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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Releases Green New Deal Outline (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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Welcome to the new age of politics, everybody:

Although it's just an outline it's a huge step forward to move the conversation in the right direction. Yes there are some problems, but I agree with about 90% of this proposal and if all you do is nit-pick it, then I assume you agree with 90% of it too! :mrgreen:

In addition, the framework, as described in the legislation as well as "FAQs" from Ocasio-Cortez's office, calls for a variety of other lofty goals:

"upgrading all existing buildings" in the country for energy efficiency;
working with farmers "to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions... as much as is technologically feasible" (while supporting family farms and promoting "universal access to healthy food");
"Overhauling transportation systems" to reduce emissions — including expanding electric car manufacturing, building "charging stations everywhere," and expanding high-speed rail to "a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary";
A guaranteed job "with a family-sustaining wage, adequate family and medical leave, paid vacations and retirement security" for every American;
"High-quality health care" for all Americans.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Releases Green New Deal Outline

If she just gets some of this passed and conventional thinking says she just might pull it off. She'll be on equal playing field with the President of the United States in terms of legislative deals. Trump's comprehensive tax reform plan is the only thing even remotely comparable to this that he's done or thought of.
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The New Green Steal will destroy the economy.
Usual fails with this kind of insanity. Even the linked article points out the most glaring idiocies, such as no idea at all where the several trillion dollars comes from or how to achieve a 30 year goal in ten years or how in the world enough transportation overhaul could be done to revolutionize air travel and get rid of as much as possible.

It's an outlandish wish list that is not viable in any way or even close.

My plan is about the same. I'm gonna give everyone a billion dollars, but avoid any inflation when I do so. Everyone will also get a puppy that never dies and a house that flies on the power of dreams wherever you want to go.
Welcome to the new age of politics, everybody:

Although it's just an outline it's a huge step forward to move the conversation in the right direction. Yes there are some problems, but I agree with about 90% of this proposal and if all you do is nit-pick it, then I assume you agree with 90% of it too! :mrgreen:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Releases Green New Deal Outline

If she just gets some of this passed and conventional thinking says she just might pull it off. She'll be on equal an equal playing field with the President of the United States in terms of legislative deals. Trump's comprehensive tax reform plan is the only thing even remotely comparable to this that he's done or thought of.
:lamo...while we're at it we can solve the origins of the universe, build Star Trek's USS Enterprise, give everyone a million dollars cash, and cure cancer....This is truly bat **** crazy.

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Usual fails with this kind of insanity. Even the linked article points out the most glaring idiocies, such as no idea at all where the several trillion dollars comes from or how to achieve a 30 year goal in ten years or how in the world enough transportation overhaul could be done to revolutionize air travel and get rid of as much as possible.

It's an outlandish wish list that is not viable in any way or even close.

My plan is about the same. I'm gonna give everyone a billion dollars, but avoid any inflation when I do so. Everyone will also get a puppy that never dies and a house that flies on the power of dreams wherever you want to go.

The problem with your wishful thinking crap is that we've been having wishful thinking for the past 100 years in the hopes that rich people will invest in our national infrastructure. We actually got so bad we elected a rich guy who wanted to build a wall and he can't even do that properly! If there's legislative framework for upgrading infrastructure and fixing the transit system. I'm all for it.
:lamo...while we're at it we can solve the origins of the universe, build Star Trek's USS Enterprise, give everyone a million dollars cash, and cure cancer....This is truly bat **** crazy.

Sent from my SM-T587P using Tapatalk

Cause building a wall is working out so well for you guys.
The problem with your wishful thinking crap is that we've been having wishful thinking for the past 100 years in the hopes that rich people will invest in our national infrastructure. We actually got so bad we elected a rich guy who wanted to build a wall and he can't even do that properly! If there's legislative framework for upgrading infrastructure and fixing the transit system. I'm all for it.

When's the last time we elected a poor president?

This horse**** has nothing to do with upgrading infrastructure. It's about more control of the private sector and lining politicians and yes, rich peoples's pockets.
The problem with your wishful thinking crap is that we've been having wishful thinking for the past 100 years in the hopes that rich people will invest in our national infrastructure. We actually got so bad we elected a rich guy who wanted to build a wall and he can't even do that properly! If there's legislative framework for upgrading infrastructure and fixing the transit system. I'm all for it.

Unfortunately, there is no legislative framework here. This isn't some campaign promise about lowering taxes 3% on this group or fixing existing programs. This is crapping rainbows and mastering wizardry at Hogwarts. It's absolutely beyond insane. Read your own article. They can't even comprehend how she thinks any of it would be achieved, she just made some of the most absurd appeals to fantasy anyone in politics has ever said with a straight face and backed it up with nothing. Literally taking the wealth of all the top 5% (wealth, not even just income) wouldn't fund 0.01% of this dreamland.
Cause building a wall is working out so well for you guys.

He's trying lol... What do you want him to do? Just because he is getting opposition from Democrats at every turn, doesn't mean he should stop trying...

Trying and failing due to opposition is a lot better then never trying to execute a campaign promise at all. I don't know what I would expect otherwise. I also have no idea what he should have done differently in order to build the wall.
Plans are stupid. Just say whatever and promise others will pay. Is she a politician or what?
Unfortunately, there is no legislative framework here. This isn't some campaign promise about lowering taxes 3% on this group or fixing existing programs. This is crapping rainbows and mastering wizardry at Hogwarts. It's absolutely beyond insane. Read your own article. They can't even comprehend how she thinks any of it would be achieved, she just made some of the most absurd appeals to fantasy anyone in politics has ever said with a straight face and backed it up with nothing. Literally taking the wealth of all the top 5% (wealth, not even just income) wouldn't fund 0.01% of this dreamland.

Our government framework itself is inherently broken and needs a major overhaul. I do this type of stuff for a living in the tech sector. I'm freaking tired of seeing measly 3% tax deals (loaded w/ lobbyist pork) nobody ever reads. The outline is now out there. If passed we'll have decades to figure it out and that's 100X better than relying on lobbyists b/c people like her and people like me who know that our system is broken will be elected in order to help figure it out and straighten out the mess.
Welcome to the new age of politics, everybody:

Although it's just an outline it's a huge step forward to move the conversation in the right direction. Yes there are some problems, but I agree with about 90% of this proposal and if all you do is nit-pick it, then I assume you agree with 90% of it too! :mrgreen:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Releases Green New Deal Outline

If she just gets some of this passed and conventional thinking says she just might pull it off. She'll be on equal playing field with the President of the United States in terms of legislative deals. Trump's comprehensive tax reform plan is the only thing even remotely comparable to this that he's done or thought of.

If she truly wanted to reduce emissions and understood the problem, show would be advocating
streamlining solar grid attachment laws to something good for both the homeowner and the electrical utility,
as well as advocating development of power to liquid fuel plans.
A path to increased solar, will cause massive seasonal electricity surpluses, which could be converted to carbon neutral fuels for existing demands.
No new vehicles, no new service stations needed, fast and very direct results, by turning a problem we know is coming, into a solution.
I'm looking forward to watching the liberal tears again after Trump wins in 2020. Whacko's like AOC will make sure that happens.

The Democrats better cut these people off before it spreads too far.

Proposals like these look pretty on paper until you realize the cost and the unintended consequences. Then there is the not so good history of Socialism.
Our government framework itself is inherently broken and needs a major overhaul. I do this type of stuff for a living in the tech sector. I'm freaking tired of seeing measly 3% tax deals (loaded w/ lobbyist pork) nobody ever reads. The outline is now out there. If passed we'll have decades to figure it out and that's 100X better than relying on lobbyists b/c people like her and people like me who know that our system is broken will be elected in order to help figure it out and straighten out the mess.

Okay, well, you enjoy your trip to disney land. Two quick points, though, this never gets taken seriously by anyone who could possibly pass it and you don't have decades when she sets a deadline of all buildings in the country of 340 million people to be upgraded to carbon neutral by 2030.

Anyway, if this floats your boat, more power to ya. I prefer to focus on things that involve sanity.
He's trying lol... What do you want him to do? Just because he is getting opposition from Democrats at every turn, doesn't mean he should stop trying...

Trying and failing due to opposition is a lot better then never trying to execute a campaign promise at all. I don't know what I would expect otherwise. I also have no idea what he should have done differently in order to build the wall.

Which is why I said if AOC gets any of this passed she'll be on level playing field w/the President. He hasn't gotten a dime from Democrats. Will AOC get some Republican votes on this? They seem to like her tax plan.
As the article states, this is a non-binding resolution, it’s only the first step towards what should be significant further legislation on each point.

Paying back our climate debt is going to take aggressive actions, which is exactly what this is. If you want to be angry at someone/thing, blame the destructive irresponsible actions of corporations and our lack of will to regulate throughout the last 100 years. We have taken a loan out on the climate and now it’s left to future generations to pay it back.
Okay, well, you enjoy your trip to disney land. Two quick points, though, this never gets taken seriously by anyone who could possibly pass it and you don't have decades when she sets a deadline of all buildings in the country of 340 million people to be upgraded to carbon neutral by 2030.

Anyway, if this floats your boat, more power to ya. I prefer to focus on things that involve sanity.

Then I expect to see you at the next #impeachthemf rally.
Welcome to the new age of politics, everybody:

Although it's just an outline it's a huge step forward to move the conversation in the right direction. Yes there are some problems, but I agree with about 90% of this proposal and if all you do is nit-pick it, then I assume you agree with 90% of it too! :mrgreen:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Releases Green New Deal Outline

If she just gets some of this passed and conventional thinking says she just might pull it off. She'll be on equal playing field with the President of the United States in terms of legislative deals. Trump's comprehensive tax reform plan is the only thing even remotely comparable to this that he's done or thought of.

Let's just start with those guaranteed (federal?) jobs with a family sustaining wage, paid vacations and retirement security. Once that little nugget is in place then much of the rest becomes unnecessary. Of course, the lack of a private sector to tax might be a tad of a problem but I'm sure AOC can work around that minor detail.
"upgrading all existing buildings" in the country for energy efficiency;
working with farmers "to eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions... as much as is technologically feasible" (while supporting family farms and promoting "universal access to healthy food");
"Overhauling transportation systems" to reduce emissions — including expanding electric car manufacturing, building "charging stations everywhere," and expanding high-speed rail to "a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary";
A guaranteed job "with a family-sustaining wage, adequate family and medical leave, paid vacations and retirement security" for every American;
"High-quality health care" for all Americans.

All in 10 years?

I cant fault her enthusiasm, but I do question her math......seems she will come up trillions short.
Those are some lofty goals, and not that I disagree with the outcome per se, but how you make all of that happen is the real question. There are a lot of factors here to make something like this work; including how this affects the current energy paradigm. Personally, I think this is something that works best when it's a market driven force rather than mandated exclusively through the government. The challenge is we can't effectively transition from fossil fuels to alternative fuels and provide the same level of output. If we can't do that, it's going to be hard to create the kind of demand that would create a market demand for that type of energy.

Then of course there is the issue of funding, and without a clear plan I can't see myself supporting something like this.
Let's just start with those guaranteed (federal?) jobs with a family sustaining wage, paid vacations and retirement security. Once that little nugget is in place then much of the rest becomes unnecessary. Of course, the lack of a private sector to tax might be a tad of a problem but I'm sure AOC can work around that minor detail.

That might be a step towards universal income, I can't say I agree with this one, but again it's a wide proposal that I agree with 90%. She's looking at this stuff with clear eyes.
The overreaction is off the chart, it is just a nonbinding resolution with no greater strength than a congratulations to the save the northern spotted owl society.

The outline itself has plenty to agree with and plenty to be critical of, but this is hardly breaking news... even if it does set off all the conservatives already freaking out over anything she says, or even wears.
Those are some lofty goals, and not that I disagree with the outcome per se, but how you make all of that happen is the real question. There are a lot of factors here to make something like this work; including how this affects the current energy paradigm. Personally, I think this is something that works best when it's a market driven force rather than mandated exclusively through the government. The challenge is we can't effectively transition from fossil fuels to alternative fuels and provide the same level of output. If we can't do that, it's going to be hard to create the kind of demand that would create a market demand for that type of energy.

Then of course there is the issue of funding, and without a clear plan I can't see myself supporting something like this.

While companies do invest in infrastructure it's only to help the company itself. No companies have invested to help fix either the NJtransit system or the MTA. These public transit systems are over 100 years old that millions of people use everyday and Amazon coming into queens announcing no plans to try to help jump-start that seems to disprove your point, just as a local example.
He's trying lol... What do you want him to do? Just because he is getting opposition from Democrats at every turn, doesn't mean he should stop trying...

Trying and failing due to opposition is a lot better then never trying to execute a campaign promise at all. I don't know what I would expect otherwise. I also have no idea what he should have done differently in order to build the wall.

He had two years with a GOP House and GOP Senate and didn’t do dick. Don’t give me this “opposition from the Democrats” bull****.

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