrible isn't it?

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