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Seven killed in Florida (1 Viewer)

6 people wouldnt lose their lives if they had guns
That didn't take long.


So you posting "Another shooting, for America to deal with...." was not some attempt to attack our gun laws?
So you posting "Another shooting, for America to deal with...." was not some attempt to attack our gun laws?

NO. As the words suggest " Another shooting for America to deal with" is there something you don't understand in that sentence?

Another shooting, for America to deal with....


You're one of those people who prefer to address the symptom instead of the cause?
NO. As the words suggest " Another shooting for America to deal with" is there something you don't understand in that sentence?


It looks like nothing more than an attempt to attack our gun laws.
It looks like nothing more than an attempt to attack our gun laws.

I would have been explicit if that was my intention. But of course there may be 'nothing' to deal with, as it's early days to assume anything.

I would have been explicit if that was my intention. But of course there may be 'nothing' to deal with, as it's early days to assume anything.


We have had guns for as long as this nation has been around. Progressive "ideals" not so much but we didn't start having most of these problems until we had the scourge of progressivism corrupt our nation
BBC News - Seven killed in Florida hostage siege lasting hours

Another shooting, for America to deal with....


**** happens.

I didn't know any of these people, as far as I've heard, and it isn't my state or my city or my county, and **** like this happens several times a year, and so it is kinda BFD to be honest.

In other news, a lot more than 7 people will die in traffic accidents this weekend, most of them alcohol-related.
Bah, in a county that voted 70-80% for Obama. **** happens, but only a 20-30% chance people were killed instead of Liberals.
NO. As the words suggest " Another shooting for America to deal with" is there something you don't understand in that sentence?


You bring up a good point for discussion. We do have to "deal with" this problem, and as this forum suggests, there are many different philosophies as to how. Personally, I do not necessarily think more or less guns is the solution. That does not mean that imposing gun control or increasing gun ownership won't have any effect whatsoever, but I do not believe that it will fix the whole picture. I certainly value the 2nd amendment and exercise it. But, I do think it is a culture thing in America. Something in American culture makes us violent. And I hope that we can definitively identify what that is sooner or later.
OK. There we have it. It only took two pages, the guy was a nutjob, case closed. Can a Mod please close the thread nothing to see here...:)

You bring up a good point for discussion. We do have to "deal with" this problem, and as this forum suggests, there are many different philosophies as to how. Personally, I do not necessarily think more or less guns is the solution. That does not mean that imposing gun control or increasing gun ownership won't have any effect whatsoever, but I do not believe that it will fix the whole picture. I certainly value the 2nd amendment and exercise it. But, I do think it is a culture thing in America. Something in American culture makes us violent. And I hope that we can definitively identify what that is sooner or later.

Thank you for your timely interjection.

I won't get into the pro-anti gun arguments, at least not now, and simply say God rest the souls of all those who lost their lives here and help the first responders and police negotiators to get past what they will see as a failure. Sometimes, there's just no stopping someone bent on causing serious pain and damage on their way off this earth.
So we have someone with a Hispanic name killing his Colombian landlords because they wanted to call the fire department about a fire in his apartment who subsequently shoots at EMS killing a man walking by as well as other tenants in a place known as Hialeah flat so I shouldn't be able to own a gun why exactly? Maybe if your name is not Jones or Smith or something similar you should be banned from the US. It is just as logical and is more likely to be effective.
Correct me if I'm wrong, these victims could have had guns to defend themselves but didn't, so stop trying to blame this on people that are trying to take guns OUT of the bad guys hands.
We have had guns for as long as this nation has been around. Progressive "ideals" not so much but we didn't start having most of these problems until we had the scourge of progressivism corrupt our nation

Lol, this is just silly. When did the scourge of progressivism begin to corrupt the nation? Please tell me. :)
Lol, this is just silly. When did the scourge of progressivism begin to corrupt the nation? Please tell me. :)

I'm glad you took that up Hatuey; I'm typing on my phone so would be unable to respond in a manner thats required.

Lol, this is just silly. When did the scourge of
progressivism begin to corrupt the nation? Please tell me. :)


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