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Rush Limbaugh shamelessly uses Robin Williams' death to attack "the left" (1 Viewer)

LMAO... Please, just one of you name the Pundit, politician, or well know liberal that I attack with personal insults every time they are mentioned on this forum..

Show me where it is not related to the topic and nothing but a display of hatred...

Is there an honest liberal among you?

Keep digging, it is all the more hilarious. Hypocrisy...you are soaking in it!
I just thought I would address this in more detail...

Example #1:

My insults were based on the man looking into the camera on national TV and lying to the American people about the effect Obamacareregulations had on private insurance companies. What he said was not an opinion but a confirmed lie, and only a despicable human being would continue to stand by a lie that has such direct negative cosequenses on millions of people in the name of politics.

Now please show me the other threads where I randomly go after this man with personal insults and attacks, and show the pattern of hateful behavior I've been talking about?

Example #2:

As I stated in your quote, I had never spoken with such distain toward any woman before, and haven't since. I felt like I needed to do so because this woman is the public face of the democratic party in America, not some political pundit hosting a talk show voicing opinions and was telling the public bold faced, totally irrefutable political lies and when confronted by the media on those lies, still lied. I understand mistakes, but what this woman was doing was calculated and reprehensible... Take a look at the next post I made on that thread and see if you would agree?

Of course if you follow suit, you will not agree which of course will only bolster my opinion of you...

So where are the other posts where I sling vile personal insults toward her irregardless of the topic, and the posts where I randomly inject her into the conversation just to launch a hate filled attack?

Example #3:

This one is my favorite because it has nothing to do with the accusations I made, and in fact proves my point.

The guy I called a "dickhead" was not a pundit, talk show host, or a politician... I was some drunken asshole who shouted to Bristol Palin "Your mother's a whore". My sentiments were not only shared by those on both sides of the isle, in some cases they PROVED MT POINT... Like this one:

Then there is this response to the incident:

Does he address what the man did in his next post?

Here's some unnessisary personal insults that make my point:

And here's one of my favorites:

There's plenty more, but I think I've made my point...

My insults were justified as demonstrated by the responses from both political sides and it was not a case of political "hatred" designed to personally discredit someone who opposed my political views. It did however demonstrate the point I made, which you are trying so hard to dispute.

Keep digging that hole Grim. I have a search function and am not afraid to use it.
Keep digging that hole Grim. I have a search function and am not afraid to use it.

It's so easy.

One of the best ones I kept was when Chris Matthews made a comparison between the Tea Party and Confederates and Grim lost his ****ing mind.

But when Limbaugh compared Obama and the Democrats to the Nazi's he said and I quote:

"When Limbaugh runs for office, get back to me".
It's so easy.

One of the best ones I kept was when Chris Matthews made a comparison between the Tea Party and Confederates and Grim lost his ****ing mind.

But when Limbaugh compared Obama and the Democrats to the Nazi's he said and I quote:

"When Limbaugh runs for office, get back to me".

LOL....such cognitive dissonance
It's so easy.

One of the best ones I kept was when Chris Matthews made a comparison between the Tea Party and Confederates and Grim lost his ****ing mind.

But when Limbaugh compared Obama and the Democrats to the Nazi's he said and I quote:

"When Limbaugh runs for office, get back to me".

When a conservative says it, they are just entertainers, when a liberal says it, it is "OMG, liberal media jackasses".
kobie said:
Now, what is the left’s worldview in general? What is it? If you had to attach not a philosophy but an attitude to a leftist worldview, it’s one of pessimism and darkness, sadness,” Limbaugh said on his radio show, according to a transcript. “They’re never happy, are they? They’re always angry about something. No matter what they get, they’re always angry.

I hope that somebody who listens to Limbaugh will post here to offer context.

I read the transcripts and I don't see anything wrong with what he said. He was quoting an article written about Williams and analyzing it from a political perspective. Isn't that what political talking heads and pundits do?

If he had said that he was glad he was dead or something, then I would understand the outrage... but this? This is just another excuse for the left to do the thing they do best... bashing a conservative in the hopes it will discredit and eventually silence them.

The fact this story originated from Media Matters, speaks volumes about it's validity... as well as to those on this thread who have run with it.

I just noticed this thread and I must say I agree with those who believe Rush Limbaugh grabbed ahold of Robin Williams' death and greatly politicized it. Not the media, but Rush Limbaugh himself!

Until this thread, I hadn't heard any newscaster put a political spin on his passing. Not TMZ, not Entertainment Tonight, not Xtra, not anyone. Only Rush took a "political" question from a caller who clearly has a bias towards mainstream media and twisted it. From the transcript:

CALLER: Yeah. My pleasure. You know, I don't want to sound insensitive, and Robin Williams was absolutely a wonderful talent. But, you know, it used to be that the media would sort of downplay celebrity suicide, which I think was actually a good and right thing. I just feel like they're making a huge deal about this when there's so much other news like Iraq, Israel, Missouri, et cetera, that they should be focusing on. My question is, what do you think the political reason for their doing this is?

RUSH: Well, interesting question. You know, I'm the guy that says there's politics in everything and you've gotta be able to spot it, and you're right, there is here. This really is an example of the dedication the media has to pop culture events and how important it is in the eyes of their audience. Whereas in Washington, the media thinks the world is on fire because of what's happening in the Middle East, your average TMZ viewer thinks the world doesn't make any sense anymore because Robin Williams committed suicide.

The thing I worry about, I really do, they're making such heroism out of this that I hope it doesn't inspire a lot of copycats by people seeking the same kind of fame. And that's been one of my big concerns with social media from the get-go. I saw all these people just giving up every bit of information about themselves, just this desire to have everybody know everything about them, and we know that one of the allures of pop culture media is this desire to be famous and have pop culture media talk about you. And this is one way to do it, obviously. To kill yourself is one way to get the media to spend a lot of time talking about you, if you want to be talked about. I hope it doesn't spawn a bunch of copycats.

So our last caller from Des Plaines, Illinois, wanted to know, "What is the politics in the coverage of the suicide of Robin Williams?" Well, I believe there is some. But I don't think that the politics is driving it. I think there was, on the part of media and Hollywood, genuine affection for the guy that is driving it, but there is politics. If you notice the coverage is focused on how much he had, but it wasn't enough.

"He had everything, everything that you would think would make you happy. But it didn't." Now, what is the left's worldview in general? What is it? If you had to attach not a philosophy but an attitude to a leftist worldview, it's one of pessimism and darkness, sadness. They're never happy, are they? They're always angry about something. No matter what they get, they're always angry.

They are animated in large part by the false promises of America, because the promises of America are not for everyone, as we see each and every day. I mean, right here there's a story on the Fox News website. Do you know, it says right here, that the real reasons that Robin Williams killed himself are he was embarrassed at having to take television roles after a sterling movie career.

He had to take movie roles that were beneath him, sequels and so forth, and he finally had to do television just to get a paycheck because he was in so much financial distress. He'd had some divorces that ripped up his net worth, and he had a big ranch in Napa that he couldn't afford any longer and had to put up for sale, and a house in Tiburon that he couldn't afford anymore. This is all what's in the Fox News story.

He had it all, but he had nothing. He made everybody else laugh but was miserable inside. I mean, it fits a certain picture, or a certain image that the left has. Talk about low expectations and general unhappiness and so forth. Right here it says that one the contributing factors to Robin Williams deciding to kill himself was "survivor's guilt." It's in the headline.

I read that and I thought, "Survivor's guilt? What? What survivor's guilt? What?" So I read it, and it turns out that three of his closest friends, the story says -- Christopher Reeve, John Belushi, and Andy Kaufman... The source, unnamed in the story, said that Robin Williams felt guilty that he was still alive while his three friends had died young and much earlier than he had.

He could never get over the guilt that they died and he didn't.

Well, that is a constant measurement that is made by political leftists in judging the country.

What Rush Limbaugh did was spin Robin Williams death so that to his listeners the rational wasn't that he was a man suffering from depression, desperate to absolve himself from his personal, financial or medical troubles but rather that the "world-view" of liberals is negative and, as such, the "liberal media" was keeping his death in the headlines so as to remind people of how bad bad can get. I mean, by his account "the world's on fire and doomsday is close at hand!" Nevermind that this pessimistic world-view comes not from Democrats, but from Republicans. Everytime you hear one of them speak on foreign events, it's always doom and gloom. But instead of Rush simply sticking with the Foxnews story he used as the basis for his anti-leftist political rant concerning the tragedy that became Robin Williams' life, he makes every attempt to lay this man's death at the feet of Liberals.

Let me be clear: No one politicized Robin Williams' death until Rush Limbaugh did it.

And in his famous fashion for plausible-deniability, he even starts off with "I don't think politics is driving [media coverage of Robin Williams' death], but there is some politics [behind his death remaining front-and-center in the headlines of the liberal media]." This guy is something else. He has no scruples whatsoever. Only Rush could take a man's death and purposely inject politics into it and blame said death on Democrats. Only Rush!!!
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That is a classic example of the seething hatred I'm talking about... Limbaugh did nothing of the kind and this entire thread os a pathetic attempt to fool people into believing conservatives are as vile as liberals like that guy are.

From my limited experience listening to Limbaugh, it looks to me like he's a critic of any policy he doesn't agree with, regardless of the source. He's a conservative of sorts, so he naturally has it in for the left and they receive the bulk of his ire, but his characterization of the GOP as spineless is pretty much on the money. The thing here is that a sense of proportion is required. There's a big difference between using the event of William's death to comment on media coverage of it, and just blatantly calling Breitbart a douche. Breitbart may have been a lot of things, and some of them perhaps weren't too good - I don't know - but calling the guy a douche right after he died is absolutely classless.
I just noticed this thread and I must say I agree with those who believe Rush Limbaugh grabbed ahold of Robin Williams' death and greatly politicized it. Not the media, but Rush Limbaugh himself!

Until this thread, I hadn't heard any newscaster put a political spin on his passing. Not TMZ, not Entertainment Tonight, not Xtra, not anyone. Only Rush took a "political" question from a caller who clearly has a bias towards mainstream media and twisted it. From the transcript:

What Rush Limbaugh did was spin Robin Williams death so that to his listeners the rational wasn't that he was a man suffering from depression, desperate to absolve himself from his personal, financial or medical troubles but rather that the "world-view" of liberals is negative and, as such, the "liberal media" was keeping his death in the headlines so as to remind people of how bad bad can get. I mean, by his account "the world's on fire and doomsday is close at hand!" Nevermind that this pessimistic world-view comes not from Democrats, but from Republicans. Everytime you hear one of them speak on foreign events, it's always doom and gloom. But instead of Rush simply sticking with the Foxnews story he used as the basis for his anti-leftist political rant concerning the tragedy that became Robin Williams' life, he makes every attempt to lay this man's death at the feet of Liberals.

Let me be clear: No one politicized Robin Williams' death until Rush Limbaugh did it.

And in his famous fashion for plausible-deniability, he even starts off with "I don't think politics is driving [media coverage of Robin Williams' death], but there is some politics [behind his death remaining front-and-center in the headlines of the liberal media]." This guy is something else. He has no scruples whatsoever. Only Rush could take a man's death and purposely inject politics into it and blame said death on Democrats. Only Rush!!!

Did you not see that he was responding to a question from a listener?

CALLER: ...My question is, what do you think the political reason for their (the media) doing this is?

RUSH: So our last caller from Des Plaines, Illinois, wanted to know, "What is the politics in the coverage of the suicide of Robin Williams?" Well, I believe there is some. But I don't think that the politics is driving it.​

Good Lord... You people will drum up anything to satisfy your hatred.
And the proper, respectful, decent answer should have been "none."

The media has NEVER downplayed any celebrity death, suicide or no. If Limbaugh had a decent bone in his corpulent, Hutt-like body, he would have ended the discussion there. But he can't, because he's a worthless, money-grubbing pig of a bastard.

He's not paid to end the conversation there, and no one else would have either.

Actually, he could have. In fact, he had just such an opportunity to do so right after the break when he said politics weren't part of it, but politics was part of it. He could have done like everyone else and showed the man some respect in death. Instead, he chose to play politics with the man's tragedy. What decent human being does that with someone who in life GAVE to children's charities, PERFORMED FOR OUR TROOPS ABROAD, made movies that made us laugh and rethink our views on all facets of life and love? Who does such a thing as twist someone's tragic ending to life into a political football in death?

Only a sick bastard would do such a thing. I call him by his name: Rush Limbaugh!
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So you have nothing... Typical.

Redress burned you, hard, using your own words.

It was....beautiful. All the protesting after the fact is just the cherry on the cake.
From my limited experience listening to Limbaugh, it looks to me like he's a critic of any policy he doesn't agree with, regardless of the source. He's a conservative of sorts, so he naturally has it in for the left and they receive the bulk of his ire, but his characterization of the GOP as spineless is pretty much on the money. The thing here is that a sense of proportion is required. There's a big difference between using the event of William's death to comment on media coverage of it, and just blatantly calling Breitbart a douche. Breitbart may have been a lot of things, and some of them perhaps weren't too good - I don't know - but calling the guy a douche right after he died is absolutely classless.

My point is, his entire discussion about the media coverage of Williams death and the everything he said just doesn't rise to the level of outrage and disply of hated it's receiving on this thread.

Sure, some might think he should have waited a few days before discussing it, just as others feel it's not a big deal, but he was asked a question on a live national radio show and nothing he said was disrespectful toward the man or his family... It's phony outrage, plain and simple.
Did you not see that he was responding to a question from a listener?

CALLER: ...My question is, what do you think the political reason for their (the media) doing this is?

RUSH: So our last caller from Des Plaines, Illinois, wanted to know, "What is the politics in the coverage of the suicide of Robin Williams?" Well, I believe there is some. But I don't think that the politics is driving it.​

Good Lord... You people will drum up anything to satisfy your hatred.

Did you not see that I quoted that portion of the transcript from Rush Limbaugh's show word-for-word? Of course I saw it. The answer is: There is no political agenda behind reporting on Robin Williams' death or the death of any actor for that matter. It was more a personal story on a actor who died tragically at his own hand, but who gave so much to so many. That's why the media continue to report on his death. But instead of Rush just saying that, he choose instead to twist the story into a Right -vs- Left issue when in all honesty politics had nothing to do with this man's death remaining in the headlines.
Redress burned you, hard, using your own words.

It was....beautiful. All the protesting after the fact is just the cherry on the cake.

Maybe you should brush up on your reading comprehention too, because nothing Redress posted contradicted what I said.

But you won't bother because it's politics before anything isn't it?
Maybe you should brush up on your reading comprehention too, because nothing Redress posted contradicted what I said.

But you won't bother because it's politics before anything isn't it?

Wow, denial is such a strong thing, keep it up, it is hilarious. And get some salve for those well earned burns.
Did you not see that I quoted that portion of the transcript from Rush Limbaugh's show word-for-word? Of course I saw it. The answer is: There is no political agenda behind reporting on Robin Williams' death or the death of any actor for that matter. It was more a personal story on a actor who died tragically at his own hand, but who gave so much to so many. That's why the media continue to report on his death. But instead of Rush just saying that, he choose instead to twist the story into a Right -vs- Left issue when in all honesty politics had nothing to do with this man's death remaining in the headlines.

I saw, but that question from him you highlighted insinuates that the question was something that Limbaugh came up with himself, rather than it being a response to a question posed by a listener.

Either way, he did nothing that deserves the hatred and manufactured outrage put on display by those on the left in this thread.
My point is, his entire discussion about the media coverage of Williams death and the everything he said just doesn't rise to the level of outrage and disply of hated it's receiving on this thread.

Sure, some might think he should have waited a few days before discussing it, just as others feel it's not a big deal, but he was asked a question on a live national radio show and nothing he said was disrespectful toward the man or his family... It's phony outrage, plain and simple.

Pretty much. Maybe they'll take a phony pill to calm down a little.
Wow, denial is such a strong thing, keep it up, it is hilarious. And get some salve for those well earned burns.

Please point out the things he said about Williams that justify this fake outrage I'm seeing?
Did you not see that he was responding to a question from a listener?

CALLER: ...My question is, what do you think the political reason for their (the media) doing this is?

RUSH: So our last caller from Des Plaines, Illinois, wanted to know, "What is the politics in the coverage of the suicide of Robin Williams?" Well, I believe there is some. But I don't think that the politics is driving it.​

Good Lord... You people will drum up anything to satisfy your hatred.

I don't have to drum up anything. Rush Limbaugh's the one who put his own words (transcripts) out there for anyone to read and comprehend for themselves. And I don't hate him; I just think he's a jerk and a political hack.
I don't have to drum up anything. Rush Limbaugh's the one who put his own words (transcripts) out there for anyone to read and comprehend for themselves. And I don't hate him; I just think he's a jerk and a political hack.

He was talking about the media coverage of his death because he was asked about it... Sure, he could have waited, but the fact he didn't in no way justifies the hatred that's on display here.
I saw, but that question from him you highlighted insinuates that the question was something that Limbaugh came up with himself, rather than it being a response to a question posed by a listener.

Either way, he did nothing that deserves the hatred and manufactured outrage put on display by those on the left in this thread.

Sure he did. He spun the man's death into blaming Liberals for it instead of telling the story as it truly is. The following is directly from the aforementioned Foxnews article:

"Very few people in this world reach the level of fame Robin Williams did and could understand the type of depression he dealt with,” Levine added. “There tends to be a lack of compassion -- 'So what ,you’re famous' -- and it’s hard for people to then empathize. People like Robin often feel like they have to completely isolate themselves from the fishbowl they live in, and are so isolated they are afraid to ask for help."

That's the reason why Robin Williams tragic death remained in the headlines. Suicide, though ultimately is a selfish act, is also a cry for help. I know this personally from having to live through the tragedy of losing two people who were once part of my life to suicide: my brother and a man I'd barely known but whose selfish act left a scare on me that threatened to take me into the depths of despair right along with him. It took me a long time to realize that despite my best intensions, there was nothing I could have done to stop him from taking his own life. In that sense, Rush was right when he spoke about the guilt the ensues from acts of suicide. But he's dreadfully WRONG to point the finger at Liberals or even the so-called liberal media for keeping Robin Williams' death in the headlines for political reasons. Politics had nothing to do with it -- until Rush injected such into the discussion.
Please point out the things he said about Williams that justify this fake outrage I'm seeing?

You can't even understand what you said (and Redress posted it) how can you understand what Rush said?

The utter denial displayed by some of the dittoheads in this thread is delicious.
Pretty much. Maybe they'll take a phony pill to calm down a little.

Greetings, humbolt. :2wave:

I doubt it will help. They've got their minds made up, and we haven't even heard everything yet! :thumbdown:

Today I had a choice of canning pickles, or going to the Cleveland Zoo. I was at the Zoo about six hours - and didn't get to see half of it! That place is huge! I got to ride a real live camel, though - wow! I guess I can cancel my plans to visit the Gobi Desert now. Who needs to see poisonous snakes anyway? :lol: Also went into the rain forest they created, plus we saw giraffes and lots of other animals. My feet are worn out - I swear I walked 50 miles! Time to have a drink to relax, and see what's happening here. Very Fun Day!
You can't even understand what you said (and Redress posted it) how can you understand what Rush said?


I understand perfectly what he said... He was asked if politics was involved in the coverage by the media and he responded to that question. He wasn't "politisizing" the mans death, he was giving his opinion about the political aspects behind the media's coverage and included some quotes from a story that was written about it to do so...

It's phony outrage... You know it, and I know it.

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