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Trump Jan 2018 UK visit canceled. (1 Viewer)

Trump insulted NATO from the very beginning. Putin loves him, because he's dragging down America. The Prime Minister of Britain doesn't like Trump. If the guy would just do anything good, I'd be shocked. Waiting for it..
At this rate the only regimes that will welcome Trump are Putin, Lukashenka, Dutarte, El-Sisi, and Erdogan.

Also Salman bin Abdul Aziz, king of Saudi Arabia and leader of one of the world's most brutal and fundemantlistic regimes.


That Trump didn’t openly criticize Saudi Arabia during his visit to the country like he for example did during his visits to European democracies. He also tweets nice things about the king, like for example.

"I have great confidence in King Salman and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, they know exactly what they are doing...."

The majority of Europeans loathe trump.....Except the White Nationalist Neo Nazi types....
That is increasingly looking to be the case, which is why Trump* should always have an asterisk next to his name... just like Roger Maris and Barry Bonds.

Yip any bill signed by him should be immediately reversed and struck from law. An illegitimate president can not legally make legitimate laws...
The ultra extreme far left not respecting Trump does not translate to "He's not respected at home". as I recall, the left made the same claims in regards to Reagan. In the long run he was the most respected American president around the world in my lifetime.

Really was the world so excited to get a US president that made a deal with iran.to keep American hostages until after the election, brought in cocaine to the us in order to give weapons to Iran and then ironically started the war on drugs putting millions in prisons for none violent crimes even though he was the drug dealer in chief.

Did the world respect him enough to award him the Nobel peace prize?
Trump does not respect bigotry or white supremacists. That is insanely dumb DNC talking points.

Really? His tweets, speeches and actions show otherwise.

If he does not want to be associated with white supremacists and racists he should stop supporting them.
Deafeating the Germans in Sardina, Italy and Norway was well within the capabilities of the US armed forces.

No, it was a huge failure. The objectives of Barbarossa was to defeat the Soviet Union by capturing Moscow and destroying the Red Army. Neither objective was achieved; in fact the Red Army was larger in December 1941 than it had been at the beginning of the offensive. Because of the failure of Barbarossa, the Germans now faced an enemy that outnumbered them and whos industrial and resource base was far superior.

The Germans failed in Barbarossa because its objectives and demands were outside the scope of their actual capabilities, mainly in logistics. In 1942 the Ostheer was still extremely powerful, but again the Germans repeated their mistake: launching a vast offensive thats requirements were beyond what the German troops were capable of. Case Blur ended in disaster at Stalingrad, and again the Germans suffered tremendous losses.

The fact that the German forces in the east remained a credible threat is a testament to their skill at arms and the leadership of their generals... both which would squandered at Kursk. Citadel was just another operation where German objectives were beyond what their troops were capable of.

The Germans needed rapid and short conflicts in order to win. They simply didn't have the economy or manpower to wage any other style of war. When the Germans fell short of Moscow, they became locked in an attritional war they didn't have the manpower or resources to sustain

Yes Germany made the mistake of waking up Russia and Japan made the mistake of waking up America.

Truthfully Europe would most likely be a far different place if those two countries did not get involved with the war.
Yip any bill signed by him should be immediately reversed and struck from law. An illegitimate president can not legally make legitimate laws...

I wasn't saying that. Bonds* is baseball's all-time HR leader. He just has a taint next the name.

Yeap--Teresa May, prime minister of the UK is none to happy with the Ass Clown.

And btw, who is denying climate change? Climate change absolutely does occur and it is natural, not man made.

Not according to a koch brothers study where they tried to prove that but even being a biased study the facts proved it is man made.
The polls were correct in some regards. They neglected to accurately reflect the effects of the Electoral College. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by three million people.

They also neglected to take into account the Russian influence where they targeted certain electoral spots.by convincing some voters that Hillary had it in the bag so they could stay home and firing up the trump base to vote.

In a way it was brilliant, however the fact a foreign government did it with the aid of the candidate and his team is no less than treason.
They also neglected to take into account the Russian influence where they targeted certain electoral spots.by convincing some voters that Hillary had it in the bag so they could stay home and firing up the trump base to vote.

In a way it was brilliant, however the fact a foreign government did it with the aid of the candidate and his team is no less than treason.

Of course it is...But trump's hardcore base doesn't care...They don;t even think it was a crime...Their slobbering hatred of Hillary Clinton outweighs trump's collusion with the Russians...

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