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Trump Jan 2018 UK visit canceled. (1 Viewer)

trump need to be removed as President...He is a loud mouth ass hole...plain and simple
Remember folks, many of the people that support this imbecile thought Obama made the country an international embarrassment.

But Trumos behavior is A-Ok to these people.

Trump is a dumpster fire while his supporters are the kindle.
This is bluster. The Brits will change their tune.
Remember folks, many of the people that support this imbecile thought Obama made the country an international embarrassment.

But Trumos behavior is A-Ok to these people.

Trump is a dumpster fire while his supporters are the kindle.

Yeh remember when people were mad at Obama for moving Churchill’s bust...seems even more ridiculous now
This is bluster. The Brits will change their tune.

Why would we? Trumps America offers absolutely nothing. No vision, policy or any cohesive thoughts and he is encouraging the far right.
Why would we? Trumps America offers absolutely nothing. No vision, policy or any cohesive thoughts and he is encouraging the far right.

We're allies. Supposed to be, anyway. We carry more than our share of the weight in NATO. Maybe England should start spending 22% and we can cut our investment down to 9%?
Doubtful...President Obama received a heroes welcome...trump?...Stay the hell away

The same President Obama that gave the PM a stack of CD's? That showed sophistication. Obama was a carnival act to the Brits.
We're allies. Supposed to be, anyway. We carry more than our share of the weight in NATO. Maybe England should start spending 22% and we can cut our investment down to 9%?

We have always took our fair share given our comparative size and have followed you into a number of conflicts without batting an eye. This has nothing to do with our commitment to America and what she stands for, this is about not standing behind Trump.
We have always took our fair share given our comparative size and have followed you into a number of conflicts without batting an eye. This has nothing to do with our commitment to America and what she stands for, this is about not standing behind Trump.

Not when it comes to NATO. If we're going to carry England, then y'all need to show some respect for our president.
Not when it comes to NATO. If we're going to carry England, then y'all need to show some respect for our president.

WTF? Respect? Wow ............ respect has to be EARNED & Clown Chaos obviously doesn't know anything about that whole concept. He is like any other human; earn the respect you believe you deserve. What, you expect he will have it handed to him on some silver platter? I'm sure he expects that but that aint the way the world turns ...........
WTF? Respect? Wow ............ respect has to be EARNED & Clown Chaos obviously doesn't know anything about that whole concept. He is like any other human; earn the respect you believe you deserve. What, you expect he will have it handed to him on some silver platter? I'm sure he expects that but that aint the way the world turns ...........

Respect for an elected office is automatic. Especially our president.
I also saw Parliament asking for the chance to persuade Trump to shut down his twitter account. And I quote, "Wouldn't the world be a better place?"

if Clown Chaos didn't have his Twitter account he would cry like a little 9 year old bully, and then nuke the planet ............
Respect for an elected office is automatic. Especially our president.

U R wrong ...................... Clown doesn't even respect the goddamn office which he alone holds ................
Respect for an elected office is automatic. Especially our president.

No upright people need respect a president who embraces bigotry and white supremacists.
U R wrong ...................... Clown doesn't even respect the goddamn office which he alone holds ................

You're going to hate President Trump, no matter what; even side with a foreign country against your own president, so your opinion is devoid a credibility.
If we're going to carry England, then y'all need to show some respect for our president.
We are not carrying England and only in the world of imbeciles is respect purchased and not earned.
We are not carrying England and only in the world of imbeciles is respect purchased and not earned.

If it wasn't for The United States, England wouldn't exist.
You're going to hate President Trump, no matter what; even side with a foreign country against your own president, so your opinion is devoid a credibility.

I detested the jackass decades before he was POTUS; that has not a goddamn thing to do with it but nice try ...........

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