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Trump still wants tanks displayed at July 4th celebration (1 Viewer)


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Sep 3, 2018
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Trump still wants tanks displayed at July 4th celebration

Trump still wants tanks displayed at July 4th celebration

President Trump is still pushing Defense Department officials to include tanks or other military hardware in his planned “Salute to America” celebration on the Fourth of July.
The commander in chief wants Abrams tanks or Bradley Fighting Vehicles for Thursday’s event on the Mall, The Washington Post reported Monday
The president has wanted a military-style parade of some sort since he watched the Bastille Day parade in Paris with French President Emmanuel Macron in July 2017 and came away impressed by the show of military might.

Just like any other dictator, Trump wants to show off his big guns. But July 4th is the celebration of America's independence from England, it shouldn't be a display of military might. He wanted a big military parade down Pennsylvania Ave but that was nixed because of, oh you know....all those pesky telephone poles and asphalt that would crumble under the weight of tanks.

Then Trump can dip in his billionaire wallet and personally pick up the tab for tanks, tank crews, tank fuel, tank transporters, etc.
His friend told him they were cool...

Trump still wants tanks displayed at July 4th celebration

Trump still wants tanks displayed at July 4th celebration

President Trump is still pushing Defense Department officials to include tanks or other military hardware in his planned “Salute to America” celebration on the Fourth of July.
The commander in chief wants Abrams tanks or Bradley Fighting Vehicles for Thursday’s event on the Mall, The Washington Post reported Monday
The president has wanted a military-style parade of some sort since he watched the Bastille Day parade in Paris with French President Emmanuel Macron in July 2017 and came away impressed by the show of military might.

Just like any other dictator, Trump wants to show off his big guns. But July 4th is the celebration of America's independence from England, it shouldn't be a display of military might. He wanted a big military parade down Pennsylvania Ave but that was nixed because of, oh you know....all those pesky telephone poles and asphalt that would crumble under the weight of tanks.

Can we cut it back to one missile with a big red button?
Can we cut it back to one missile with a big red button?

sure, as long as it's aimed at the White House. :lol:

(Oh I know that's going to draw some vile from Trumpers)
Then Trump can dip in his billionaire wallet and personally pick up the tab for tanks, tank crews, tank fuel, tank transporters, etc.

And Washington DC street repairs, including any damages to Metro Rail.
The District of Columbia's streets were never designed to stage super heavy military equipment with the exception of roads specified by the Military District of Washington, which DON'T include the areas specified by Trump.

There's a couple of nearby armories and bases which are ideal for such a display, and the streets and other infrastructure won't be damaged.
Trumpkins all over the nation will be standing at attention even as they lounge in their Lazy-boys.
The 4th will come and go, odds are without a North Korean style military parade... or even a few tanks sitting idle somewhere.
This is how previous Independence Day parades looked like in DC and in Every City, USA. It was Fife and Drum Corps, marching bands, 'Uncle Sam' on stilts, and big hot air blown up USA hats. Independence day isn't a day that we show weapons of destruction or military might. It's a celebration of us - the people that help make this country a free country, a democratic country, not one ruled under the grasp of England and especially not under the thumb of despotic world leaders.




Mine is bigger (or better) than yours syndrome....pathetic, very un-American, he wants to be like his heroes, Kim, Vlad, etc. For Trump, it's just a pipe dream, this is a FREE country and will hopefully stay that way!
Can soldiers learn to goose step before the 4th? They'd better hurry and practice. There's not a lot of time.
Children must have their toys. It's not a problem when considering children. They are, after all, children. When the child is in his 70's and President of the United States of America, though, it's sad. I feel pity for him.
Tanks are awesome. Also cheerleaders on tanks.

Happy 4th everyone! **** the liberals, enjoy the holiday.
And Washington DC street repairs, including any damages to Metro Rail.
The District of Columbia's streets were never designed to stage super heavy military equipment with the exception of roads specified by the Military District of Washington, which DON'T include the areas specified by Trump.

There's a couple of nearby armories and bases which are ideal for such a display, and the streets and other infrastructure won't be damaged.


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