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Trump cancels Pelosi trip to Belgium, Afghanistan and Egypt (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 29, 2015
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Trump cancels Pelosi trip to Belgium, Afghanistan and Egypt​

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump told House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Thursday that her trip to Belgium, Egypt and Afghanistan had been canceled over the partial government that has run into its 27th day.... “Due to the Shutdown, I am sorry to inform you that your trip to Brussels, Egypt and Afghanistan has been postponed,” Trump wrote in a letter to the top House Democrat. “We will reschedule this seven-day excursion when the Shutdown is over.”


Whoops, there are a lot of red angry faces at the airport right now. The Pelosi Congressional Delegation is stranded and cannot use military transport. Trump is allowing Pelosi and the Co-Del to travel by commercial air.

:lamo :lamo :lamo
He really is a Manbaby-in-Chief. :thumbdown

Don't worry, though--as the adult in the room, Pelosi will not be derailed by this stunt. :thumbs:
Trump can’t cancel her trip anymore than Nancy can stop the SOTU. She can still use commercial aircraft to go on her trips just as Trump can use the Oval Office to give the SOTU.

It will be fun to see what other power moves they pull on each other.
Well she can always fly into the place using commercial transport.
But now the enemy would know she and her delegation is coming on a commercial fight into a war zone without any military escort. Would that be wise?
But now the enemy would know she and her delegation is coming on a commercial fight into a war zone without any military escort. Would that be wise?

That's for her and her security to decide.
He really is a Manbaby-in-Chief. :thumbdown

Don't worry, though--as the adult in the room, Pelosi will not be derailed by this stunt. :thumbs:

On the contrary here's a man with balls of steel and a woman who cannot fathom who she is dealing with. She's playing regular chess while DJT is play 3D chess.
On the contrary here's a man with balls of steel and a woman who cannot fathom who she is dealing with. She's playing regular chess while DJT is play 3D chess.

tRump has the thinnest skin of any president in a long, long time!

You know who was the diametric opposite of that? This guy:

Trump can’t cancel her trip anymore than Nancy can stop the SOTU. She can still use commercial aircraft to go on her trips just as Trump can use the Oval Office to give the SOTU.

It will be fun to see what other power moves they pull on each other.

Trump did not cancel the trip. It has been postponed for a short time as per the Gov't shutdown...
On the contrary here's a man with balls of steel and a woman who cannot fathom who she is dealing with. She's playing regular chess while DJT is play 3D chess.

Trump is so dumb he couldn't even spell CHEST! (LOL)

tRump has the thinnest skin of any president in a long, long time!

You know who was the diametric opposite of that? This guy:


You mean the guy that militarized the DOJ against his enemies? That guy, you say? ;)

You mean the guy that militarized the DOJ against his enemies? That guy, you say? ;)


0/10 projection attempt. You didn't even try.

But then again, nobody who's infected with ODS ever tries to make an intelligent argument. ;)
Trump did not cancel the trip. It has been postponed for a short time as per the Gov't shutdown...

Postponed their use of military aircraft for the trip, true. They could still do the trip via commercial aircraft. Well, if Trump hadn’t outed the CODEL’s classified travel itinerary they could. Obviously it would be too dangerous for them to travel to Afghanistan now regardless of mode of transportation.

Note that I am not saying Trump broke the law in revealing their classified itinerary publicly. A President can legally do that. But it is highly irresponsible doing it publicly.
Trump is so dumb he couldn't even spell CHEST! (LOL)

Check comes from a Persian phrase 'shah' (king) where 'shah mata / shah mat' meant 'the king is dead' or 'the king is helpless'. I believe this is actually the Persian gameplay terminology over 1000 years ago before Europeans really caught onto it. – Garet Claborn May 18 '11 at 5:07
Interestingly, that became "scacco matto" in Italian... although matto means mad in Italian! – nico May 18 '11 at 6:09
In Swedish, it's "schack matt", which is pretty close to the original. Cool. (Chess is actually called Schack, fwiw..) – Macke May 18 '11 at 11:52
I find the etymology at word origins (the nicer description) questionable because of the reference to Vulgar Latin. It says check < eschequier (Old French) < eschec < scaccus (Vulgar Latin) < shah (Arabic) < shah (Persian). I don't know what scaccus means exactly (does the '' means it is reconstructed but not extant?), but Vulgar Latin is the name of the colloquial Latin at the time of the Roman Empire ... did the game of chess even exist then, and were there borrowings from Arabic at that time? – Mitch May 18 '11 at 14:31

In other words, Pelosi bit off more than she could chew in this case. Better she swallow her pride and come to the table. It will only get worse from here on. Democrats are losing this political war on all sides.
Postponed their use of military aircraft for the trip, true. They could still do the trip via commercial aircraft. Well, if Trump hadn’t outed the CODEL’s classified travel itinerary they could. Obviously it would be too dangerous for them to travel to Afghanistan now regardless of mode of transportation.

Note that I am not saying Trump broke the law in revealing their classified itinerary publicly. A President can legally do that. But it is highly irresponsible doing it publicly.

Check comes from a Persian phrase 'shah' (king) where 'shah mata / shah mat' meant 'the king is dead' or 'the king is helpless'. I believe this is actually the Persian gameplay terminology over 1000 years ago before Europeans really caught onto it. – Garet Claborn May 18 '11 at 5:07
Interestingly, that became "scacco matto" in Italian... although matto means mad in Italian! – nico May 18 '11 at 6:09
In Swedish, it's "schack matt", which is pretty close to the original. Cool. (Chess is actually called Schack, fwiw..) – Macke May 18 '11 at 11:52
I find the etymology at word origins (the nicer description) questionable because of the reference to Vulgar Latin. It says check < eschequier (Old French) < eschec < scaccus (Vulgar Latin) < shah (Arabic) < shah (Persian). I don't know what scaccus means exactly (does the '' means it is reconstructed but not extant?), but Vulgar Latin is the name of the colloquial Latin at the time of the Roman Empire ... did the game of chess even exist then, and were there borrowings from Arabic at that time? – Mitch May 18 '11 at 14:31

In other words, Pelosi bit off more than she could chew in this case. Better she swallow her pride and come to the table. It will only get worse from here on. Democrats are losing this political war on all sides.

Went right over your head...

Not surprising at all.

Let me give you a hint: 'Hamberders'
Postponed their use of military aircraft for the trip, true. They could still do the trip via commercial aircraft. Well, if Trump hadn’t outed the CODEL’s classified travel itinerary they could. Obviously it would be too dangerous for them to travel to Afghanistan now regardless of mode of transportation.

Note that I am not saying Trump broke the law in revealing their classified itinerary publicly. A President can legally do that. But it is highly irresponsible doing it publicly.

THere was nothing to reveal. He cancelled the trip.
As long as EVERYONE'S trip(s) are cancelled, then no problem.

She should go and make public the wildly expensive expense report she'll file and let everyone know how much money the gangster-in-chief cost the taxpayers.

Though it does show what a low-life, vindictave scum bucket child he is.
THere was nothing to reveal. He cancelled the trip.

Trump doesn’t have the authority to cancel their trip, only to deny use of MILAIR. They could have traveled commercial using their travel cards. I coordinated many a CODEL visit in my embassy days. They usually flew MILAIR, but not always. When MILAIR wasn’t available they flew commercial.
Trump did not cancel the trip. It has been postponed for a short time as per the Gov't shutdown...

So Trump is going to fold soon? I thought he was in it for the long haul.
Until they get the country open for business again, she needs to park her ass right there in D.C. No farther than 10 minutes away from her desk.

What the hell is she thinking?
So Trump is going to fold soon? I thought he was in it for the long haul.

I don't think so... Seems Pelosi is now land locked. In fact she can't even go home to her mansions in Kalifornia now unless she uses commercial airlines.


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