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Trump still wants tanks displayed at July 4th celebration (1 Viewer)

Hey, another post without a point. You're on a roll. Maybe you should stop telling me what you think that I think and believe, since you start off being entirely wrong and your post is a joke. Just a bit of advice. The flawed, bend, and twisted logic doesn't help either.

He does that a lot.
That's just silly...And if you really believe that instead of just trying to be provocative, then, I think you need to take a few steps back...

You might want to become more analytical and perceptive. To include laying off the "if" crutch. Because when you don't know and are instead manufacturing situations, you might want to consider taking a few steps back. Such introspection would be of assistance in figuring how to proceed forward.

Republicans / Conservatives have become what we once fought against. As we saw on the 4th, Pentagon has put a leash on it. So good on the generals, the admirals and the civilian leadership there. Pentagon are the ones holding the fort at the present time just as they've been holding the fort from the outset of Putin-Trump and their Rowers. The fort being the Constitution of course. This will continue. America may indeed have its own great leap forward. Likely, methinks.

What Trump does and doesn't do will be determining to us. It's something you'd need to think about -- for sure. Trump is a common dictator wannabe in that he keeps crashing through institutional limits. We know from history limits on authoritarian rulers must always be imposed. This is because they just never step back.
What? Really? the generals and admirals are not part of the DNC??? OMG! LOL!

Thanks for yesterday's news. How about a point? You forgot to include one.

What you've missed is your responsibility to make up. I thought we all learned this early on.

And make it up is what you guys do. We learned this a long time ago too.

Hey, another post without a point. You're on a roll. Maybe you should stop telling me what you think that I think and believe, since you start off being entirely wrong and your post is a joke. Just a bit of advice. The flawed, bend, and twisted logic doesn't help either.

So I reiterate, you thank God in political discussions because you are certain God is a Rightwinger. You are wrong of course but then again that's yesterday's news. I have the feeling btw you'll be hanging out to see me again tomorrow. If not today which is also likely. You and your Libertarian Right fellow camper. So be it, as it says glibly somewhere that I don't recall at the moment. Let there be The Right.
What you've missed is your responsibility to make up. I thought we all learned this early on.

And make it up is what you guys do. We learned this a long time ago too.

I don't wear makeup, if that's what you are talking about.

So I reiterate, you thank God in political discussions because you are certain God is a Rightwinger.
That's dumb and wrong. I advised you to stop doing that, because it makes you look foolish. Yet, you persist.
You are wrong of course but then again that's yesterday's news. I have the feeling btw you'll be hanging out to see me again tomorrow. If not today which is also likely. You and your Libertarian Right fellow camper. So be it, as it says glibly somewhere that I don't recall at the moment. Let there be The Right.
Kind of weird stream of consciousness. And, of course, lacking a point, as usual. But you go!
You might want to become more analytical and perceptive. To include laying off the "if" crutch. Because when you don't know and are instead manufacturing situations....

Stopped reading right there....You libs have a lot of gall talking about "manufactured situations" ... It's just laughable...:lamo
I don't wear makeup, if that's what you are talking about.

Another "if." Making it up as usual.

That's dumb and wrong. I advised you to stop doing that, because it makes you look foolish. Yet, you persist.
Kind of weird stream of consciousness. And, of course, lacking a point, as usual. But you go!

I appreciate you're thinking about my well being all the time, however it's OTT and overwrought. You do in fact say "thank God" because you're certain God is a Rightwinger. I reiterate you are wrong.

Stopped reading right there....You libs have a lot of gall talking about "manufactured situations" ... It's just laughable...:lamo

No need for me to reply substantively then given your post is a fragment while mine is a whole.
I appreciate you're thinking about my well being all the time, however it's OTT and overwrought. You do in fact say "thank God" because you're certain God is a Rightwinger. I reiterate you are wrong.
There you go again.

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