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Trump Announces Troops Leaving Syria (1 Viewer)


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Apr 6, 2017
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There are estimates of between 200 and “a few thousand” troops in Syria. Lindsey Graham seemed to be caught off guard by the announcement. Why now? Is ISIS ‘defeated?’ There are different opinions on that as well.


On Wednesday morning, the President tweeted, "we have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency."- from the linked article
There are estimates of between 200 and “a few thousand” troops in Syria. Lindsey Graham seemed to be caught off guard by the announcement. Why now? Is ISIS ‘defeated?’ There are different opinions on that as well.


On Wednesday morning, the President tweeted, "we have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency."- from the linked article

November 2015: "I know more about ISIS [the Islamic State militant group] than the generals do. Believe me."

Sadly, true military professionals can immediately see that this is simply another case of Twump fellating his master, Pootie.

November 2015: "I know more about ISIS [the Islamic State militant group] than the generals do. Believe me."

Sadly, true military professionals can immediately see that this is simply another case of Twump fellating his master, Pootie.


August UN report had ISIL at 20 to 30 K fighters in Syria/Iraq.
Iraq with hasty trials, lasting mere minutes, 98% conviction rates, many death sentences awarded are creating the next base for a Sunni uprising.
I actually think this is a good move. The more we divest ourselves from the ME, the better off we are.
August UN report had ISIL at 20 to 30 K fighters in Syria/Iraq.
Iraq with hasty trials, lasting mere minutes, 98% conviction rates, many death sentences awarded are creating the next base for a Sunni uprising.

I wonder if the frothy, spittle-flying YeeHaw conservatives who lied about Obama 'losing' Iraq and being responsible for creating ISIS will accuse Twump of the same.
I actually think this is a good move. The more we divest ourselves from the ME, the better off we are.

I would be more comfortable if there were a more coordinated effort here.......
I don't know anything, but this certainly tracks like he's concerned that he may not survive an impeachment, and is trying to return favors while he can.

Who benefits most from this withdrawal? It seem like that's the Syrian government and their Russian allies, as they'll be the biggest players after we leave.

Honestly though, I don't see how he loses an impeachment vote in the Senate. I just don't see the GOP bending like that even after the Trump Foundation decision, barring even more serious revelations to come.
We lost the ability to influence the outcome of the Syrian Civil War a long while ago, and with ISIS reduced to largely a nonfactor, there's not much more the US can accomplish in Syria.
I don't know anything, but this certainly tracks like he's concerned that he may not survive an impeachment, and is trying to return favors while he can.

Who benefits most from this withdrawal? It seem like that's the Syrian government and their Russian allies, as they'll be the biggest players after we leave.

Honestly though, I don't see how he loses an impeachment vote in the Senate. I just don't see the GOP bending like that even after the Trump Foundation decision, barring even more serious revelations to come.

This is a decent breakdown of the potential scenarios that could occur from us leaving Syria.

There are estimates of between 200 and “a few thousand” troops in Syria. Lindsey Graham seemed to be caught off guard by the announcement. Why now? Is ISIS ‘defeated?’ There are different opinions on that as well.


On Wednesday morning, the President tweeted, "we have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency."- from the linked article

First of all, you quoted CNN. This isn't a valid source of news. You should strive to upgrade to more legitimate sources.

This story clearly indicates WHY you shouldn't rely on CNN for valid news. Here they took a small snippet of truth and then "analyzed" for the reader in a manner which is completely devoid of any understanding of Defense. A low level source CNN used as a source informed them the Defense Department is planning on a rapid withdrawal from Syria. CNN's analysis then claimed this meant this was to be policy as set forth by the administration. Plans such as these are CONSTANTLY being drawn up in advance. They also have plans for a rapid deployment and full scale eradication of Assad's and Putin's forces. Understand there are defense systems in place which, upon command orders, can immediately begin to put in place plans drawn up in advance. There are field officers whose entire job is to understand a particular region and all of its Geopolitical participants and draw up contingencies. If the need should arise these contingency plans can be pulled up and we already have a thorough understanding of what should be done and it is rapidly put in place. This doesn't mean this is the process which is being put in place. It is just planning.

This is the type of irresponsible or at best ignorant reporting spewed out by CNN. It is designed to undermine our presence in Syria by a "news" organization which is at best irresponsible and ignorant and at worst subversive.
I wonder if the frothy, spittle-flying YeeHaw conservatives who lied about Obama 'losing' Iraq and being responsible for creating ISIS will accuse Twump of the same.

It has been a disaster from the beginning. Saudi, Qatar, Turkey all trying to oppose Assad and the other 2 countries interests.

Turkey could have ended this years ago prior to Russian military intervention. Turkey could have driven and captured the port of Latakia and capturing a large part of Northern Syria. Taking out Syrian Air bases and air power
Ensuring and assuring Russia that it would have access to the port under a new Syrian Govt.
Assad would have been finished
We lost the ability to influence the outcome of the Syrian Civil War a long while ago, and with ISIS reduced to largely a nonfactor, there's not much more the US can accomplish in Syria.

IIRC ISIL captured Mosul with under 500 fighters. The Iraqi Army ran.
Estimates of 20-30 K fighters still present, they are a considerable force
First of all, you quoted CNN. This isn't a valid source of news. You should strive to upgrade to more legitimate sources.

This story clearly indicates WHY you shouldn't rely on CNN for valid news. Here they took a small snippet of truth and then "analyzed" for the reader in a manner which is completely devoid of any understanding of Defense. A low level source CNN used as a source informed them the Defense Department is planning on a rapid withdrawal from Syria. CNN's analysis then claimed this meant this was to be policy as set forth by the administration. Plans such as these are CONSTANTLY being drawn up in advance. They also have plans for a rapid deployment and full scale eradication of Assad's and Putin's forces. Understand there are defense systems in place which, upon command orders, can immediately begin to put in place plans drawn up in advance. There are field officers whose entire job is to understand a particular region and all of its Geopolitical participants and draw up contingencies. If the need should arise these contingency plans can be pulled up and we already have a thorough understanding of what should be done and it is rapidly put in place. This doesn't mean this is the process which is being put in place. It is just planning.

This is the type of irresponsible or at best ignorant reporting spewed out by CNN. It is designed to undermine our presence in Syria by a "news" organization which is at best irresponsible and ignorant and at worst subversive.

Has ISIS been defeated?
Has ISIS been defeated?

I haven’t seen much of LibDave; sarcasm doesn’t always wear well in text form.......:doh

Edit...esp with no emojis. :mrgreen:
It has been a disaster from the beginning. Saudi, Qatar, Turkey all trying to oppose Assad and the other 2 countries interests.

Turkey could have ended this years ago prior to Russian military intervention. Turkey could have driven and captured the port of Latakia and capturing a large part of Northern Syria. Taking out Syrian Air bases and air power
Ensuring and assuring Russia that it would have access to the port under a new Syrian Govt.
Assad would have been finished

The other Arabic countries in the region would be rather concerned about a Turkish invasion and defacto takeover of an Arabic country (even one ruled by someone they do not like). I believe a fear of a new Ottoman empire would arise quite quickly in Saudi Arabia and other nearby countries
What happened to not telling the enemy your plans? Lol
Newp. This is a gift to Assad, to Putin and, unfortunately, to Hezbollah and the IRGC.

Exactly. This means Iran's direct influence now extends from Tehran to Beirut.

This is also a disaster for the Syrian Kurd people that allied with US forces on the ground.

Erdogan and Assad will both claim dibs on ethnic-cleansing in the Kurdish Rojava region of northern Syria.
Has ISIS been defeated?

Wow! I responded to this at lunch without viewing valid sources. It turns out Trump appears to actually be planning on pulling out. BIG MISTAKE!!!!
Wow! I responded to this at lunch without viewing valid sources. It turns out Trump appears to actually be planning on pulling out. BIG MISTAKE!!!!

Imagine the surprise at the Pentagon and State Dept. that must polish a wet soggy turd.
I am sure they have a TRR - Turd resolution room- WTF did he do to for the public under study to be presented to the TiC- Toddler in Chief

Yep I am biased, could not stand him when he was in the primaries, and my opinion of him has been on a long downward trajectory

Man is a walking, talking, make off the cuff decisions with massive repercussions, an ffn disaster.

Problem is he is not solely a US problem, but for countries that always considered the US as an Ally.
Wow! I responded to this at lunch without viewing valid sources. It turns out Trump appears to actually be planning on pulling out. BIG MISTAKE!!!!

So... It turned out the CNN report was valid after all?

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