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Today's Trump Lie. (1 Viewer)

Manc Skipper

Wrinkly member
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Jan 25, 2008
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Southern England
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This morning, Trump tweeted at 10:37AM that he was in the Oval office.

At 11:02am the press pool were informed by the WH that as of 11:00am there was no Marine posted outside of the West Wing.

Both of those statements can not be true. He even lies about what room he's in!
This morning, Trump tweeted at 10:37AM that he was in the Oval office.

At 11:02am the press pool were informed by the WH that as of 11:00am there was no Marine posted outside of the West Wing.

Both of those statements can not be true. He even lies about what room he's in!

He was on his golden toilet. Obviously.
this morning, trump tweeted at 10:37am that he was in the oval office.

At 11:02am the press pool were informed by the wh that as of 11:00am there was no marine posted outside of the west wing.

Both of those statements can not be true. He even lies about what room he's in!

oh the horror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This morning, Trump tweeted at 10:37AM that he was in the Oval office.

At 11:02am the press pool were informed by the WH that as of 11:00am there was no Marine posted outside of the West Wing.

Both of those statements can not be true. He even lies about what room he's in!

You mean he was all alone AGAIN.."somewhere" in the WH. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!
You are fine with a president that is a lying piece of ****, got it. What does that say about you?

1. Show me a President that hasn't lied his ass off.

2. Never said I was "fine with it". Stop making stuff up.

3. It's so utterly stupid to fixate over something so inconsequential. Only those with low IQ, self-control issues, or some other issue probably due to anxiety or instability of some sort cares about such a thing as this.
1. Show me a President that hasn't lied his ass off.

2. Never said I was "fine with it". Stop making stuff up.

3. It's so utterly stupid to fixate over something so inconsequential. Only those with low IQ, self-control issues, or some other issue probably due to anxiety or instability of some sort cares about such a thing as this.

1. Trump has taken lying to a whole new level. He lies more than ANY other politician ever.

2. Sure you are and you will vote for him again regardless of how many lies he tells.

3. Yes, it is so utterly STUPID for Trump to lie about something SO VERIFIABLE but he does lie about things so easily verifiable on a daily basis with Twitter and speeches.

Again, all you have shown is you Trump supporters will excuse ANYTHING Trump does.
oh the horror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The thing about people who compulsively lie about **** that doesn’t matter is that they will lie just as often about **** that does matter.

I mean, the man went as far as to rope in a doctor fake his physical last year so that he wouldn’t release a report that says he is obese. You think he’s telling the truth about policy changes?
1. Show me a President that hasn't lied his ass off.

2. Never said I was "fine with it". Stop making stuff up.

3. It's so utterly stupid to fixate over something so inconsequential. Only those with low IQ, self-control issues, or some other issue probably due to anxiety or instability of some sort cares about such a thing as this.

Trump is way past even Nixon territory. Sure politicians lie. Trump is a pathological liar. We put a pathological liar in the WH. We can all be proud of that one!
1. Show me a President that hasn't lied his ass off.

2. Never said I was "fine with it". Stop making stuff up.

3. It's so utterly stupid to fixate over something so inconsequential. Only those with low IQ, self-control issues, or some other issue probably due to anxiety or instability of some sort cares about such a thing as this.
Oh please, Trump is a pathological liar. He lies every single day. If he was a dem (which he really is by the way) president you would be all over his lies.
This morning, Trump tweeted at 10:37AM that he was in the Oval office.

At 11:02am the press pool were informed by the WH that as of 11:00am there was no Marine posted outside of the West Wing.

Both of those statements can not be true. He even lies about what room he's in!

Slow news day?
1. Show me a President that hasn't lied his ass off.


there is absolutle no president that lied as a matter of daily life like TRump. He is garbage. You know this to be true.

2. Never said I was "fine with it". Stop making stuff up.

then call him out for the degenerate bitch he is.

3. It's so utterly stupid to fixate over something so inconsequential. Only those with low IQ, self-control issues, or some other issue probably due to anxiety or instability of some sort cares about such a thing as this

It is representative of his every tweet or statement. It is utterly stupid to ignore this and not be at lease disgusted.
Keep making excesses, this country is already past the point of ever returning to out pre-Trump status.

I have about had it with you Trump enablers.

This is not like anything before. You are a traitor.
1. Show me a President that hasn't lied his ass off.

2. Never said I was "fine with it". Stop making stuff up.

3. It's so utterly stupid to fixate over something so inconsequential. Only those with low IQ, self-control issues, or some other issue probably due to anxiety or instability of some sort cares about such a thing as this.[/B]

.....or defends whatever slings and arrows come his way in a timely fashion.......HNY, Fishking!
This morning, Trump tweeted at 10:37AM that he was in the Oval office.

At 11:02am the press pool were informed by the WH that as of 11:00am there was no Marine posted outside of the West Wing.

Both of those statements can not be true. He even lies about what room he's in!

Has Maxine Waters drawn up the impeachment charges for that obviously serious lie yet?
You are fine with a president that is a lying piece of ****, got it. What does that say about you?

The same it said about you when Obama lied repeatedly about "keeping our plans" or that he couldn't sign DACA because "I'm not a king.".
Trump told a lie? Surely you jest! :shock:

Happy New Year y'all! :lamo
Is this what Trump calls the oval office?

The same it said about you when Obama lied repeatedly about "keeping our plans" or that he couldn't sign DACA because "I'm not a king.".

No one has EVER lied like tRump. You know it, I know it, every person on this planet knows it.

There are no comparisons. Zero, zilch.
No one has EVER lied like tRump. You know it, I know it, every person on this planet knows it.

There are no comparisons. Zero, zilch.

Which, if true, somehow excuses Obama's lies about major policy.
You mean he was all alone AGAIN.."somewhere" in the WH. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!

He wasn't in the West Wing, or there would have been a guard. Why would he lie about being at work when he wasn't?
:prof If Trumps mouth is moving, a lie is emerging.
Which, if true, somehow excuses Obama's lies about major policy.

what are you yapping about?

Even Bush with his immoral lie about weapons of mass destruction is nothing compared to TRumps stream of lies, daily, hourly, every minute.

Honest, it is disgusting for you to try and compare Trump to anyone.
what are you yapping about?

Even Bush with his immoral lie about weapons of mass destruction is nothing compared to TRumps stream of lies, daily, hourly, every minute.

Honest, it is disgusting for you to try and compare Trump to anyone.

That's rather a pathetic statement considering the Iraq escapade has cost billions of dollars, killed over 4,400 Americans, wounded 32,000 and destabilized the ME. TDS does indeed destroy all reasoning.

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