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Trump admits he should have gone to Arlington to pay respects on Veterans Day (1 Viewer)


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The president, who rarely owns up to mistakes, spoke to "Fox News Sunday." (11/16/18)

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump says he should have visited Arlington National Cemetery to commemorate Veterans Day — a traditional presidential act.

Trump, who rarely admits a faux pas, told "Fox News Sunday" that "in retrospect, I should have" gone, but he was busy on calls and had just returned from abroad.
This is the first time I can recall reading that Trump admitted making a mistake. I didn't think that was in his DNA.

He didn't apologize for skipping the visit to that American military cemetery in France because the rain would mess up his comb-over.
I do agree that it was stupid for Trump to skip it.

The president, who rarely owns up to mistakes, spoke to "Fox News Sunday." (11/16/18)

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump says he should have visited Arlington National Cemetery to commemorate Veterans Day — a traditional presidential act.

Trump, who rarely admits a faux pas, told "Fox News Sunday" that "in retrospect, I should have" gone, but he was busy on calls and had just returned from abroad.
This is the first time I can recall reading that Trump admitted making a mistake. I didn't think that was in his DNA.

He didn't apologize for skipping the visit to that American military cemetery in France because the rain would mess up his comb-over.

But...all the lickspittles and rubes here that defended his choice seemed so certain of their cult leader....
But...all the lickspittles and rubes here that defended his choice seemed so certain of their cult leader....

I don't think it was raining in Arlington on 11/11.

I heard from Lawrence O. on MSNBC that when he woke up in his hotel in Paris & saw that it was raining, he canceled the cemetery visit when he found out he would have to be bear headed in the rain. That comb-over would have self-destructed when wet. Not good for the photo op, which is why he went to France in the first place.

The president, who rarely owns up to mistakes, spoke to "Fox News Sunday." (11/16/18)

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump says he should have visited Arlington National Cemetery to commemorate Veterans Day — a traditional presidential act.

Trump, who rarely admits a faux pas, told "Fox News Sunday" that "in retrospect, I should have" gone, but he was busy on calls and had just returned from abroad.
This is the first time I can recall reading that Trump admitted making a mistake. I didn't think that was in his DNA.

He didn't apologize for skipping the visit to that American military cemetery in France because the rain would mess up his comb-over.

I honestly hoped that the commander-in-chief had a better reason that we just weren't allowed to be told (like SS concerns from threats).

Sad that he couldn't muster the time to show up for a couple hours to respect the people who fought to protect the world and the country that sort of elected him. Owning up to it doesn't gain any ground with me.
I honestly hoped that the commander-in-chief had a better reason that we just weren't allowed to be told (like SS concerns from threats).

Sad that he couldn't muster the time to show up for a couple hours to respect the people who fought to protect the world and the country that sort of elected him. Owning up to it doesn't gain any ground with me.

I don't think Trump understands that honoring our war dead is part of his job as president. He has no idea about what it means to be a head of state as well as a head of government. All those presidential perks he's got. They're not free.
I don't think Trump understands that honoring our war dead is part of his job as president. He has no idea about what it means to be a head of state as well as a head of government. All those presidential perks he's got. They're not free.

I don't like to just attack the president, but I think you are 100% correct here.
Trump admits he should have gone to Arlington to pay respects on Veterans Day

The president, who rarely owns up to mistakes, spoke to "Fox News Sunday." (11/16/18)

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump says he should have visited Arlington National Cemetery to commemorate Veterans Day — a traditional presidential act.

Trump, who rarely admits a faux pas, told "Fox News Sunday" that "in retrospect, I should have" gone, but he was busy on calls and had just returned from abroad.
This is the first time I can recall reading that Trump admitted making a mistake. I didn't think that was in his DNA.

He didn't apologize for skipping the visit to that American military cemetery in France because the rain would mess up his comb-over.
I don't believe he believes he should have visited Arlington Cemetery to commemorate Veterans Day. I don't believe him because as the article notes:

Trump tells Fox that he went to Arlington on Veterans Day last year. But while Trump has been to Arlington, he was in Asia on Veterans Day last year.

So, to which of his abrogations of respect for veterans and duty as POTUS was he referring:

  • Omitting a visit to Arlington to commemorate Veterans Day this year? or
  • Lying about having visited Arlington to commemorate Veterans Day last year?
Trump, who rarely admits a faux pas, told "Fox News Sunday" that "in retrospect, I should have" gone, but he was busy on calls and had just returned from abroad.

"Busy on calls"? There are way better made-up excuses for things.

I honestly hoped that the commander-in-chief had a better reason that we just weren't allowed to be told (like SS concerns from threats).

Sad that he couldn't muster the time to show up for a couple hours to respect the people who fought to protect the world and the country that sort of elected him. Owning up to it doesn't gain any ground with me.

Just put a flag lapel on Donnie. That shows them you are a real patriot.
Boy, the people who tried to justify this on this forum sure are quiet tonite....
I don't think it was raining in Arlington on 11/11.

I heard from Lawrence O. on MSNBC that when he woke up in his hotel in Paris & saw that it was raining, he canceled the cemetery visit when he found out he would have to be bear headed in the rain. That comb-over would have self-destructed when wet. Not good for the photo op, which is why he went to France in the first place.

Supposedly he's upset at whatever aide told him he should skip the traffic snarl he would have experienced by going by car to the memorial in France.

He's upset that his staff didn't warn him that he would get bad press for skipping it.

... because he needs someone to point out to him that it won't look good if he blows off our war dead.
Supposedly he's upset at whatever aide told him he should skip the traffic snarl he would have experienced by going by car to the memorial in France.

He's upset that his staff didn't warn him that he would get bad press for skipping it.

... because he needs someone to point out to him that it won't look good if he blows off our war dead.

To be fair, you can't expect the leader of all armed forces to just know he needs to pay respects for those who gave their life to support those forces. It's not like it's a clear line of logic to think the commander in chief might be expected to say a few words in honor of those who made his job possible.

Why else would he need a staff? If they didn't have to hold the leash, they just wouldn't serve a purpose.
He spent 4 hours with his lawyers on Monday covering his butt. "Nuff said.
I don't think it was raining in Arlington on 11/11.

I heard from Lawrence O. on MSNBC that when he woke up in his hotel in Paris & saw that it was raining, he canceled the cemetery visit when he found out he would have to be bear headed in the rain. That comb-over would have self-destructed when wet. Not good for the photo op, which is why he went to France in the first place.

It wasn't raining this time. According to leaked reports from whitehouse staff, he was having a another tantrum and didn't want to go out. Apparently Emmanuel Macron's speech in Paris hurt his nationalist ego.

Seriously he is using the excuse that he was too busy making calls to honour our war heroes at Arlington Cemetery.

Someone should take his frigging UNSECURED phone away from him and tell him to do his friggin job.
trump has disrespected and insulted them ever since he called John McCain a coward and a traitor. The draft dodging ***** still hasn't visited our armed forces serving overseas. I hope these men and women and war veterans back home remember this when they vote next time. Stop voting for trump and the frigging republicans who don't care about you!!!
trump has disrespected and insulted them ever since he called John McCain a coward and a traitor. The draft dodging ***** still hasn't visited our armed forces serving overseas. I hope these men and women and war veterans back home remember this when they vote next time. Stop voting for trump and the frigging republicans who don't care about you!!!

It just doesn't get any worse than a ***** who used his daddy's money and political clout to get 5 frickin bone spur deferments to avoid serving in harm's way as he bragged about sleeping around in Manhattan while the bodies of real American patriots and heroes dead bodies rolled down conveyor belts at Dover AFB. This asswipe actually pissed on our WW1 vets to avoid having his clown-like comb over get flattened by a little rain. I live in a city with 5 major military institutions,and the fact this vet hater carries the the title of C-I-C makes them want to puke. But you'll never see these faux pas self-proclaimed Trump cultists call this POS out for any of it....sickening
It just doesn't get any worse than a ***** who used his daddy's money and political clout to get 5 frickin bone spur deferments to avoid serving in harm's way as he bragged about sleeping around in Manhattan while the bodies of real American patriots and heroes dead bodies rolled down conveyor belts at Dover AFB. This asswipe actually pissed on our WW1 vets to avoid having his clown-like comb over get flattened by a little rain. I live in a city with 5 major military institutions,and the fact this vet hater carries the the title of C-I-C makes them want to puke. But you'll never see these faux pas self-proclaimed Trump cultists call this POS out for any of it....sickening

That's worth a thread. I'm drunk enough to start it.
I don't think it was raining in Arlington on 11/11.

I heard from Lawrence O. on MSNBC that when he woke up in his hotel in Paris & saw that it was raining, he canceled the cemetery visit when he found out he would have to be bear headed in the rain. That comb-over would have self-destructed when wet. Not good for the photo op, which is why he went to France in the first place.

What is that dead albino ferret on top of Trumps head ? Obviously it goes limp when wet.

The president, who rarely owns up to mistakes, spoke to "Fox News Sunday." (11/16/18)

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump says he should have visited Arlington National Cemetery to commemorate Veterans Day — a traditional presidential act.

Trump, who rarely admits a faux pas, told "Fox News Sunday" that "in retrospect, I should have" gone, but he was busy on calls and had just returned from abroad.
This is the first time I can recall reading that Trump admitted making a mistake. I didn't think that was in his DNA.

He didn't apologize for skipping the visit to that American military cemetery in France because the rain would mess up his comb-over.

Alright, let me get this straight.
In believing that it was a mistake, you are surprised that he didn't go. Though you continue to denigrate him for not going anyway and continue to make up some adverse remark about why he didn't go.

But when he actually does go to these functions and actually performs public duties, or ceremonies, that the president has no actual obligation to do. The lot of you continue to denigrate him either way.

It honestly looks like the majority of you are just looking for a reason to be bitchy, all the damn time.
Alright, let me get this straight.
In believing that it was a mistake, you are surprised that he didn't go. Though you continue to denigrate him for not going anyway and continue to make up some adverse remark about why he didn't go.

But when he actually does go to these functions and actually performs public duties, or ceremonies, that the president has no actual obligation to do. The lot of you continue to denigrate him either way.

It honestly looks like the majority of you are just looking for a reason to be bitchy, all the damn time.

And it looks like you are just grasping at straws to defend the cowardly POS.
Trump took the radical and extraordinary action to reverse himself because it was the proverbial last straw at Pentagon. Military chiefs and commanders of the armed services were disgusted in the absolute by Trump's cavalier disregard of all Americans who have worn the uniform, to include of course their families who themselves sacrifice much, often, consistently. So Trump is backtracking fast and hard but it's too late now.

Trump has demonstrated consistent patterns and behaviors that violate accepted standards and norms of national security, sovereignty, defense, to include Trump's behaviors in Europe during the centennial of the WW I armistice. Trump believes Putin yet he shows a complete disregard and dismissal of all Americans of all times, places, severe circumstances, who have served the nation in its most perilous moments and times.

Perhaps the worst aspect of this contemptible yet predictable Trump fiasco is that this had to be said to Trump. Trump heard it and measured the forcefulness of it being presented to him yet Trump does not understand or comprehend it, nor will he ever learn or grow from it. This is because Trump is Trump which makes him his own worst enemy, always, to include especially everything military.

This comes at a time Trump and Pentagon had an intense internal struggle over the shoot unarmed civilians rules of engagement Trump demanded unsuccessfully as it turned out. Illegal orders Trump demanded but failed to issue because Pentagon cut Trump off at the knees about it, just as retired generals and admirals have said since 2015 they would do. The bottom line is that Trump's spasms as CinC and Potus have become too many, too often; too predictable. Callous.

The Constitutional system of checks and balances and coequal branches of government will come into play at last beginning in January which comes as encouraging news at the Pentagon, to be sure. We recall the military's sacred oath of fidelity is to the Constitution and to the Constitution only. Trump has interposed himself as the obstacle which is an unprecedented historical first.

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