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Trump Jan 2018 UK visit canceled. (1 Viewer)

Dear UK

Please do not hold the rest of America responsible for Trumps racist acts and words.

From your BFF,

United States of America

it's always cute how the left tries to appear chummy with Europeans when there is a republican president. And it has nothing to do with Trump's words.
The polls were correct in some regards. They neglected to accurately reflect the effects of the Electoral College. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by three million people.

100% meaningless. It has never been a popular vote race. Therefore all Hillary won were the states that added to her electoral votes, which were not enough to win.
Not really. Any number of locations would've been suitable: Norway, Sardina, Italy.

Yes, suitable, except for all the Germans in'em.

Not really. By 1942 the Germans had suffered two major defeats in Barbarossa and Case Blue and were hemorrhaging troops. They were stuck in an attritional war they didn't have the manpower or resources to sustain.

Barbarossa wasn't a defeat. In fact it was a huge success. Without American support, the Germans would have built upon the success of Barbarossa and destroyed the Red Army.

Without Lend lease the Soviets will have to manufacture their own trucks and supplies, but that's not outside their capability. It does slow them down considerably, but that by itself isn't enough to fix Germany's problems.

But, it was outside their available time window.
He's the leader of the free world. If it wasn't for The United States, there wouldn't be any such thing as "the free world". You're welcome.

I have been told by Trumpettes that he is President of the United States, not "Leader of the Free World." it would be much easier to kiss Trump's ass if I knew which he was.
100% meaningless. It has never been a popular vote race. Therefore all Hillary won were the states that added to her electoral votes, which were not enough to win.

It isn't meaningless. As you requested, I explained to you part of the reason why polling miscalculated the last presidential election.

My larger point, since it keeps going over your head, is that polls can indeed be a useful, scientific, and relatively accurate tool for gauging opinion. Hence my founded assertion that roughly two thirds of Americans disapprove of the current president. As I already told you, I also base that belief on the feelings of the people I know, which is a subjective and anecdotal measure.

If you ask a question and get an answer, why don't you try to process the answer rather than continue to stumble down your one lane path? That is a rhetorical question.
Yes, suitable, except for all the Germans in'em.

Deafeating the Germans in Sardina, Italy and Norway was well within the capabilities of the US armed forces.

Barbarossa wasn't a defeat. In fact it was a huge success. Without American support, the Germans would have built upon the success of Barbarossa and destroyed the Red Army.

No, it was a huge failure. The objectives of Barbarossa was to defeat the Soviet Union by capturing Moscow and destroying the Red Army. Neither objective was achieved; in fact the Red Army was larger in December 1941 than it had been at the beginning of the offensive. Because of the failure of Barbarossa, the Germans now faced an enemy that outnumbered them and whos industrial and resource base was far superior.

The Germans failed in Barbarossa because its objectives and demands were outside the scope of their actual capabilities, mainly in logistics. In 1942 the Ostheer was still extremely powerful, but again the Germans repeated their mistake: launching a vast offensive thats requirements were beyond what the German troops were capable of. Case Blur ended in disaster at Stalingrad, and again the Germans suffered tremendous losses.

The fact that the German forces in the east remained a credible threat is a testament to their skill at arms and the leadership of their generals... both which would squandered at Kursk. Citadel was just another operation where German objectives were beyond what their troops were capable of.

The Germans needed rapid and short conflicts in order to win. They simply didn't have the economy or manpower to wage any other style of war. When the Germans fell short of Moscow, they became locked in an attritional war they didn't have the manpower or resources to sustain
Deafeating the Germans in Sardina, Italy and Norway was well within the capabilities of the US armed forces.

Not without a forward base of operations.

No, it was a huge failure. The objectives of Barbarossa was to defeat the Soviet Union by capturing Moscow and destroying the Red Army. Neither objective was achieved; in fact the Red Army was larger in December 1941 than it had been at the beginning of the offensive. Because of the failure of Barbarossa, the Germans now faced an enemy that outnumbered them and whos industrial and resource base was far superior.

The Germans failed in Barbarossa because its objectives and demands were outside the scope of their actual capabilities, mainly in logistics. In 1942 the Ostheer was still extremely powerful, but again the Germans repeated their mistake: launching a vast offensive thats requirements were beyond what the German troops were capable of. Case Blur ended in disaster at Stalingrad, and again the Germans suffered tremendous losses.

The fact that the German forces in the east remained a credible threat is a testament to their skill at arms and the leadership of their generals... both which would squandered at Kursk. Citadel was just another operation where German objectives were beyond what their troops were capable of.

The Germans needed rapid and short conflicts in order to win. They simply didn't have the economy or manpower to wage any other style of war. When the Germans fell short of Moscow, they became locked in an attritional war they didn't have the manpower or resources to sustain

Barbarossa would have been the decisive operation against the Soviets, were it not for American aid to Russia.
Not without a forward base of operations.

Like North Africa.

Barbarossa would have been the decisive operation against the Soviets, were it not for American aid to Russia.

Barbarossa failed before America was even in the war.
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I remember President Obama getting huge crowds cheering for him in Great Britain and Ireland...trump is such a complete ass hole they told to stay away...Pathetic
I remember President Obama getting huge crowds cheering for him in Great Britain and Ireland...trump is such a complete ass hole they told to stay away...Pathetic

Could be because Obama was a weak appeaser and corrupt yes-man.
Could be because Obama was a weak appeaser and corrupt yes-man.

No, because he was neither, unlike Trump. Trump feeds raw meat to his nazi followers while his kleptocracy makes hay.
No, because he was neither, unlike Trump. Trump feeds raw meat to his nazi followers while his kleptocracy makes hay.


Well then by that same measure we'll say the left has fed into their racist followers who were so inspired to shoot Republican congressman and cause violence and riots in DC on inauguration day.
it's always cute how the left tries to appear chummy with Europeans when there is a republican president. And it has nothing to do with Trump's words.

Sane Americans from all points on the political spectrum tend to be "chummy" with Europeans. Are you aware of the existing global alliances, their history, their durability, and their usefulness?
Could be because Obama was a weak appeaser and corrupt yes-man.

Right, that's why foreigners come out, wait for hours, and cheer the American president. Maybe you should read translations of the foreign press from that time.
Donald Trump?s 'working visit' to UK dropped as tensions with Theresa May grow over president's far-Right retweets

Hard to host a man who supports the most radical elements of our society and is just so unpredictable.

I highly doubt any Trump supporter cares. It's all about America First.

It's sad really. I remember when right wingers acted like respecting our allies mattered when Obama was in office. He never acted like this and got an invitation canceled, as their usual defense goes, I am sure this is far better than a President Hillary would have been.
Remember folks, many of the people that support this imbecile thought Obama made the country an international embarrassment.

But Trumos behavior is A-Ok to these people.

Trump is a dumpster fire while his supporters are the kindle.

They think Trump is better than Hillary would have been... spare me. Thanks a lot Trump supporters. In the future, please elect somebody who will earn our international respect back.
We're allies. Supposed to be, anyway. We carry more than our share of the weight in NATO. Maybe England should start spending 22% and we can cut our investment down to 9%?

People like you don't really want to be in Nato anyway.
He ain't my president, I live in Canada and people in the UK likely feel the same. People in other countries have no obligation to respect him.

Being President of the US does not make Trump Emperor of the World, if Trump constantly insults other countries, they will not respect him. Trump inserted himself into an internal UK issue, of course there would be blowback over that.

And stop trying to live off the fumes of WW2 forever, I had two grandfathers who fought in the war, I owe nothing to you or Trump for that and WW2 is more complex then "the US came in and saved everyone from Nazis". The US being on the winning side of WW2 does not mean other countries will put Trump's interests over their own.

You can't use WW2 as a reason for say Canada signing a one sided trade deal that would screw up the Canadian ecomony.

Nobody has to respect Trump including Americans, and he is polling at about 30 something percent. In America, only Trump supporters respect Trump.
He's the leader of the free world. If it wasn't for The United States, there wouldn't be any such thing as "the free world". You're welcome.

He isn't the leader of the free world. He is an isolationist pulling out of global leadership and interaction with the rest of the world.
The only thing that kept the Soviets out of Canada was The United States. The CAF would have folded faster than the Poles in 1939.

You didn't kill a Nazi in Europe or even Canada. All you did was vote for Trump. Stop acting like Canadians need to kiss your ass and Trump's ass.
Right, that's why foreigners come out, wait for hours, and cheer the American president. Maybe you should read translations of the foreign press from that time.

He would have to be able read and comprehend......He'd rather get fake News from BreitBart
You have to admit: it takes a special kind of ineptitude to get our closest ally ticked at us, even to the point of making pResident tRump persona non gratis.

Fortunately for America, it's apparently just tRump they're avoiding.
You do realize NATO is not an office pool right? If Trump wants to save money, he have to reduce military spending in response to demanding everyone else spend more on their military, which he is not doing. How many grants is the US paying to first world European countries?

Are you kidding?!!!!

I can't post links with this tablet.

Internet search "Us grants to European Countries" and your computer will almost blow up.

You will also see where President Trump is starting to cut them off.
At this rate the only regimes that will welcome Trump are Putin, Lukashenka, Dutarte, El-Sisi, and Erdogan.

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