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Rush Limbaugh shamelessly uses Robin Williams' death to attack "the left" (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 17, 2013
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Western NY
Political Leaning
Rush Limbaugh's Robin Williams quotes draw fire - Sarah Smith - POLITICO.com

“Now, what is the left’s worldview in general? What is it? If you had to attach not a philosophy but an attitude to a leftist worldview, it’s one of pessimism and darkness, sadness,” Limbaugh said on his radio show, according to a transcript. “They’re never happy, are they? They’re always angry about something. No matter what they get, they’re always angry.”

What a complete prick.
There is no bottom with him. He can't sympathize even after his opioid dependence problem. Funny he says "they are never happy"; after listening to his show on and off for a few months that's some serious projection.
...because, Rush is a dick.

Maybe he can show the nation how to commit suicide.
I almost wish I believed in heaven and hell, because he is surely earning his way to the seven circles.
I hope that somebody who listens to Limbaugh will post here to offer context.
The man is basically a cyst on the American culture: never pretty, but its generally benign and just something you have to live with. Do keep an eye on it, however, because it could become cancerous and deadly.

Nice. A cancer on the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. That's exactly what he is.
Every time I read about him, my brain commences playing the limbo song. "How low, can he go?"
I hope that somebody who listens to Limbaugh will post here to offer context.

There are some people you just CANT defend.

Rush Limbaugh is one.

Nancy Pelosi, if you want a liberal, is another one (way too ****ing hardcore)
Every time I read about him, my brain commences playing the limbo song. "How low, can he go?"

The only time I see him is when I watch Colbert, take a guess what Colbert is doing when he talks
about rush Limbaugh :D
I hope that somebody who listens to Limbaugh will post here to offer context.

Link to transcript in source: Robin Williams and the Pop Culture Media - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Somewhat fuller quote:

RUSH: So our last caller from Des Plaines, Illinois, wanted to know, "What is the politics in the coverage of the suicide of Robin Williams?" Well, I believe there is some. But I don't think that the politics is driving it. I think there was, on the part of media and Hollywood, genuine affection for the guy that is driving it, but there is politics. If you notice the coverage is focused on how much he had, but it wasn't enough.
"He had everything, everything that you would think would make you happy. But it didn't." Now, what is the left's worldview in general? What is it? If you had to attach not a philosophy but an attitude to a leftist worldview, it's one of pessimism and darkness, sadness. They're never happy, are they? They're always angry about something. No matter what they get, they're always angry.
They are animated in large part by the false promises of America, because the promises of America are not for everyone, as we see each and every day. I mean, right here there's a story on the Fox News website. Do you know, it says right here, that the real reasons that Robin Williams killed himself are he was embarrassed at having to take television roles after a sterling movie career.
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As if Clinical Depression, a real physical disease, affects only "the left". Pathetic. :(
As if Clinical Depression, a real physical disease, affects only "the left". Pathetic. :(

Many people don't realize that his disease, most likely, made that final choice for him. Regardless of the toxicology report, he was probably not competent at the time of his demise.
Leave it to Rush to use someone's death as an excuse to engage in more partisan bashing. :roll:
Note to self: Stop Googling stuff without asking what it is first!!

A pilonidal cyst is what Limbaugh's draft deferment was.
Yup a festering boil on his ass got him out of fighting for his country.
The images for pilonidal cyst in Google are exactly what I think of when I hear Limbaugh's name.
A pilonidal cyst is what Limbaugh's draft deferment was.
Yup a festering boil on his ass got him out of fighting for his country.
The images for pilonidal cyst in Google are exactly what I think of when I hear Limbaugh's name.

Yeah, me too, but dayum.
I remember 20 years ago when Limbaugh had some semi-relevant, political opinions. But he has since become a shock jock for the sake of money and audacity.
I remember 20 years ago when Limbaugh had some semi-relevant, political opinions. But he has since become a shock jock for the sake of money and audacity.

When he first started, he wasn't terrible. I didn't agree with a lot of what he said, but he was coherent, and well-spoken. Wasn't much of a hate-mongerer back then - just a talk radio host who gave you different ideas and opinions on things. Plus, 24 hour news wasn't that popular back then, and he was an outlet for information. However... :lol: I truly blame him for the hateful, partisan problems we have today. He was the first. He started all this crap. He was the first to go mainstream, and once he found out that the nastier he was, and the louder he yelled, the higher his ratings went, well, he just got nastier and louder. He opened the door for other talking heads. Now, everybody hates everybody, and the country is hurtling towards a civil war, and it isn't going to be North vs. South. It's going to be Right vs. Left. And we have him to thank for it.
When he first started, he wasn't terrible. I didn't agree with a lot of what he said, but he was coherent, and well-spoken. Wasn't much of a hate-mongerer back then - just a talk radio host who gave you different ideas and opinions on things. Plus, 24 hour news wasn't that popular back then, and he was an outlet for information. However... :lol: I truly blame him for the hateful, partisan problems we have today. He was the first. He started all this crap. He was the first to go mainstream, and once he found out that the nastier he was, and the louder he yelled, the higher his ratings went, well, he just got nastier and louder. He opened the door for other talking heads. Now, everybody hates everybody, and the country is hurtling towards a civil war, and it isn't going to be North vs. South. It's going to be Right vs. Left. And we have him to thank for it.

You're spot on with that analysis. I was a Reagan conservative back then and listened to him every afternoon at work. I didn't even agree with ALL of his ultra right opinions back then, but he made much more sense. His schtick gradually became about ratings and prestige than having a rational effect on political debate. And of course the Hannity's and other conservatives started to follow his pattern of pandering to emotional division for popularity.

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