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Rush Limbaugh shamelessly uses Robin Williams' death to attack "the left" (1 Viewer)

I understand perfectly what he said... He was asked if politics was involved in the coverage by the media and he responded to that question. He wasn't "politisizing" the mans death, he was giving his opinion about the political aspects behind the media's coverage and included some quotes from a story that was written about it to do so...

It's phony outrage... You know it, and I know it.

He used your words to OWN you.
Greetings, humbolt. :2wave:

I doubt it will help. They've got their minds made up, and we haven't even heard everything yet! :thumbdown:

Who is "they"?
This thread is still active, a week later?

No wonder Limbaugh is so successful and wealthy. I'm sure he thanks you for all the attention.
Who is "they"?

The media, and others who wish to keep the rhetoric heated and biased before all the facts are known!

Greetings, Kobie. :2wave:
The media, and others who wish to keep the rhetoric heated and biased before all the facts are known!

Greetings, Kobie. :2wave:

Pretty sure we've got all the facts of Robin Williams' death down pat.

Hello, Polgara.
Lots of useful idiots - probably more on the left if this thread is any indication. Why is it that everytime I hear about Rush Limbaugh its from a lefty?

This thread is still active, a week later?

No wonder Limbaugh is so successful and wealthy. I'm sure he thanks you for all the attention.
A few issues with this. Firstly, the article itself indicates that this is correlation, NOT causation. Secondly, it also indicates that the MAIN factor in determining happiness is one's financial state. Republicans tend to be wealthier (which is one reason why they prefer to enact laws to keep the rich richer). And lastly, research shows that one reason that conservatives are happier than liberals are that conservatives tend to be much more OK with inequality; for example, a conservative woman in a traditional marriage is more OK with domestic inequalities than a liberal woman in the same situation. This just highlights what we already known: liberals are far more bothered by inequality than conservatives.

Conservatives Happier Than Liberals

To that, what Rush Limbaugh tried to do is make a correlation between Robin Williams' death and economic inequality by tying the argument of liberal media bias to liberals being unhappy (pessimistic) about economic conditions in their lives. I say "WHAT A STRETCH!" :shock:

Here's a icon of comedy who had a very dysfunctional life but despite his shortcomings and very human frailties became a success. But he couldn't handle it especially when he couldn't quite get back on top of his comic game. The man's life began to spiral out of control. But instead of Rush talking about the tragedy that is a famous comedian couldn't bring himself to ask for help in his darkest hour, he instead points the finger at the liberal media and Liberals in general for keeping his death in the headlines. All to what end? Just to remind the Liberal public at-large of income inequality - that many of them still are not better off today than they were 7 years ago? :confused:

Something tells me poor people didn't need for Robin Williams or any other movie star to die before they figure that out. News flash: They already know it!
He used your words to OWN you.

LMAO... Instead of addressing what I said, you respond by going after me.

Thank you for being so helpful in making my point for me. You are the second one today who has done so.

Keep up the good work... lol
Morning CJ, I hope all is well in Canada.

I don't like using someone's death to bring up general comments about the person's political affiliation. I'm not a Rahm Emmanuel, Never-let-a-good-crisis-go-to-waste kind of girl. No matter who the dead person is.

Limbaugh if nothing else should have let the body grow cold before opining on Liberals. Now granted, the discussion originated from a caller, I know that (I read the transcript). But the caller was asking about the media reporting of his death, not asking for Rush's opinion on the left wingers, and applying left wing philosophy and/or feelings to Williams:

Now, what is the left's worldview in general? What is it? If you had to attach not a philosophy but an attitude to a leftist worldview, it's one of pessimism and darkness, sadness. They're never happy, are they? They're always angry about something. No matter what they get, they're always angry.

This statement was, IMO, not on topic with the question, and not relevant to Williams. I don't know, but I find it hard to believe that Williams killed himself because of what Rush describes as the "left's worldview in general".

I just think Rush went where he shouldn't have gone. I don't think Williams' death got this much attention because he was a Liberal, I think it was because he was a very famous man for 4 decades

These are just my opinions, CJ.

This post nails it!
Those are 2 observations I agree with and neither of them blame, or attempt to blame his death on "liberalism".

Let's be honest here... The truth is, you all are appalled that Limbaugh made that observation about liberals in general and are trying to roast him for saying it. Williams is nothing more than an excuse to justify your hatred and bitterness... it's a way for you all to say "STFU Limbaugh" by trying to make what he said some kind of social taboo.

Give it up already.

Speaking strictly for myself, I'm annoyed that Rush would use a man's death for political gains, period! Has nothing to do with him laying Robin Williams' death on Liberals or Conservatives, Blacks or White, Jews or Gentiles, Russians or Americans. It's the fact that he politicized his death, period!
LMAO... Instead of addressing what I said, you respond by going after me.

Thank you for being so helpful in making my point for me. You are the second one today who has done so.

Keep up the good work... lol

I am addressing the radioactive burn that Redress did all over your backside. The hilarity is you trying to pretend he didn't school your ass.

I guess that's why I'm a Moderate. I had a imported lager just yesterday. :mrgreen:

I brought 4 cases of Yuengling back with me last week when I did a cross country drive....mmm
You dissapoint me... By I guess politics means more to you also. See Post 575...

This post is ironic, Grim. You disappoint ME. I knew you wouldn't admit that you do the same thing. You never do.
LMAO... Please, just one of you name the Pundit, politician, or well know liberal that I attack with personal insults every time they are mentioned on this forum..

Show me where it is not related to the topic and nothing but a display of hatred...

Is there an honest liberal among you?

Grim, here's the problem with your "challenge". You would have to prove that every liberal on this thread attacks Rush each and every time his name is mentioned on this forum. This is just more of an example of your hypocrisy and you altering goal posts, goal posts that were never presented in the first place.
I do not respond to "Barack Obama Talks To Putin" by ignoring simply calling him an idiot...

But there are many who their every response to threads about Palin, Limbaugh and various republicans/conservatives is nothing but childish comments and pure hate...

My comments ate based on the topic, the situation, and dissagreement... I don't invent phony outrage like the liberals on this thread have and do not respond with uncontrolled rage and seething hatred as a generic response to anyone...

But you keep pretending... It's what I expect based on your political beliefs.

In bold. Yeah, you do. Redress showed it. Now, I can see that you are not going to admit it... you need to stick with your hypocrisy. That's fine. Just be aware that everyone notices it.
I just thought I would address this in more detail...

Example #1:

My insults were based on the man looking into the camera on national TV and lying to the American people about the effect Obamacareregulations had on private insurance companies. What he said was not an opinion but a confirmed lie, and only a despicable human being would continue to stand by a lie that has such direct negative cosequenses on millions of people in the name of politics.

Now please show me the other threads where I randomly go after this man with personal insults and attacks, and show the pattern of hateful behavior I've been talking about?

Example #2:

As I stated in your quote, I had never spoken with such distain toward any woman before, and haven't since. I felt like I needed to do so because this woman is the public face of the democratic party in America, not some political pundit hosting a talk show voicing opinions and was telling the public bold faced, totally irrefutable political lies and when confronted by the media on those lies, still lied. I understand mistakes, but what this woman was doing was calculated and reprehensible... Take a look at the next post I made on that thread and see if you would agree?

Of course if you follow suit, you will not agree which of course will only bolster my opinion of you...

So where are the other posts where I sling vile personal insults toward her irregardless of the topic, and the posts where I randomly inject her into the conversation just to launch a hate filled attack?

Example #3:

This one is my favorite because it has nothing to do with the accusations I made, and in fact proves my point.

The guy I called a "dickhead" was not a pundit, talk show host, or a politician... I was some drunken asshole who shouted to Bristol Palin "Your mother's a whore". My sentiments were not only shared by those on both sides of the isle, in some cases they PROVED MT POINT... Like this one:

Then there is this response to the incident:

Does he address what the man did in his next post?

Here's some unnessisary personal insults that make my point:

And here's one of my favorites:

There's plenty more, but I think I've made my point...

My insults were justified as demonstrated by the responses from both political sides and it was not a case of political "hatred" designed to personally discredit someone who opposed my political views. It did however demonstrate the point I made, which you are trying so hard to dispute.

Good quote - I forgot all about Bristol the crappy teen mom partying instead of parenting.

Thanks for the jog.
Greetings, humbolt. :2wave:

I doubt it will help. They've got their minds made up, and we haven't even heard everything yet! :thumbdown:

Well, it's August. Maybe that's the reason. Things will get busy politically pretty soon.

Today I had a choice of canning pickles, or going to the Cleveland Zoo. I was at the Zoo about six hours - and didn't get to see half of it! That place is huge! I got to ride a real live camel, though - wow! I guess I can cancel my plans to visit the Gobi Desert now. Who needs to see poisonous snakes anyway? :lol: Also went into the rain forest they created, plus we saw giraffes and lots of other animals. My feet are worn out - I swear I walked 50 miles! Time to have a drink to relax, and see what's happening here. Very Fun Day!

So, the pickles took a back seat to the zoo. Sounds like fun. I used to love to take my boys to the zoo. Like you, we were all worn out at the end of it, but it sure was fun.
In bold. Yeah, you do. Redress showed it. Now, I can see that you are not going to admit it... you need to stick with your hypocrisy. That's fine. Just be aware that everyone notices it.

Accusing others of 'hypocrisy' because they do agree with you is not an example of the 'courtesy' we have come to expect. In fact directing these insults to the poster while ignoring the topic at hand only detracts from the ambiance most posters look for on these boards.
Rush Limbaugh's Robin Williams quotes draw fire - Sarah Smith - POLITICO.com

Now, what is the left’s worldview in general? What is it? If you had to attach not a philosophy but an attitude to a leftist worldview, it’s one of pessimism and darkness, sadness,” Limbaugh said on his radio show, according to a transcript. “They’re never happy, are they? They’re always angry about something. No matter what they get, they’re always angry.”

What a complete prick.

No wonder left wingers are so angry with Limbaugh. He totally hit the nail on the head.
He's just jealous of all the love and attention Robin's death is receiving. And the fact that when he dies he'll basically be remembered as a painful boil on this county's rear!!! If remembered at all!

Sorry, but Limbaugh will be remembered, honored, and thanked by quite a large number of people. Not you people, of course, but then I doubt if he'd want that.
Sorry, but Limbaugh will be remembered, honored, and thanked by quite a large number of people. Not you people, of course, but then I doubt if he'd want that.
Not too sure about that but he certainly excites the Leftists. The death of Robin Williams thread has pretty much played itself out but anything with Limbaugh's name attached can continue indefinitely. I expect this would amuse Limbaugh, though Williams may not have been as amused.
Robin Williams didn't even give a sh!t about his own life, what difference does it make what anyone says about him? But people sure enjoy hating Rush.

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