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Trump still wants tanks displayed at July 4th celebration (1 Viewer)

Plenty of time left for Trump to climb aboard a 'Sherman' (brand new one) and strike a pose.


Whoops you got it wrong it was Dukakis a Democrat...

So when FDR, HST and JFK had military partake in parades down Pennsylvania Ave, in DC and Fifth Ave in NYC you kept your mouth shut. If you feel your need to resist Trump don't whine when things don't go your way. You just keep living in the basement of your parents home. You should be happy for your freedom and anxious to keep it free.
FDR and HST held their parades during times of war or victory following a world war. JFK had his when he knew the Russians were shipping missiles to Cuba and he used military in the 4th parade to warn Russia not to **** with the USA.

Whoops you got it wrong it was Dukakis a Democrat...


No I have it right, Trump's expressions and narcissism is at Mussolini levels.

FDR and HST held their parades during times of war or victory following a world war. JFK had his when he knew the Russians were shipping missiles to Cuba and he used military in the 4th parade to warn Russia not to **** with the USA.


Maybe he's sending a message to Iran :shrug:
FDR and HST held their parades during times of war or victory following a world war. JFK had his when he knew the Russians were shipping missiles to Cuba and he used military in the 4th parade to warn Russia not to **** with the USA.


So it was the case on January 12, 1946, when between 2 million and 4 million New Yorkers greeted a procession of 13,000 airborne troops with a rollicking ticker-tape “Victory Parade,” in lock step with dozens of other cities that welcomed home the roughly 16.4 million men and women who served in uniform during World War II. The parade featured not only the returning troops, but also row after row of 36-ton Sherman tanks, tank destroyers, howitzers, jeeps, armored cars and anti-tank guns. The “showered blessing, shrill whistle, waves of handclapping, hoarse cheering, and here and there open tears” were “unstinting,” the New York Times observed. But again, the Victory Parade was intended to celebrate soon-to-be veterans as they reverted to civilian life. By spring 1946, less than one-quarter of Army soldiers remained in uniform—this, at the dawn of the Cold War.

The History of Military Parades in the U.S.
The History of Military Parades in the U.S.
Smart News
| Smithsonian

Feb 06, 2018 · President Dwight Eisenhower's 1953 inaugural parade included 22,000 military service members. The marchers were joined by a cannon capable of firing a nuclear warhead .


FDR and HST held their parades during times of war or victory following a world war. JFK had his when he knew the Russians were shipping missiles to Cuba and he used military in the 4th parade to warn Russia not to **** with the USA.

News flash. The Russians have warships parked in Cuba! Hello!
Trump's reality show.


A U.S. Abrams M1A2 main battle tank, like the one Trump wants to use on the Fourth of July, has treads that damage the ground. Trump saw the tanks in March at the Army Tank Plant in Lima, Ohio

News flash. The Russians have warships parked in Cuba! Hello!

News flash!! The Russians have had submarines within a few miles offshore of Connecticut and Massachusetts!! HELLLOOOOO!
He just mentioned that the US siezed British airports during the revolutionary war...
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What's with the tagline "Trump in your head", that's just a stupid thing to say. Nobody lives in my head. Planes flying overhead streaming red, white and blue streams of vapor is generally a display at any major US event. So what?

I think our dumbass president should read a book or google tanks.

“You’ve got to be pretty careful with the tanks, because the roads have a tendency not to like to carry heavy tanks," he said. “So we have to put them in certain areas, but we have the brand new Sherman tanks and we have the brand new Abram tanks."

The M4 Sherman, best known for its role in World War II, went out of service in 1957. The M1 Abrams came online in 1980.

This is where Trump went off the rails on the Sherman. It was at Normandy for the D-Day observances. Trump saw some Sherman tank buffs dressed in fatigues with their Shermans and he got the idiot notion the Army still has the Sherman active in its inventory.

I'd bet some US general replied to Trump that yeah, the Sherman's an excellent tank and then Trump ran with it to include in his numbnuts 4th of July parade statement about "new" Sherman tanks. It confirms further that Trump doesn't know what a bad high school student knows. It's become clear too nobody in the WH knows what a high school junior Rotc average cadet knows.


World War II enthusiasts drive a Sherman Tank in Normandy as part of D-Day celebrations.
News flash. The Russians have warships parked in Cuba! Hello!

In 1963 Russians had missiles with nuclear warheads in Cuba.

US armed forces globally went to Defcon 2 of 5, Defcon 1 being launch.

Trump thinks it means lunch.

With Polonium Putin of course. Joined by the Putin-Trump Rowers.
In 1963 Russians had missiles with nuclear warheads in Cuba.

US armed forces globally went to Defcon 2 of 5, Defcon 1 being launch.

Trump thinks it means lunch.

With Polonium Putin of course. Joined by the Putin-Trump Rowers.
Another anti American heard from.
I mean, if there was one thing that should be celebrated on the 4th, it's a standing army. :lol:
"The Hate that Hate Produced" was a documentary on militant black groups that emerged from civil rights era. If you sense hate in my words, they reflect back the hate that Trump produced, starting with his ad on the Central Park Five where he said he "wanted to hate" un-convicted, innocent youths, through his "Mexican rapists" speech, his Muslim ban, his calls for violence, his demeaning comments towards women, his laughing off rape charges, his tepid condemnation of neo-Nazis. If he would apologize just once, suggest he might have made a mistake in any of these cases, he might get a pass. Look to your own house.

I bolded the part of your missive that has nothing to do with tanks.....
Two tanks will be on display.

That's it.


They won't be rolling past your Dear Leader much less salute DL. He'll have to find 'em to see 'em.

We're exploding in laughter over here. Pentagon stuck Trump good. We're spending $1 billion on troops at the southern border already. Trump bringing a platoon of tanks to Washington for his personal and political bash would be OTT and even Trump knows that looking at the bucks involved.

So Trump has to settle for two. Two tanks for his Big Day. Blast in the ass ain't it. As much as Trump loves tanks. They're the only things in Washington bigger than Trump's ass. :lol:

125 thousand pounds concentrated in a footprint about the same size as a car almost guarantees that pipes, cables, and possibly even underground Metro stations wound sustain some pretty significant damage, the kind that cripples communications, power and transportation for weeks or more.

He was warned that driving tanks on DC streets was not possible. He didn't listen. He never does.
Trump still wants tanks displayed at July 4th celebration

Trump still wants tanks displayed at July 4th celebration

President Trump is still pushing Defense Department officials to include tanks or other military hardware in his planned “Salute to America” celebration on the Fourth of July.
The commander in chief wants Abrams tanks or Bradley Fighting Vehicles for Thursday’s event on the Mall, The Washington Post reported Monday
The president has wanted a military-style parade of some sort since he watched the Bastille Day parade in Paris with French President Emmanuel Macron in July 2017 and came away impressed by the show of military might.

Just like any other dictator, Trump wants to show off his big guns. But July 4th is the celebration of America's independence from England, it shouldn't be a display of military might. He wanted a big military parade down Pennsylvania Ave but that was nixed because of, oh you know....all those pesky telephone poles and asphalt that would crumble under the weight of tanks.

It looks like those tanks were front and center. Nothing but tanks everywhere. Sieg Heil
125 thousand pounds concentrated in a footprint about the same size as a car almost guarantees that pipes, cables, and possibly even underground Metro stations wound sustain some pretty significant damage, the kind that cripples communications, power and transportation for weeks or more.

He was warned that driving tanks on DC streets was not possible. He didn't listen. He never does.

You might want to do a bit more research on exactly how much lbs per square inch a tank puts to the ground before talking about an Abrams damaging the metro or any of the rest of that nonsense.
You might want to do a bit more research on exactly how much lbs per square inch a tank puts to the ground before talking about an Abrams damaging the metro or any of the rest of that nonsense.

I didn't make any mention of psi ratings, only the gross weight of the vehicle.
You might want to brush up on reading comprehension.

At the very least we are still talking about extensive street repairs, and the rest would depend upon where they were driven.
And if you're a DC resident, you know where the Metro routes are, probably better than I do, as I have not been back to my hometown since 1992, and that was only for a day. I moved away in 1977.
Metro was just being built in 1977.

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