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Trump Jan 2018 UK visit canceled. (2 Viewers)

You don't know what a Ponzi scheme is.

I'll meet you half way on that one. Both the Paris Climate Accord and the Kyoto Treaty pretended to battle alleged man-made global warming and both had built in disadvantages to the USA. Perhaps a better description would be "international Wealth Redistribution Schemes". They were both primarily the Europeans and the UN pulling a fast one on the USA.
His blunders wouldn't have been irrelevant, or perhaps never occured, had the US not given the Soviets the material to stand and fight. I'm not talking the fancy stuff. I'm talking the basic stuff: food, fuel, anti-freeze, trucks. No Kursk, no Stalingrad would have been the result. Soviet troops were reduced to cannablism as it was. Just imagine what the result would have been without American food imports.

The US didn't make Hitler not give his troops winter clothes because he thought he win a quick victory or focus more Stalingrad then Moscow or the oil fields to gain a symbolic victory over Stalin. If the invasion was better planned, the USSR might have lost despite US supplies.

You are trying to reduce history to the US being the only important actor in the world history and history is not that simple.

I expect every country to bow to The United States, because as a people, we are superior; even with Liberals contaminating our society.

Good luck with that. Almost no one outside of the US thinks the US is superior to their country and Canada is not going to sign a one sided trade deal and the UK is not going to be cool with Trump getting involved with their internal politics, just because the US is "awesome".

Frankly, the US no longer seems like a city on a Hill, almost no one other country looks to the US political system and says, how can make our system more like that, with gerrymandering and mindless partisan bickering.

I like aspects of the US, but I think the US political system seems like its broken. There are things admire about the US, but its political system is not one of them at the moment.
I'll meet you half way on that one. Both the Paris Climate Accord and the Kyoto Treaty pretended to battle alleged man-made global warming and both had built in disadvantages to the USA. Perhaps a better description would be "international Wealth Redistribution Schemes". They were both primarily the Europeans and the UN pulling a fast one on the USA.

This is not the thread for climate change deniers.
Your commitment to America involves standing behind America no matter who it's present leader is. Having a tantrum over Trump's tweets just makes the UK look rather small. We have always stood with the UK whether your prime minister is librul or conservative.

You “ stand by us” because you have military presence in our country. Also none of our leaders have backed neo Nazis and fascism in the US like Trump has done with Britain first etc
There*are*none so blind as*those who will not see.

Look in the mirror. I saw the polls in the lead up to the election. The pollsters themselves admitted they blew it. They weighted the polls based on previous models. When will opinion polls become trustworthy?
You “ stand by us” because you have military presence in our country. Also none of our leaders have backed neo Nazis and fascism in the US like Trump has done with Britain first etc

Neither has Trump. You really must learn to stop taking American left wing rhetoric so seriously.
This is not the thread for climate change deniers.

However mentioning them does support the point I was making. When we elect libruls as president, they tend to fall for whatever lunatic scheme the Europeans come up with and usually the schemes put the US at a disadvantage. Another is that insanely stupid nuke deal with Iran.
Look in the mirror. I saw the polls in the lead up to the election. The pollsters themselves admitted they blew it. They weighted the polls based on previous models. When will opinion polls become trustworthy?

The polls were correct in some regards. They neglected to accurately reflect the effects of the Electoral College. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by three million people.
No answer?

No surprise.

You have still not directly answer how you came up with the two thirds number. Posting links to opinion polls is not an answer. You pulled it out of your hat.
if Clown Chaos didn't have his Twitter account he would cry like a little 9 year old bully, and then nuke the planet ............

I think they tried at first but there is only so much one can do when dealing with an ass clown.
You have still not directly answer how you came up with the two thirds number. Posting links to opinion polls is not an answer. You pulled it out of your hat.

What do you think a direct answer is? I provided you with verifiable data that substantiates my statement. You can't "fake news" me with any effect.
If it wasn't for The United States, England wouldn't exist.

Sure yeah go with that. What an arrogant statement and insult to the Brits one of our greatest allies. The Brits fought like lions in WWII. We finally came in when it appeared it was in our best interest.

Anyone that really knows their history know that Hitler's attempt at invading Russian was his real coup de grace.
What do you think a direct answer is? I provided you with verifiable data that substantiates my statement. You can't "fake news" me with any effect.

No....you posted opinion polls. That's a common left wing tactic. I am asking you to tell me in your own words how you came up with the two thirds number.
He's respected it as nuch any other president.

He's the leader of the free world. If it wasn't for The United States, there wouldn't be any such thing as "the free world". You're welcome.

What bull sheet.

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