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Trump erases Joe Biden's five-point lead in Texas, polls show (1 Viewer)


Minister of Love
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Feb 24, 2014
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Joe Biden's five-point lead in Texas polls has vanished

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s polling lead over Donald Trump in The Lone Star State has vanished, with the incumbent now in the driver’s seat with less than two months to Election Day.
Trump leads Biden by two percentage points, 48 to 46, among likely voters in a new poll released Sunday by The Dallas Morning News and the University of Texas at Tyler.

Looks like the Democrat-led riots and gaslighting campaign to blame it all on Trump have finally backfired on them. Serves them right.
This is what I have been talking about. All it took was the furthest left trying to brand themselves as representative of the whole and the house of cards crashed down, and even though all this is happening on Trump's watch it will be easy to brand Biden as representative of all that is wrong with inner city America today.
1 poll, 2 months out in a state where Trump should be up by 10+...hardly something to brag about...

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1 poll, 2 months out in a state where Trump should be up by 10+...hardly something to brag about...

Sent from my JSN-L21 using Tapatalk

It's called pathetic desperation. Trump is having to spend a ton of money trying to keep a state he should never even have to campaign in.
It's called pathetic desperation. Trump is having to spend a ton of money trying to keep a state he should never even have to campaign in.

Like Her Thighness Clinton and Wisconsin? That worked well lol
Like Her Thighness Clinton and Wisconsin? That worked well lol

What is your point? That Clinton had to fight for Wisconsin yet still lost it? Trump having to fight for Texas is like a Democrat having to fight for California.
1 poll, 2 months out in a state where Trump should be up by 10+...hardly something to brag about...

Sent from my JSN-L21 using Tapatalk
What's interesting, according to 538, the university of texas did two polls that covered the same time period. One poll had trump up by 2, the other had biden up by 1.
What is your point? That Clinton had to fight for Wisconsin yet still lost it? Trump having to fight for Texas is like a Democrat having to fight for California.

Fought for Wisconsin? She couldn't find it on a map
Joe Biden's five-point lead in Texas polls has vanished

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s polling lead over Donald Trump in The Lone Star State has vanished, with the incumbent now in the driver’s seat with less than two months to Election Day.
Trump leads Biden by two percentage points, 48 to 46, among likely voters in a new poll released Sunday by The Dallas Morning News and the University of Texas at Tyler.

Looks like the Democrat-led riots and gaslighting campaign to blame it all on Trump have finally backfired on them. Serves them right.
Trumpsters will latch onto any good news. Too bad it really isn't good news.

Trump won Texas in 2016 by 9 points. As of the last FiveThirtyFive poll reports, one poll has Trump up by 2 pts and another taken at the same time has Biden up by 1 pt. In the Sept 4 poll, Biden leads by 3 pts and in the Sept 1 poll, Trump leads by 1 pt.

So, in a state that Trump won by 9 pts four years ago, today each candidate is within the margin of error. That means that the Trump campaign, that normally wouldn't spend a dime in Texas has to now expend money when it's been reported they are short of cash and have postponed advertising in many markets. His [Trump's] campaign also appears to be facing a significant financial crunch and has largely ceased advertising on television even as Mr. Biden begins to spend heavily from his war chest after raising about $365 million in August.

Meanwhile, Texas is not a must-win state for Biden but is for Trump, as is Florida, where it is also close, where the C- rated Trafalgar Group poll has Trump up by 3 pts while all the other polls have Biden up by 3 - 7 pts.
What's interesting, according to 538, the university of texas did two polls that covered the same time period. One poll had trump up by 2, the other had biden up by 1.

As I said.. Trump should be up by 10+ as Texas should be solid to most likely red. He aint, and that is bad. It is almost as bad as being close in racist states like Alabama or Georgia.. oh wait..
This is what I have been talking about. All it took was the furthest left trying to brand themselves as representative of the whole and the house of cards crashed down, and even though all this is happening on Trump's watch it will be easy to brand Biden as representative of all that is wrong with inner city America today.

It depends on one's view. I always thought the riots were a local problem. Portland, Minneapolis, Kenosha, the cities hire the police, they fund the police, they set up rules and regulations to be followed by the police, they train their police. The cities have total control over the police. Not the federal government. If the Mayor of these cites can't handles the protests and riots, the violence, the Mayor can request assistance from the governor who has all the tools to help quell the riots and stop the violence. There should be no federal involvement unless the governor request assistance from the federal government which so far as I know, hasn't happened.

I know it's the age old political game of political parties always blaming the other. But common sense would let everyone know this is purely a local problem to be solved locally. The federal government can't tell these cities how to run their police departments. The cities have total control over their own police.

Blaming Trump who had nothing to do with the shootings that initiated these protests and riots is the old political game of blaming trying to tar him for something he had nothing to do with. The same with portraying Biden for letting the riots continue. Biden hasn't had a single thing to do with them. He isn't even in office. But political parties and their faithful totally lack common sense when it comes to something they can gain a political advantage.

When political parties and die hard partisans are asked if they have any common sense. They'll always pull out their change purse to see how much cents they have.

Yes, it seems these riots have had a effect in Wisconsin where Biden's 6.5 point lead has dropped to 4 points. In Minnesota where Biden's once 8 point lead is down to 3.7 and in next door Michigan where Biden's lead has dropped from 6 points down to 2.6. But nationwide, I don't see any backlash as of yet. As for Texas, here's RCP's all the latest polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Texas: Trump vs. Biden

Here's a good article.

How US recovery, chaos in Kenosha and Portland is helping Trump to blunt Biden 'steamroller'

How US recovery, chaos in Kenosha and Portland is helping Trump to blunt Biden '''steamroller'''
We have less than two months to go. Actually quite a bit less as many voters will vote far earlier than that.

During that period the debates will probably not change anybody's opionion.

The virus may have a big role in this election. Trump is going to have egg on his shirt if there is not a vaccine available by the first of Nov. Once again he has demonstrated he has all along been clueless.

Another potential hit for Trump if there is any validity of him referring to our fallen soldiers as losers and suckers. You don't even have to be a vet to be repulsed by that statement as almost everyone has a family member who has served.
This is what I have been talking about. All it took was the furthest left trying to brand themselves as representative of the whole and the house of cards crashed down, and even though all this is happening on Trump's watch it will be easy to brand Biden as representative of all that is wrong with inner city America today.

That's absurd... you can't dump on Biden, who is not currently in office, for the mess that Trump Created and Trump is Promoting and is existing on Trump's watch.... You people are so cult devoted that it is beyond insidious. "That Lie The Cult Is Promoting Is A Lie That Won't Fly"

I am so glad I don't have the mindset of some white people... and certainly don't have a "cult worship" of any white man. It's not so amazing to see and how how much some white people deny and omit and will lie about. We saw 100 yrs of that in those who supported segregation, and America endured 100's of years of white people lying to themselves about the inhumanity of slavery, and we still see them today, lying about the reality of racism, and lying about their want to have a continuation of white skin accessibility ahead of others.
We see them lie about Public service user, when white people use public services at a rate of 7:1 and in some cases and locations its 9:1 and higher!!! We see white people afraid to blame the wealthy white men who exported industry, made bad policy, and watched Republicans crash the economy repeatedly.
Now we watch them back a con man, criminal, tax evaders, swindler, belligerent mad mad and Russia Puppet, who has damaged everything in American, and some white people can think of nothing more than a vain expectation that Trump is going to help them get "money".

We've see white people try and delude Americans for Centuries with pictures of a "blond hair blue eye'd picture of Jesus", when that is not even close to the characteristic of the people from the lands were Jesus was born and lived. We've seen white people take credit for things that others discovered and/or created... and Today, we've seen white people fleece companies into complete default, and then a justice system that lets them off with a slap on the wrist, after causing devastation to families and cities.

We've seen and continue to see white people have squandered 100's of years of American wealth, and wrapped this nation in debt it can never pay, to the tune of $26 Trillion Dollars, and we have a thief in the White House, still stealing while the nation struggle to stay afloat. That's called "AVARICE"...

The segment of white people, who do try and work to face the truth, is a majority among white people, who don't allow themselves to be uneducated, cult led, and spinning in a cycle of continual denials of history and fact. Young open minded liberal thinking white people today, are trying to find the "Real Truths", no matter how inconvenient, they want to put the real truths on the table, they don't pretend that racism is not real, they want to expose racism and work with others to abolish it. They have learned and continue to lean the real meaning of The Declaration of Independence, The Real and True Values and Principles of The Preamble, and The Just and Equality that must be the basis of How the United States Constitution functions to continue to build a better future for "All". These are the white people who respect Multi-cultural and Multi-ethnic society, and they know that Diplomacy is what is important within International Relations and they support Equality of Person, as Individual. These are the type of white people, have the ability to work with all people in and through the principles of Equality of Person as Individual
What's interesting, according to 538, the university of texas did two polls that covered the same time period. One poll had trump up by 2, the other had biden up by 1.

3 points is within the margin of error. It depends who, how, what, and why.

Different questions, different people being asked. Different results
That's absurd... you can't dump on Biden, who is not currently in office, for the mess that Trump Created and Trump is Promoting and is existing on Trump's watch.... You people are so cult devoted that it is beyond insidious. "That Lie The Cult Is Promoting Is A Lie That Won't Fly"

I am so glad I don't have the mindset of some white people... and certainly don't have a "cult worship" of any white man. It's not so amazing to see and how how much some white people deny and omit and will lie about. We saw 100 yrs of that in those who supported segregation, and America endured 100's of years of white people lying to themselves about the inhumanity of slavery, and we still see them today, lying about the reality of racism, and lying about their want to have a continuation of white skin accessibility ahead of others.
We see them lie about Public service user, when white people use public services at a rate of 7:1 and in some cases and locations its 9:1 and higher!!! We see white people afraid to blame the wealthy white men who exported industry, made bad policy, and watched Republicans crash the economy repeatedly.
Now we watch them back a con man, criminal, tax evaders, swindler, belligerent mad mad and Russia Puppet, who has damaged everything in American, and some white people can think of nothing more than a vain expectation that Trump is going to help them get "money".

We've see white people try and delude Americans for Centuries with pictures of a "blond hair blue eye'd picture of Jesus", when that is not even close to the characteristic of the people from the lands were Jesus was born and lived. We've seen white people take credit for things that others discovered and/or created... and Today, we've seen white people fleece companies into complete default, and then a justice system that lets them off with a slap on the wrist, after causing devastation to families and cities.

We've seen and continue to see white people have squandered 100's of years of American wealth, and wrapped this nation in debt it can never pay, to the tune of $26 Trillion Dollars, and we have a thief in the White House, still stealing while the nation struggle to stay afloat. That's called "AVARICE"...

The segment of white people, who do try and work to face the truth, is a majority among white people, who don't allow themselves to be uneducated, cult led, and spinning in a cycle of continual denials of history and fact. Young open minded liberal thinking white people today, are trying to find the "Real Truths", no matter how inconvenient, they want to put the real truths on the table, they don't pretend that racism is not real, they want to expose racism and work with others to abolish it. They have learned and continue to lean the real meaning of The Declaration of Independence, The Real and True Values and Principles of The Preamble, and The Just and Equality that must be the basis of How the United States Constitution functions to continue to build a better future for "All". These are the white people who respect Multi-cultural and Multi-ethnic society, and they know that Diplomacy is what is important within International Relations and they support Equality of Person, as Individual. These are the type of white people, have the ability to work with all people in and through the principles of Equality of Person as Individual

Now I am a member of the cult? LOL, you guys need to huddle up on this.
Now I am a member of the cult? LOL, you guys need to huddle up on this.

No... that is not the point of my commentary... ( I should have said "Right Wingers" instead of using the word "you". )
I am responding the the point within your writing... of how the Right Winger will try to lay blame of Biden, (who is NOT in Office at This Time) for the mess happing on Trump's watch, because a lot of these bigoted and racist people don't like the fact that people are protesting. to State The Fact, Black Lives Matter... We know many white people throughout American history has NOT wanted Black Lives to Matter. Because many of those types want to have someone to look down upon, to avoid seeing their own bias and bigoted self delusions of fictions of superiority. These type of people are "Sick"... They are like an evil force that has damaged America for Centuries.

They are so absurd, they can't see the damage they and their ancestry has done, for their desperation to want to think they are better than others, based on the simplicity of skin. It's the most insanely ignorant thing ever.

Biden, nor Biden's Supporters are for an Extreme Left or Extreme Right... They are supporting the "Principles of Equality" and working to correct the biases our system have been bastardized to promote over many centuries and decades. The Right does not want human equality of person, nor equality within the systems of society. The Right wants to dictate over society, as the right wing white people did during slavery and segregation and the long history of their repressions and suppression of women. The Right simply "do not" know how to live in Civil Society under the principles of Equality of Person as Individual. The worst part is, they don't care... all they want is to delude themselves that they are superior and have the vain delusion they can "dictate over society" with their plutocratic support for authoritarian madness.

They (Right Wingers) are like an Evil Force that continues to damage America .... and the young of today, will not sit around and tolerate it. So, the vile Right Wingers come with their guns and military style garb looking like antiquated fools... with a savage agenda. Trying to promote the same type of Terrorist Mentality and Conduct as the KKK did at the end of Reconstruction.
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It depends on one's view. I always thought the riots were a local problem. Portland, Minneapolis, Kenosha, the cities hire the police, they fund the police, they set up rules and regulations to be followed by the police, they train their police. The cities have total control over the police. Not the federal government. If the Mayor of these cites can't handles the protests and riots, the violence, the Mayor can request assistance from the governor who has all the tools to help quell the riots and stop the violence. There should be no federal involvement unless the governor request assistance from the federal government which so far as I know, hasn't happened.

I know it's the age old political game of political parties always blaming the other. But common sense would let everyone know this is purely a local problem to be solved locally. The federal government can't tell these cities how to run their police departments. The cities have total control over their own police.

Blaming Trump who had nothing to do with the shootings that initiated these protests and riots is the old political game of blaming trying to tar him for something he had nothing to do with. The same with portraying Biden for letting the riots continue. Biden hasn't had a single thing to do with them. He isn't even in office. But political parties and their faithful totally lack common sense when it comes to something they can gain a political advantage.

When political parties and die hard partisans are asked if they have any common sense. They'll always pull out their change purse to see how much cents they have.

Yes, it seems these riots have had a effect in Wisconsin where Biden's 6.5 point lead has dropped to 4 points. In Minnesota where Biden's once 8 point lead is down to 3.7 and in next door Michigan where Biden's lead has dropped from 6 points down to 2.6. But nationwide, I don't see any backlash as of yet. As for Texas, here's RCP's all the latest polls.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Texas: Trump vs. Biden

Here's a good article.

How US recovery, chaos in Kenosha and Portland is helping Trump to blunt Biden 'steamroller'

How US recovery, chaos in Kenosha and Portland is helping Trump to blunt Biden '''steamroller'''

So, Trump's message is "America has gone hell in a hand basket under my leadership, so you need to re-elect me." That doesn't sound to be a winning strategy.

Also, Texas is a Covid hot-spot and Trump's lack of leadership may influence votes. Also, Texas is a military state and Trump's reported comments can only damage him.
This is what I have been talking about. All it took was the furthest left trying to brand themselves as representative of the whole and the house of cards crashed down, and even though all this is happening on Trump's watch it will be easy to brand Biden as representative of all that is wrong with inner city America today.

Ummm, Biden and Democrats ARE responsible for what's happening in inner city America.
Ummm, Biden and Democrats ARE responsible for what's happening in inner city America.

See post #22. America has gone hell in a hand basket under Trump's watch, so you need to re-elect him, because this is all on Biden. Great message

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