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Tea Party Movement (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 23, 2005
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South Shore of Long Island.
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
According to this short documentary, the Tea Party has ties to fascist, neo-nazi, and racist groups.

I'm not jumping to the conclusion that the Tea Party itself is in fact fascist, neo nazi and/or racist, but it does worry me, especially seeing as how the tea party is becoming much more of a political force.

What does DP think of this?
According to this short documentary, the Tea Party has ties to fascist, neo-nazi, and racist groups.

I'm not jumping to the conclusion that the Tea Party itself is in fact fascist, neo nazi and/or racist, but it does worry me, especially seeing as how the tea party is becoming much more of a political force.

What does DP think of this?
Well! I've been called a lot of names, but this takes the cake. I've been involved in the tea party movement for a while and see no evidence of anything but a lot of people fed up with big government and big spending. Both republicans and democrats take it on the chin with us.
Would this study be funded by ????
Well! I've been called a lot of names, but this takes the cake. I've been involved in the tea party movement for a while and see no evidence of anything but a lot of people fed up with big government and big spending. Both republicans and democrats take it on the chin with us.
Would this study be funded by ????

This documentary isn't about the Tea Party really. They were only briefly mentioned but it does say that A) they have ties to the Council of Conservative Citizens (don't be fooled by the name. They are fascist nazis) and B) They have ties to the Nationalist Socialist Movement of America.

Watch the documentary. It's fairly entertaining and you can decide for yourself.
These so-called ties are just fantasies and propaganda. Just because a given group has some conservative ideals and values doesn't tie them to every conservative group. Just because some neo-nazi shows up at a Tea Party rally with a sign doesn't make him part of the group.
According to this short documentary, the Tea Party has ties to fascist, neo-nazi, and racist groups.

I'm not jumping to the conclusion that the Tea Party itself is in fact fascist, neo nazi and/or racist, but it does worry me, especially seeing as how the tea party is becoming much more of a political force.

What does DP think of this?

DP Thinks this belongs in the CT forum.
How exactly does one have ties to the tea party movement when there is no centralized leadership and there's probably at least half a dozen or more organizations claiming to speak for the movement?

Most of what I saw in the video (could only stomach about half of it) was there has been a small spike in white nationalist membership and they've changed their rhetoric to sound more mainstream.
These so-called ties are just fantasies and propaganda. Just because a given group has some conservative ideals and values doesn't tie them to every conservative group. Just because some neo-nazi shows up at a Tea Party rally with a sign doesn't make him part of the group.

This should be on Glenn Beck's "to learn list" but replace conservative with liberal and neo-nazi with commie and Tea Party with ACLU, AFL-CIO, etc
I think its funny that people are comparing a conservative, limited government movement to the Nazi's which were socialist (opposite the tea party views), fascists, "Fascists seek to organize a nation on corporatist perspectives, values, and systems such as the political system and the economy" when the tea party is so obviously against the organization of the nation on anyones values other than an individuals, and racists even though there is no evidence of this other than a very small number of racists showing up at rally's, which can occur at any public even especially a political one.
All the tea party is is a group of conservative people that are fed up with the fact that the conservatives they elect don't take their campaign messages to Washington. They see this decisive shift of power to government-solves-everything statists, and no on in Washington doing anything to fight them.
According to this short documentary, the Tea Party has ties to fascist, neo-nazi, and racist groups.

I'm not jumping to the conclusion that the Tea Party itself is in fact fascist, neo nazi and/or racist, but it does worry me, especially seeing as how the tea party is becoming much more of a political force.

What does DP think of this?

Probably just as incorrect as those who try to tie any liberal thought to those things. It's enough to show the actually and factual silliness of the movement. No need to make stuff up.
Probably just as incorrect as those who try to tie any liberal thought to those things. It's enough to show the actually and factual silliness of the movement. No need to make stuff up.

80 percent of the people who voted for Obama did so merely because he is black. They had no motivation otherwise. No need to make stuff up.
I think its IMPOSSIBLE to deny that there is, at the very least, a small undertone of racism within the tea party movement. I dont think you can get around that.

80 percent of the people who voted for Obama did so merely because he is black.

Also, by that logic, Hillary should have done a lot better because she's a woman. If minority appeal is the only reason people would vote for someone.
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I think its IMPOSSIBLE to deny that there is, at the very least, a small undertone of racism within the tea party movement. I dont think you can get around that.
I'll agree only when you agree the Democrat Party sanctions and champions government supported racism. Which they do btw.
80 percent of the people who voted for Obama did so merely because he is black. They had no motivation otherwise. No need to make stuff up.

Really? I wonder why Jackson and Sharpton didn't win before him? If skin color was all that was needed, you'd have thought they would have won.

So, when you make this stuff up, think it through just a little more. ;)
I'll agree only when you agree the Democrat Party sanctions and champions government supported racism. Which they do btw.
I'll agree with that if you can demonstrate and prove it.
I'm going to re-post something:

The reason that white populism (that culminates in white racism) naturally meshes with the conservative mindset is because the conservative has notions of equality of opportunity existing in the U.S., despite the fact that if pushed, they will generally admit that free-market capitalism does not exist, which should actually be a major clue that the statist interventionism that characterizes U.S. economic history has not produced moral outcomes. So the conservative sees racial minorities “unfairly getting a leg up,” thanks to social welfare and affirmative action programs, and is indignant. Why is it that others should receive extra benefits merely by virtue of their race, when whites who work just as hard as everyone else are relegated to an underclass position because of whatever the sins of their long-dead ancestors might have been? That is a form of reverse racism! That was exactly what was supposed to have been eradicated. It’s only natural that white social conservatives will be resentful, and non-white social conservatives sympathetic to that resentment.

Now, humans have a tendency to conceive of things in terms of generalities, since we can’t reasonably account for every minor exception to rules, and will look to what’s regularly the norm instead of occasional deviations. As a result, since most recipients of welfare are thought to be racial minorities (though that’s not necessarily true; more whites receive welfare than blacks simply because there are more of them), and since most recipients of affirmative action are racial minorities (alongside females, and while that’s a separate topic, the angry white male conceives of them similarly), their race and color becomes a convenient mechanism for quickly and effectively categorizing them, since they are generally composed of racial minorities, the conservative believes.

And since the users of “nanny state” programs are simply obtaining rewards without having worked for them (with the conservative belief in equality of opportunity always central, since this entire mindset is dependent upon it), they are engaging in immoral behavior. From an initial point of equality, they have actually descended into inferiority, since they are the ones that lack responsibility and self-discipline, and are instead reliant on free handouts from the nanny state that they did not work to receive. And the race categorization mechanism means that these immoral people are associated with racial minorities.

This is a subconscious thought process, but its evolution into a conscious thought process (i.e. racial minorities clearly use these programs more than whites, and are generally more immoral than whites as a result) breeds further mental inquiry (perhaps these racial minorities have an inherent disposition to be dependent on whites, since they cannot be self-reliant), and possibly serves as a springboard to white supremacist ideology. Here is an example of angry white male syndrome taken to the extreme of full-fledged white populism:

Are Tea Partyiers Racist? - Stormfront

The tea party crowd are comprised of ordinary White Americans, just as White Nationalists are. Culturally and traditionally, they're basically the same as White Nationalists - both rooted in the earlier paleo-conservative value system. The only difference might be that the neo-conservatives seem to think they can manipulate the tea partiers much more easily than they can manipulate White Nationalists. Of course, from the liberal side, the only thing they can throw out is the "race card," so therefore they will keep using the label of "racist" against the tea partiers. "Racist" is really the only rhetorical weapon the liberals have in their arsenal, and since they disingenuously overuse that label as much as they do, even that is starting to lose its power.

Instead of mindlessly throwing around labels like "racist," liberals might actually have to make real, genuine arguments in the future - something they've proven incapable of doing. They've come to rely so much on calling people "racist" to get their way, they use it mostly as a crutch these days.

As we can see, the foundations for white populism do exist in the social conservative mindset, though the transformation to explicitly racist beliefs is relatively uncommon. But the common resentment can be seen:

Are Tea Partyiers Racist? - Stormfront

I think that the slander "racist" is thrown around indiscriminately, against anyone who is white who organizes against the government.

In your own post, you made the statement that since 90% of the Tea Partiers were white, it must evidence that they are racists. Its a fraudulent association. If there was an organization that is 90% of Black, or 90% Mestizo, or 90% Jewish, or even a 90% Non-White, regardless of background, would you use that as evidence that said organization is racist. If your answer is no, then its hypocrisy.

As an aside, the CNN poll states that the Tea Partier movement is 80% white, 10% hispanic, 2% Black, 8% other. And of course these are self-identifications. There is no reason to assume these percentages are in line with true racial background.

Basically, the Tea Partiers just want to be left alone by the government, and I don't think they have much more ideology than that. Less Government, Less Taxes, Less Bureacracy, less government Social Engineering, thats the tea partier goal. Because, this is in direct contradiction of the Multicults program, more government to make more social Engineering, enforced by thugs with guns and billy clubs at any expense, the Tea Partiers are on the firing line. However the Multicult can't just come out and say, "you want too much freedom, you want too much liberty" they instead call them Racists. And Academia, supports this by defining Racist as anyone who doesn't want to be socially engineered.

The people on SF who call themselves WN, for the most part, just want to be left alone by the government, they don't want to be social engineered either. However, because social engineering is painful and oppressive, many people are radicallized and pushed into a rage, and basically provoked into being "mean". And then of course the Multicult points to the result while ignoring the cause.

You’ll also notice at this point that white nationalists’ comments bear an interesting similarity to those of mainline conservatives. This is not superficial or accidental; it is a result of those related foundational beliefs between the two groups. Look at this post:

Are Tea Partyiers Racist? - Stormfront

No one knows if the 90% number is accurate. As a Tea Party member I can say that Whites are a majority in the Tea Party movement, but then again whites are the majority in this country. Whites are the majority of taxpayers and true conservatives. There are a few black and hispanic members of the Tea Party but I think the reason for this is the fact that most blacks and hispanics are liberals, not true conservatives.

True conservatives believe in a small central government with little taxation and governmental intrusion, self reliance, and the freedom to succeed or fail according to each individuals' abilities. Liberals are just the opposite. They believe in a large government with the power to punish those who succeed through taxation, legislation and the redistribution of wealth in order to achieve "social justice".

The Tea Party is accused of racism simply because they disagree with the policies of President Obama because he is black. The real truth is that President Obama is a socialist and socialism is the direct opposite of conservatism.

That post could have been easily made by many of the social conservatives on this forum, though the comment about whites being “the majority of taxpayers and true conservatives” might have raised some eyebrows. The point is that political views, racist ones certainly included, are not formed when a previously apolitical person sits down one day and logically deduces each and every one of his or her stances. Rather, they’re formed by upbringing, experiences, and the intuitions that result. As with mainline conservatives, most white supremacists were at one point simply resentful of the greater “entitlements” that racial minorities received for no merits other than the color of their skin (ultimately becoming more immoral than whites as a result of their acceptance of them), and eventually took that to a higher level.

Here’s a perfect example of the mentality I’m referring to:

Are Tea Partyiers Racist? - Stormfront

I have never seen one example or even argument that shows how redistributing the wealth of hard working successful people to less hard working unsuccessful people will benefit the Nation.

The wealth of the “hard-working successful people” (since conservatives’ belief in equality of opportunity means that the wealthy generally rose to that level through persistent hard work), is “redistributed” to the “less hard working unsuccessful people,” those immoral folk who sit and wait for government handouts instead of working for their rewards like the good and upright rich people. Since humans think in generalities and race is a convenient categorization mechanism, and since most of the moral rich hard workers are thought to be white, with most of the immoral and lazy welfare dependents thought to be racial minorities, these groups come to be associated with morality and immorality, respectively. This is further validated by others in that thread:

Are Tea Partyiers Racist? - Page 2 - Stormfront

As for race, most do seem to be White. But so what? Maybe its because its mostly the White middle class that pays all the taxes?

All the taxes to subsidize the minority lower classes, that is, punishing the morality of hard work and rewarding the immorality of sloth.

And last but not least, this mindset is certainly not limited to economic success and failure. The dominant social institutions of American culture are seen as pandering to racial minorities at the expense of whites, a reflection of the perverse and corrupt economic system that robs from the productive to subsidize the unproductive:

Are Tea Partyiers Racist? - Page 2 - Stormfront

What is truly repellent is the way the media leaped with joy at the first opportunity presented to smear the Tea Party as racist following the alleged incident involving black lawmakers walking towards the Capitol to vote on the health care bill. For those who do not know the story here is a summery: on their way to the House of Representatives, several black congressmen claimed that they were hurdled the N word at least 15 times and spat upon as well by Tea Partiers. Of course, this was like manna from heaven for the liberal mainstream media and they promptly seized upon this to illustrate that the primary motivating factor behind the Tea Party movement as well as any opposition to Obama's agenda is racism. Much was made of this incident and the fact that the majority of the Tea Partiers are whites which of course automatically "proves" that the Tea Party is a new version of the KKK, at least as far as liberals enamored of diversity are concerned.

But the false belief in equality of opportunity is the keystone to the majority if not all of these other beliefs, as far as I’m concerned. And if true conservatives and true supporters of the free market employed logical deduction to reach their conclusions instead of relying on emotional intuitions, they would be forced to conclude that current economic conditions have been spawned by a long history of statism and economic interventionism in various forms, which has created corporatism, not free-market capitalism. And why should that be supported, or its consequences espoused as moral?
I'll agree with that if you can demonstrate and prove it.


The Democrat Party are champions of a Government Program that gives preference, benefits, resources to those with the RIGHT skin color, and denies it to those that do not.

It's called Affirmative Action. You might have heard of it.

I'm going to re-post something:

The reason that white populism (that culminates in white racism) naturally meshes with the conservative mindset is because the conservative has notions of equality of opportunity existing in the U.S., despite the fact that if pushed, they will generally admit that free-market capitalism does not exist, which should actually be a major clue that the statist interventionism that characterizes U.S. economic history has not produced moral outcomes. So the conservative sees racial minorities “unfairly getting a leg up,” thanks to social welfare and affirmative action programs, and is indignant. Why is it that others should receive extra benefits merely by virtue of their race, when whites who work just as hard as everyone else are relegated to an underclass position because of whatever the sins of their long-dead ancestors might have been? That is a form of reverse racism! That was exactly what was supposed to have been eradicated. It’s only natural that white social conservatives will be resentful, and non-white social conservatives sympathetic to that resentment.

Now, humans have a tendency to conceive of things in terms of generalities, since we can’t reasonably account for every minor exception to rules, and will look to what’s regularly the norm instead of occasional deviations. As a result, since most recipients of welfare are thought to be racial minorities (though that’s not necessarily true; more whites receive welfare than blacks simply because there are more of them), and since most recipients of affirmative action are racial minorities (alongside females, and while that’s a separate topic, the angry white male conceives of them similarly), their race and color becomes a convenient mechanism for quickly and effectively categorizing them, since they are generally composed of racial minorities, the conservative believes.

And since the users of “nanny state” programs are simply obtaining rewards without having worked for them (with the conservative belief in equality of opportunity always central, since this entire mindset is dependent upon it), they are engaging in immoral behavior. From an initial point of equality, they have actually descended into inferiority, since they are the ones that lack responsibility and self-discipline, and are instead reliant on free handouts from the nanny state that they did not work to receive. And the race categorization mechanism means that these immoral people are associated with racial minorities.

This is a subconscious thought process, but its evolution into a conscious thought process (i.e. racial minorities clearly use these programs more than whites, and are generally more immoral than whites as a result) breeds further mental inquiry (perhaps these racial minorities have an inherent disposition to be dependent on whites, since they cannot be self-reliant), and possibly serves as a springboard to white supremacist ideology. Here is an example of angry white male syndrome taken to the extreme of full-fledged white populism:

Are Tea Partyiers Racist? - Stormfront

As we can see, the foundations for white populism do exist in the social conservative mindset, though the transformation to explicitly racist beliefs is relatively uncommon. But the common resentment can be seen:

Are Tea Partyiers Racist? - Stormfront

You’ll also notice at this point that white nationalists’ comments bear an interesting similarity to those of mainline conservatives. This is not superficial or accidental; it is a result of those related foundational beliefs between the two groups. Look at this post:

Are Tea Partyiers Racist? - Stormfront

That post could have been easily made by many of the social conservatives on this forum, though the comment about whites being “the majority of taxpayers and true conservatives” might have raised some eyebrows. The point is that political views, racist ones certainly included, are not formed when a previously apolitical person sits down one day and logically deduces each and every one of his or her stances. Rather, they’re formed by upbringing, experiences, and the intuitions that result. As with mainline conservatives, most white supremacists were at one point simply resentful of the greater “entitlements” that racial minorities received for no merits other than the color of their skin (ultimately becoming more immoral than whites as a result of their acceptance of them), and eventually took that to a higher level.

Here’s a perfect example of the mentality I’m referring to:

Are Tea Partyiers Racist? - Stormfront

The wealth of the “hard-working successful people” (since conservatives’ belief in equality of opportunity means that the wealthy generally rose to that level through persistent hard work), is “redistributed” to the “less hard working unsuccessful people,” those immoral folk who sit and wait for government handouts instead of working for their rewards like the good and upright rich people. Since humans think in generalities and race is a convenient categorization mechanism, and since most of the moral rich hard workers are thought to be white, with most of the immoral and lazy welfare dependents thought to be racial minorities, these groups come to be associated with morality and immorality, respectively. This is further validated by others in that thread:

Are Tea Partyiers Racist? - Page 2 - Stormfront

All the taxes to subsidize the minority lower classes, that is, punishing the morality of hard work and rewarding the immorality of sloth.

And last but not least, this mindset is certainly not limited to economic success and failure. The dominant social institutions of American culture are seen as pandering to racial minorities at the expense of whites, a reflection of the perverse and corrupt economic system that robs from the productive to subsidize the unproductive:

Are Tea Partyiers Racist? - Page 2 - Stormfront

But the false belief in equality of opportunity is the keystone to the majority if not all of these other beliefs, as far as I’m concerned. And if true conservatives and true supporters of the free market employed logical deduction to reach their conclusions instead of relying on emotional intuitions, they would be forced to conclude that current economic conditions have been spawned by a long history of statism and economic interventionism in various forms, which has created corporatism, not free-market capitalism. And why should that be supported, or its consequences espoused as moral?

Look, you really need to stop advertising Stormfront here. It's obvious you're only here to post that link as much as possible.

No one cares, we get it, everything is the "racism of the white man". That's your schtick to PROMOTE Stormfront.
Look, you really need to stop advertising Stormfront here. It's obvious you're only here to post that link as much as possible.

No one cares, we get it, everything is the "racism of the white man". That's your schtick to PROMOTE Stormfront.

Oh, I think you're wrong. See, according to texmaster, I hate the white man, and therefore I hate Stormfront. Obviously, you need to get your stories straight.
Oh, I think you're wrong. See, according to texmaster, I hate the white man, and therefore I hate Stormfront. Obviously, you need to get your stories straight.

I'm not the one promoting their website every chance I get. You don't hate the whiteman, you just want people going to the sf website and to learn about it, become as you are, part of the movement.

It's plainly obvious by your fake lean, and almost unbelievable stances.
I'm not the one promoting their website every chance I get. You don't hate the whiteman, you just want people going to the sf website and to learn about it, become as you are, part of the movement.

It's plainly obvious by your fake lean, and almost unbelievable stances.

That's fascinating, but I don't think developing what I consider to be spot-on criticisms of the ideology and reviewing their similarities with some of you social conservatives in a negative (not positive) way is the greatest way to do that.
That's fascinating, but I don't think developing what I consider to be spot-on criticisms of the ideology and reviewing their similarities with some of you social conservatives in a negative (not positive) way is the greatest way to do that.

Just admit it all ready! You are a member of sf here to recruit more people to that site.
Just admit it all ready! You are a member of sf here to recruit more people to that site.

Well, damn, I guess you've caught me red-handed, aside from the fact that I'm not allowed on Stormfront.
According to this short documentary, the Tea Party has ties to fascist, neo-nazi, and racist groups.

I'm not jumping to the conclusion that the Tea Party itself is in fact fascist, neo nazi and/or racist, but it does worry me, especially seeing as how the tea party is becoming much more of a political force.

What does DP think of this?

I think its.

Really? I wonder why Jackson and Sharpton didn't win before him? If skin color was all that was needed, you'd have thought they would have won.

So, when you make this stuff up, think it through just a little more. ;)

Exactly, I don't support Obama but I completely disagree that he won because he is black. Although that may appeal to some americans, he won because he is an eloquent speaker and knows how to stir people.

Plus, he is only half black, half white, and grew up in a white home is hawaii...

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