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Queers[W:197] (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 9, 2010
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Chicago Area
Political Leaning
There's a thread in this forum that purposefully addresses LGBT people as queers. WTF? How is that appropriate? Where I come from, that's pretty much the equivalent of the N word. So are we so enlightened now that we can call people of different sexual orientations "queer"? Or is this one of those words where, if you are one, it's perfectly okay?

Some people are their own worst enemies.
Re: Queers

I don't get it either Maggie. "Queer" means something strange or odd. It is not a compliment to call an LGBT person "queer". But people still do it, even on television.
Re: Queers

I think the idea is to "own" the word, Mags, to take away its power to offend.
Re: Queers

I think the idea is to "own" the word, Mags, to take away its power to offend.

Yeah, that makes some little sense. Thank you.

Thing is, it offends ME that ANYONE would call ANYONE a Queer. Lol.
Re: Queers

There's a thread in this forum that purposefully addresses LGBT people as queers. WTF? How is that appropriate? Where I come from, that's pretty much the equivalent of the N word. So are we so enlightened now that we can call people of different sexual orientations "queer"? Or is this one of those words where, if you are one, it's perfectly okay?

Some people are their own worst enemies.

Actually, "LGBT" is shortened. At the very minimum it is "LGBTQ". What Does LGBTQ+ Mean? | OK2BME
Re: Queers

It is strange for sure, but as mentioned, it depends on how the term is used.
If a homosexual person uses it to identify other homosexuals, perhaps it isn't used in a derogatory way. Same if blacks use the term nigger. (whoops, thought it would be automatically censored)
I don't know. Just a thought.
Re: Queers

you people are just to pc,a queer is a queer ,you do not like the term so i should not use the term ,you people are just what is wrong with the left to much feelings,i do not like that word and because i am a queer i should be able to ban that word because it hurts my feelings,you people are what you are .
seems like i remember a sign that red, i am queer and i am here ,i guess that guy was not pc enough for you whiners either.

run don run
Re: Queers

Or is this one of those words where, if you are one, it's perfectly okay?

Some people are their own worst enemies.

Now this I've seen happen with nearly every pejorative, including "fag" and "dyke" and a certain racial slur. I do understand the idea that if you are one, you get to say it, sort of akin to women who'll call themselves fat but get offended if you say it or even agree with it (seriously had this happen to me and I was like, "you ****ing said it" - but I digress). On the flip side, by doing it, it does give those who do intend to be offensive some cover, like how can you suddenly be offended by something you've applied to yourself?
Re: Queers

you people are just to pc,a queer is a queer ,you do not like the term so i should not use the term ,you people are just what is wrong with the left to much feelings,i do not like that word and because i am a queer i should be able to ban that word because it hurts my feelings,you people are what you are .
seems like i remember a sign that red, i am queer and i am here ,i guess that guy was not pc enough for you whiners either.

run don run

Re: Queers

you people are just to pc,a queer is a queer ,you do not like the term so i should not use the term ,you people are just what is wrong with the left to much feelings,i do not like that word and because i am a queer i should be able to ban that word because it hurts my feelings,you people are what you are .
seems like i remember a sign that red, i am queer and i am here ,i guess that guy was not pc enough for you whiners either.

run don run

First, I'm a conservative. Secondly, I didn't suggest BANNING the word. I just identify it as rude and crude. Inappropriate. Ignorant. A slur. And it is unfortunate it appears it has become socially acceptable by those who are LBGT.
Re: Queers

you people are just to pc,a queer is a queer ,you do not like the term so i should not use the term ,you people are just what is wrong with the left to much feelings,i do not like that word and because i am a queer i should be able to ban that word because it hurts my feelings,you people are what you are .
seems like i remember a sign that red, i am queer and i am here ,i guess that guy was not pc enough for you whiners either.

run don run

Pardon me, let's if I can translate.

You people are just too pc. A queer is a queer. You do not like the term so I should not use the term. You people are just what is wrong with the left. To much feelings, "I do not like that word and because i am a queer i should be able to ban that word because it hurts my feelings." You people are what you are.

Seems like I remember a sign that read, "I am queer and I am here." I guess that guy was not pc enough for you whiners either.

Run Don(ald Trump) run.
Re: Queers

There's a thread in this forum that purposefully addresses LGBT people as queers. WTF? How is that appropriate? Where I come from, that's pretty much the equivalent of the N word. So are we so enlightened now that we can call people of different sexual orientations "queer"? Or is this one of those words where, if you are one, it's perfectly okay?

Some people are their own worst enemies.

The word "queer" has a very complicated history, both from within and without the queer community.

It has been used by those outside it as a slur at various points in time. It has also been reclaimed several times.

It has been rejected by some people in the more "old guard" segments of the community, who don't think gender identities or non-binary sexualities should be included in the community at all (yes, there are such people).

Personally, since the acronym is always changing, I have always used "queer community." I have never had someone take offence to it, because intent is everything with that word, and I personally wish to align myself with being supportive of the entire spectrum, not just the binary non-straight sexualities and nothing else.
Re: Queers

The word "queer" has a very complicated history, both from within and without the queer community.

It has been used by those outside it as a slur at various points in time. It has also been reclaimed several times.

It has been rejected by some people in the more "old guard" segments of the community, who don't think gender identities or non-binary sexualities should be included in the community at all (yes, there are such people).

Personally, since the acronym is always changing, I have always used "queer community." I have never had someone take offence to it, because intent is everything with that word, and I personally wish to align myself with being supportive of the entire spectrum, not just the binary non-straight sexualities and nothing else.

Very well said.
Re: Queers

There's a thread in this forum that purposefully addresses LGBT people as queers. WTF? How is that appropriate? Where I come from, that's pretty much the equivalent of the N word. So are we so enlightened now that we can call people of different sexual orientations "queer"? Or is this one of those words where, if you are one, it's perfectly okay?

Some people are their own worst enemies.

And where exactly do you come from? (rhetorical) "Location: Chicago Area" I dont think you have a great point of reference for either of those terms.
Re: Queers

And where exactly do you come from? (rhetorical) "Location: Chicago Area" I dont think you have a great point of reference for either of those terms.

That's one of the more ridiculous posts I've read on DP. Congratulations.
Re: Queers

The word "queer" has a very complicated history, both from within and without the queer community.

It has been used by those outside it as a slur at various points in time. It has also been reclaimed several times.

It has been rejected by some people in the more "old guard" segments of the community, who don't think gender identities or non-binary sexualities should be included in the community at all (yes, there are such people).

Personally, since the acronym is always changing, I have always used "queer community." I have never had someone take offence to it, because intent is everything with that word, and I personally wish to align myself with being supportive of the entire spectrum, not just the binary non-straight sexualities and nothing else.

I personally think the acronym is ridiculous. Which is why I like to use, lgbtqrstuvwxyz. In time, it may even become accurate.
Re: Queers

That's one of the more ridiculous posts I've read on DP. Congratulations.

Thank you, it is of course only beat in ridiculousness by your nonsensical OP
Re: Queers

Pardon me, let's if I can translate.

You people are just too pc. A queer is a queer. You do not like the term so I should not use the term. You people are just what is wrong with the left. To much feelings, "I do not like that word and because i am a queer i should be able to ban that word because it hurts my feelings." You people are what you are.

Seems like I remember a sign that read, "I am queer and I am here." I guess that guy was not pc enough for you whiners either.

Run Don(ald Trump) run.

thank you very much,if i had any feelings i would be hurt,nice try though,seems like a queer is not a queer any more they are called gays as in happy queers i guess.
look i do not hate queers but this pc bs is just a little over the top,thanks for correcting and making fun of my grammar and sentence structure.
run don run
Re: Queers

Gosh queers get butthurt easy.. Why reinforce the stereotype of you being whiny sissies?

I've been teased all my life for being ginger and having a weird name.. I've learned to embrace it and be proud that I'm a bit different.. You should too..

If your gong to come out and tell the world you are different, then own it and quit getting upset that you are what you are since you say you are..
Re: Queers

There's a thread in this forum that purposefully addresses LGBT people as queers. WTF? How is that appropriate? Where I come from, that's pretty much the equivalent of the N word. So are we so enlightened now that we can call people of different sexual orientations "queer"? Or is this one of those words where, if you are one, it's perfectly okay?

Some people are their own worst enemies.

I don't know the post and very probably it is not polite in its use. But there are certainly good reasons to allow its use. I was put down recently for using the word "dyke". I had not been sure, if it was a slight, but it did define what I wanted to say much better than the alternatives. So I has looked it up (Wiki) and found it to be a good word now, where it was a bad word a while ago. The old meaning is still in Websters. Besides causing confusion political correctness has gone much too far and is begging a backlash. As a matter of fact there have been a good number of relatively interesting articles pointing out that Trump's success might be partly due to people liking his less pc talk.
Re: Queers

This is one of those words that has changed very quickly as far as political correctness. It used to be pejorative. And I imagine it still is if you yell, "Hey queer!" at some one. But it is generally accepted now, even when used by straight people. But In its accepted for, as far as I have seen, it is used an adjective and not a noun.

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