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Rush Limbaugh shamelessly uses Robin Williams' death to attack "the left" (2 Viewers)

Robin Williams didn't even give a sh!t about his own life, what difference does it make what anyone says about him? But people sure enjoy hating Rush.[/QUOTE

And of course Rush enjoys hating people too... Can't give people a hard time for hating him.. ;-)
Robin Williams didn't even give a sh!t about his own life, what difference does it make what anyone says about him? But people sure enjoy hating Rush.

Unless you've been through addiction and depression etc you better rethink about what Williams thought...
Unless you've been through addiction and depression etc you better rethink about what Williams thought...

I know exactly what he thought about his own life, that it wasn't worth living.
Lots of useful idiots - probably more on the left if this thread is any indication. Why is it that everytime I hear about Rush Limbaugh its from a lefty?

Probably because lefties are the only ones smart enough to see through Rush's bull****.
You should play the lotto!!!! You're a genius!

In case you didn't know. Williams committed SUICIDE. Maybe you should learn how to read.
Accusing others of 'hypocrisy' because they do agree with you is not an example of the 'courtesy' we have come to expect. In fact directing these insults to the poster while ignoring the topic at hand only detracts from the ambiance most posters look for on these boards.

Firstly, I have been quite clear, recently, about the origins of my username. If you'd like, I'll direct you to the information. Secondly, pointing out hypocrisy of a poster is an appropriate debate point. Glad I could point these things out for you.
IOW, take your boring personal vendetta somewhere else.

Accusing others of 'hypocrisy' because they do agree with you is not an example of the 'courtesy' we have come to expect. In fact directing these insults to the poster while ignoring the topic at hand only detracts from the ambiance most posters look for on these boards.

Firstly, I have been quite clear, recently, about the origins of my username. If you'd like, I'll direct you to the information. Secondly, pointing out hypocrisy of a poster is an appropriate debate point. Glad I could point these things out for you.
Firstly, I have been quite clear, recently, about the origins of my username. If you'd like, I'll direct you to the information. Secondly, pointing out hypocrisy of a poster is an appropriate debate point. Glad I could point these things out for you.

Thanks. It did seem hypocritical to call yourself "Captain Courtesy" while calling others "hypocrites" as it was obviously hypocritical. But now that you've explained that calling someone else a hypocrite is an appropriate debating point I can where you feel it makes sense. Would it also work if someone was to point out your own hypocrisy, should it ever occur?

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