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The government shut down has revealed one thing (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 24, 2018
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Very Conservative
This government shut down has revealed one thing. Pelosi, Schumer, and many democrats represent criminal invaders more than the American people.

When a criminal invader kills an American, Pelosi and Schumer should be charged with being an accessory.
This government shut down has revealed one thing. Pelosi, Schumer, and many democrats represent criminal invaders more than the American people.

When a criminal invader kills an American, Pelosi and Schumer should be charged with being an accessory.

You didn't just drink the Kool-aid... I'm thinking you pretty much chugged it.
This government shut down has revealed one thing. Pelosi, Schumer, and many democrats represent criminal invaders more than the American people.

When a criminal invader kills an American, Pelosi and Schumer should be charged with being an accessory.

You do realize that Republicans are still in charge, the next Congress does not start until early January. This shut down is all Republican.
This government shut down has revealed one thing. Pelosi, Schumer, and many democrats represent criminal invaders more than the American people.

When a criminal invader kills an American, Pelosi and Schumer should be charged with being an accessory.

Or it could show that democrats do not believe in spending money on ineffectual, feel good solutions. Conservatives believe in acting on emotion, liberals on logic and facts.
You didn't just drink the Kool-aid... I'm thinking you pretty much chugged it.

You didn't just drink the Kool-aid... I'm thinking you pretty much chugged it.

I think Schumer is unaware of how wicked he is. Like a lot of prominent democrats and republicans as well, he seems grossly ignorant of God's will and unconcerned about making peace with God.
I think Schumer is unaware of how wicked he is. Like a lot of prominent democrats and republicans as well, he seems grossly ignorant of God's will and unconcerned about making peace with God.

What the actual ****?!? Is this actually the 21st Century?

It's God's will that the US builds a wall on the border?!?
Or it could show that democrats do not believe in spending money on ineffectual, feel good solutions.
LOL, that's gotta be one of the funniest posts of the year!
This government shut down has revealed one thing. Pelosi, Schumer, and many democrats represent criminal invaders more than the American people.

When a criminal invader kills an American, Pelosi and Schumer should be charged with being an accessory.

Even before that...Doesn't that Mean Trump Lied about Mexico paying for the wall! So I think you should more upset about that, President douche bag lied to you on his one central promise!

Diving Mullah
I think Schumer is unaware of how wicked he is. Like a lot of prominent democrats and republicans as well, he seems grossly ignorant of God's will and unconcerned about making peace with God.
This is a political forum, please keep your fiction out.
This government shut down has revealed one thing. Pelosi, Schumer, and many democrats represent criminal invaders more than the American people.

When a criminal invader kills an American, Pelosi and Schumer should be charged with being an accessory.

Hasn't revealed that or anything like that. There wasn't that easy.
This government shut down has revealed one thing. Pelosi, Schumer, and many democrats represent criminal invaders more than the American people.

When a criminal invader kills an American, Pelosi and Schumer should be charged with being an accessory.

Those who think as you do are not the American people, they are only SOME of the American people. A clear majority of the American people do not want a huge expensive wall. They are for border security. Not a wall. Pelosi and Schumer think exactly as a majority of the American people think on the wall issue. They are for border security, not a wall. Border security is fencing, technology to monitor the border and border area, drones, and border patrol, and personnel necessary to process immigrants. Conservatives talk as if 100% of the American people agree with them. They don't.
This government shut down has revealed one thing. Pelosi, Schumer, and many democrats represent criminal invaders more than the American people.

When a criminal invader kills an American, Pelosi and Schumer should be charged with being an accessory.

When a white supremacist kills an American, we gonna charge, say, you?
I think Schumer is unaware of how wicked he is. Like a lot of prominent democrats and republicans as well, he seems grossly ignorant of God's will and unconcerned about making peace with God.

If your god wanted peace he wouldn't have ****ed up the design so badly.
You do realize that Republicans are still in charge, the next Congress does not start until early January. This shut down is all Republican.

Hell, POTUS even told Chuck and Nancy that it would be his (Trumps) shutdown.
Those who think as you do are not the American people, they are only SOME of the American people. A clear majority of the American people do not want a huge expensive wall. They are for border security. Not a wall. Pelosi and Schumer think exactly as a majority of the American people think on the wall issue. They are for border security, not a wall. Border security is fencing, technology to monitor the border and border area, drones, and border patrol, and personnel necessary to process immigrants. Conservatives talk as if 100% of the American people agree with them. They don't.
If they are for border security why have we been waiting 30 years for the border to be secured? What exactly is the excuse?

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If they are for border security why have we been waiting 30 years for the border to be secured? What exactly is the excuse?

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Border crossings declined under Obama.
If they are for border security why have we been waiting 30 years for the border to be secured? What exactly is the excuse?

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There is no excuse. We have not been waiting 30 years for the border to be secured. Border security is a moving target that is based on a combination of need, the availability of funding, technology and political will. "Waiting for 30 years for Border security"....I have no idea what you are talking about.
I think Schumer is unaware of how wicked he is. Like a lot of prominent democrats and republicans as well, he seems grossly ignorant of God's will and unconcerned about making peace with God.

And you know gods will?
There is no excuse. We have not been waiting 30 years for the border to be secured. Border security is a moving target that is based on a combination of need, the availability of funding, technology and political will. "Waiting for 30 years for Border security"....I have no idea what you are talking about.
I have listened to the 30 years of empty promises by both parties. Your feigned willfull ignorance is not my concern. As far as I am concerned Trump cant put a standing army on the border until the wall is built and veto every spending bill that does not include the funding for the wall and the necessary immigration reforms needed. If the left wants yo play hardball over $25 billion, ending lottery visas, and chain migration. I have the stomach for it.

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There is no excuse. We have not been waiting 30 years for the border to be secured. Border security is a moving target that is based on a combination of need, the availability of funding, technology and political will. "Waiting for 30 years for Border security"....I have no idea what you are talking about.

"Availability of funding" I think Trump is arguing there is not enough.

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