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Roger Stone Taking the Fifth (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 3, 2018
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Stone declines Dem request for interview, invokes Fifth Amendment


Republican operative and longtime Trump ally Roger Stone is resisting a request for documents and an interview from Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, citing his Fifth Amendment rights.

In a letter released Tuesday by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, Stone’s attorney described the document request as “unreasonably broad” in scope and characteristic of a “fishing expedition.”


Following in the footsteps of his cohort Randy Credico, Roger Stone refuses to give testimony to the Senate. Stone got a clear message from Trump in a tweet yesterday. Some are calling this witness tampering.

Stone declines Dem request for interview, invokes Fifth Amendment


Republican operative and longtime Trump ally Roger Stone is resisting a request for documents and an interview from Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, citing his Fifth Amendment rights.

In a letter released Tuesday by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, Stone’s attorney described the document request as “unreasonably broad” in scope and characteristic of a “fishing expedition.”

Grant Smith, the attorney, also wrote that Stone would invoke the Fifth Amendment to avoid sitting for an interview and to protect himself from being ensnared in “ambiguous circumstances.”

"You see the mob takes the Fifth, If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?"
-Donald Trump
Stone declines Dem request for interview, invokes Fifth Amendment


Republican operative and longtime Trump ally Roger Stone is resisting a request for documents and an interview from Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, citing his Fifth Amendment rights.

In a letter released Tuesday by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, Stone’s attorney described the document request as “unreasonably broad” in scope and characteristic of a “fishing expedition.”


Following in the footsteps of his cohort Randy Credico, Roger Stone refuses to give testimony to the Senate. Stone got a clear message from Trump in a tweet yesterday. Some are calling this witness tampering.


Odd. In the Tweet you quote Trump puts 'President Trump' in quotation marks. And 'guts'.
there's so much "innocent behavior" going on here that someone should package it and sell it as fertilizer / biofuel.
Odd. In the Tweet you quote Trump puts 'President Trump' in quotation marks. And 'guts'.

And Trump is usually so good about proper punctuation and grammar. ;)
Stone declines Dem request for interview, invokes Fifth Amendment


Republican operative and longtime Trump ally Roger Stone is resisting a request for documents and an interview from Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, citing his Fifth Amendment rights.

In a letter released Tuesday by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, Stone’s attorney described the document request as “unreasonably broad” in scope and characteristic of a “fishing expedition.”


Following in the footsteps of his cohort Randy Credico, Roger Stone refuses to give testimony to the Senate. Stone got a clear message from Trump in a tweet yesterday. Some are calling this witness tampering.


This is the 'gotcha' moment. Tells Congress, Mueller, and the nation that Stone is central to the Trump prosecution.
This is the 'gotcha' moment. Tells Congress, Mueller, and the nation that Stone is central to the Trump prosecution.

How is the Trump tweet a tell that Stone is central to the Trump prosecution? Is the lawyer Cohen also central to the Trump prosecution because of the reaction of Trump to possible Cohen testimony, hum?
How is the Trump tweet a tell that Stone is central to the Trump prosecution? Is the lawyer Cohen also central to the Trump prosecution because of the reaction of Trump to possible Cohen testimony, hum?

I didn't mention the tweet. Mueller has been going after Stone and his associates for a long time. It's coming to head.
Stone declines Dem request for interview, invokes Fifth Amendment


Republican operative and longtime Trump ally Roger Stone is resisting a request for documents and an interview from Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, citing his Fifth Amendment rights.

In a letter released Tuesday by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, Stone’s attorney described the document request as “unreasonably broad” in scope and characteristic of a “fishing expedition.”


Following in the footsteps of his cohort Randy Credico, Roger Stone refuses to give testimony to the Senate. Stone got a clear message from Trump in a tweet yesterday. Some are calling this witness tampering.


Isn't trump's tweet witness tampering? Isn't that illegal? Oh well - we know trump is above the law and can do whatever he likes. 2 more years of this crook and then we - hopefully - won't have the russians running the country again.
I didn't mention the tweet. Mueller has been going after Stone and his associates for a long time. It's coming to head.

If ifs and buts were candies and nuts we'd all have a merry Christmas.
Aw, 'poor' Roger Stone, he needs your money to pay his legal fees. His buddy Michael Caputo started a GoFundMe fundraiser for poor Roger. It doesn't matter that this man is worth millions, the fundraiser may be nothing more than a morale boost for Roger Stone. The fundraiser has raised a whopping $4,357 so far but take heart, it's only been up for one day so far. But-but...Roger Stone has a net worth of $20 million (reported) and possibly 5x's that off the books.

Donald Trump: "only the mob takes the Fifth"


Odd. In the Tweet you quote Trump puts 'President Trump' in quotation marks. And 'guts'.

trump released the speech he was going to make at Bush's state funeral. You know talking about 'President trump' and only about himself....as per usual.
Meanwhile, it looks like Fox News might have gotten it right for once.
Treason for the Season, like the graphic says...

Richard Garza@richardrgarza Dec 2

"Looks like the graphics team at Fox News is sending a subliminal message..."

Isn't trump's tweet witness tampering? Isn't that illegal? Oh well - we know trump is above the law and can do whatever he likes. 2 more years of this crook and then we - hopefully - won't have the russians running the country again.

I sure hope we can hold Republicans accountable for this...this feeling you describe of watching Trump flagrantly violate the nation's norms and its laws, while we all watch, waiting for Republicans in the House/Senate to act, and being appalled when they don't. It's been a painful 2 years.
Stone declines Dem request for interview, invokes Fifth Amendment


Republican operative and longtime Trump ally Roger Stone is resisting a request for documents and an interview from Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee, citing his Fifth Amendment rights.

In a letter released Tuesday by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (Calif.), the top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, Stone’s attorney described the document request as “unreasonably broad” in scope and characteristic of a “fishing expedition.”


Following in the footsteps of his cohort Randy Credico, Roger Stone refuses to give testimony to the Senate. Stone got a clear message from Trump in a tweet yesterday. Some are calling this witness tampering.


Republicans control the Senate Judiciary Committee, so he can't claim this is about Democrats.

In any case, he's free to plead the fifth, and he's free to take on the guilt that conveys.
Dude has so many tells when he lies. His hubris has him thinking going on TV helps.
Will Roger Stone give up his Nixon tattoo and replace it with this? It'll cost him a few bucks to erase the Nixon but oh yeah, it'll be worth it to have the king on his back.

Renato Mariotti thread:


tl;dr version: Stone can plead the 5th, but he can only plead the fifth for his documents if the act of providing the documents implicates him in a crime.

Example: if you demand to see a stolen car that may or may not be in my possession, merely showing you the car implicates me in the unlawful acquisition of the car, in which case, I could plead the fifth. If, however, the car is lawfully in my possession, I can't plead the fifth on behalf of the car.

Therefore Stone's success in protecting the documents from revelation depends on how aggressively the Republican-led Judiciary Committee wants to pursue this.
Re: Stone declines Dem request for interview, invokes Fifth Amendment

Stone's going to be indicted, it's just a matter of time.

He knows this.

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