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Pro-lifers are blasphemers (1 Viewer)


Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Pro-lifers are blasphemers, but are too stupid to know it.

The Bible makes no mention of abortion, even though abortion was in common practice at the time.

In saying abortion is murder & a "holocaust," pro-lifers are implicitly saying that the Bible FORGOT TO MENTION this horrible thing.

If you oppose abortion, you're really saying the Bible is wrong. You just didn't realize it.

This proves my contention that the Right is dumb.
What I find funny is how the Bible and God are Pro-Choice on the matter, not only that but they believe the choice should be upheld by the Father, not the Mother.

carmical.net/articles/biblical.html said:
The one passage that is cited to support the pro-choice position is Exodus 21:22-25:

And if men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so that she has a miscarriage, yet there is no further injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman's husband may demand of him; and he shall pay as the judges decide. But if there is any further injury, then you shall appoint as a penalty life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.

In this passage, a man causes a woman to have a miscarriage, and his punishment is a mere fine. This shows that an unborn child's life is not as important as a born child because the penalty for killing a born child is death....

Link to Article: http://www.carmical.net/articles/biblical.html

I don't appreciate people being stereotypical PerryLogan.
You say that ALL "Right-Conservatives" believe that there should be no pro-choice and/or that ALL "Right-Conservatives" are Christian.
Arch Enemy: How did that make sense it was life for life you "Dumb A$$s" So that means he would be sentenced to death. Duh you fools.

PerryLogan: They make no mention means nothing to help your case and Arch Enemy has just proved you wrong.
Not true science proves that life begins at conception. So when you abort a life is it murder. A cell is alive and you cant argue that. And for a fact that particular cell is the start of a human. If that doesnt convince you. Just because it doesnt LOOK human doesnt mean it isnt. A tadpole doesnt look much like a frog but it is. A catapiller doesnt look like a butterfly but it is as well.
Umm...Science doesn't "prove" that life begins at conception. It may prove it in your mind but the general accepted scientific thought is that there is no proof exactly when "human life" starts. So you say a "Cell" is alive and killing it is murder. Every pluck out your hair, clip a nail, hell...take a shower. Damn, yo'ure getting rid of a ton of those living "cell's" then. Murderer...

I'm not saying if I'm pro choice or pro life, but the simple fact that science hasn't "proven" 100% when life "begins"...partially because no one can fully agree when life begins
CanadianGuy said:
Arch Enemy: How did that make sense it was life for life you "Dumb A$$s" So that means he would be sentenced to death. Duh you fools.

PerryLogan: They make no mention means nothing to help your case and Arch Enemy has just proved you wrong.
Yes, it was life for life, eye for eye etc. if there was any injury to the MOTHER, now to the fetus, they were fairly indifferent. Now what does that imply? Come on, you can do it, I believe in you! Yes, that's right, in the bible they did NOT consider a fetus to be a human life!
PerryLogan said:
Pro-lifers are blasphemers, but are too stupid to know it.


This proves my contention that the Right is dumb.

It takes 1 egg and 1 sperm to create a human. It then requires incubation period. That incubation period is what this debate is about. When does that merged egg and sperm become human? It is not smarts, not the bible, not far left or far right ideologies.

To make a blanket statement such as this only proves that the poster is incapible of coherent thought without labeling. This is exactly what the LEFT ideology is attempting to remove from society - labeling and making everyone equal.

Therefore I ask - how does that toe taste?
vauge said:
It takes 1 egg and 1 sperm to create a human. It then requires incubation period. That incubation period is what this debate is about. When does that merged egg and sperm become human? It is not smarts, not the bible, not far left or far right ideologies.

To make a blanket statement such as this only proves that the poster is incapible of coherent thought without labeling. This is exactly what the LEFT ideology is attempting to remove from society - labeling and making everyone equal.

Therefore I ask - how does that toe taste?
True, true, although I don't get the toe comment.
galenrox said:
True, true, although I don't get the toe comment.

Check out PerryLogan's website - in his sig. He is very liberal and out to 'tear a new one to the right wing'. Because he isn't going by the liberal mantra - he put his foot in his mouth by labeling.
vauge said:
Check out PerryLogan's website - in his sig. He is very liberal and out to 'tear a new one to the right wing'. Because he isn't going by the liberal mantra - he put his foot in his mouth by labeling.
Ah ha! that's some clever **** right there, and I commend you!
PerryLogan said:
Pro-lifers are blasphemers, but are too stupid to know it.

The Bible makes no mention of abortion, even though abortion was in common practice at the time.

In saying abortion is murder & a "holocaust," pro-lifers are implicitly saying that the Bible FORGOT TO MENTION this horrible thing.

If you oppose abortion, you're really saying the Bible is wrong. You just didn't realize it.

This proves my contention that the Right is dumb.

If you think that Jesus Christ did not think all life was precious then you live in a fantasy world my friend.............
Navy Pride said:
If you think that Jesus Christ did not think all life was precious then you live in a fantasy world my friend.............
maybe Jesus Christ didn't believe that a fetus was a child yet.
Zyphlin said:
Umm...Science doesn't "prove" that life begins at conception. It may prove it in your mind but the general accepted scientific thought is that there is no proof exactly when "human life" starts. So you say a "Cell" is alive and killing it is murder. Every pluck out your hair, clip a nail, hell...take a shower. Damn, yo'ure getting rid of a ton of those living "cell's" then. Murderer...

I'm not saying if I'm pro choice or pro life, but the simple fact that science hasn't "proven" 100% when life "begins"...partially because no one can fully agree when life begins

Science does say that the smallest form of life on earth are single celled organisms. Yea but my skin cells and the like dont make humans. They are apart of humans. Seems you forgot your middle school science lessons. The fertilized egg containes human dna and it will be a fetus,child,adult.All those are stages of a human just like fertilized egg.

People do not come from spontanious generation (dead things,inanimite objects etc. ) its been proven. Life begins life.
Roman Catholics (which I am one) Believe that life begins at conception......
vauge said:
It takes 1 egg and 1 sperm to create a human. It then requires incubation period. That incubation period is what this debate is about. When does that merged egg and sperm become human? It is not smarts, not the bible, not far left or far right ideologies.

To make a blanket statement such as this only proves that the poster is incapible of coherent thought without labeling. This is exactly what the LEFT ideology is attempting to remove from society - labeling and making everyone equal.

Therefore I ask - how does that toe taste?

:applaud Couldn't have said it better myself. :applaud
PerryLogan said:
Pro-lifers are blasphemers, but are too stupid to know it.

The Bible makes no mention of abortion, even though abortion was in common practice at the time.

In saying abortion is murder & a "holocaust," pro-lifers are implicitly saying that the Bible FORGOT TO MENTION this horrible thing.

If you oppose abortion, you're really saying the Bible is wrong. You just didn't realize it.

This proves my contention that the Right is dumb.

The concept of abortion was probably so unimaginable it didn't warent direct mentioning.

Actually the bible does say its wrong.

YOur lords commandment: Thall shalt not murder.
That takes care of the killing part.

The fact that God sayes that a person is given a soul before they are conceved. And the fact that God tells Abraham "I knew you from the womb of your mother" implies that people are given thier lives before being born.

Non-believers shouldn't use the Bible for justification of thier twisted realities.
PerryLogan said:
Pro-lifers are blasphemers, but are too stupid to know it.

The Bible makes no mention of abortion, even though abortion was in common practice at the time.

In saying abortion is murder & a "holocaust," pro-lifers are implicitly saying that the Bible FORGOT TO MENTION this horrible thing.

If you oppose abortion, you're really saying the Bible is wrong. You just didn't realize it.

This proves my contention that the Right is dumb.

Your argument is so inane I can't believe I'm responding to it.

However, first and foremost the 6th commandment.
Or how about Matthew 25:31-46 where we're instructed to take care of the 'least of these'. If those who can't care for themselves (i.e. the unborn) don't count as the least of these, I don't know who does.
Don't forget - man is made in God's image. And then there's the fact that our bodies are a temple - bought at a price (some way to treat a temple). Psalm 139 makes it clear that we are God's creation - something fearfully and wonderfully made - something not to be cast aside as something without worth.

The real extremists in this debate are those who have
never met an abortion they would not prevent.
Cal Thomas

I have an Idea..... How about you take your bible and shove it up your ass.
How is that. The only reason its a problem is because of people who believe in god and kill other people who believe in other gods. Why are these Kristians supporting a war.

Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder is Murder.

How about that death penalty. How about smoking. How about the taliban.

If it is murder why allow it for rape cases or incest?
PerryLogan said:
Pro-lifers are blasphemers, but are too stupid to know it.

The Bible makes no mention of abortion, even though abortion was in common practice at the time.

In saying abortion is murder & a "holocaust," pro-lifers are implicitly saying that the Bible FORGOT TO MENTION this horrible thing.

If you oppose abortion, you're really saying the Bible is wrong. You just didn't realize it.

This proves my contention that the Right is dumb.
According to Merriam-Webster's, your choice of the word blaspheme makes no sense at all in the context in which you use it.

See for yourself.

Page 1 of 1blasphemy
(noun) 1 a : the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God; b : the act of claiming the attributes of deity; 2 : irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolable
PerryLogan, your comments display nothing but ignorance of and prejudice against Christians, conservatives, and pro-lifers in general.

The Bible says that before we were even formed in the womb, God knew us and loved us. But this is not really why Christians are opposed to abortion.

We believe as Christians that the killing of innocent children for the convenience of others is wrong, not because the Bible tells us so, but because we believe in a Natural Law of universal morality. The Bible has little to say on the subject of abortion, true. But the Bible is not a big handbook of morality, with an answer for every situation that comes up. It lays down the basic framework, and calls upon us to judge each moral choice for ourselves using our consciences, and the moral law of human nature, as a guide.

According to the moral law, murder is wrong. Murder is the intentional killing of an innocent human being. Who is more innocent than an unborn child? Who is more defenseless, more dependent on others for survival? Human nature rebels at the thought of killing children.

Which is why we hear "it's a glob of tissue," it's not human yet," "it's a parasite," "it's my body," "it's not alive" - even pro-abortion activists don't like the idea of killing children, so they deny the full humanity of the fetus.
Before abortion was legal, there were far more abandoned children than parents who could adopt them. How compassionate of you to force women to go through pregnancy (which definitely is no bed of roses), hours of painful childbirth and the emotional pain of having to give up her own flesh and blood. Especially in rape cases - as if she hasn't been through enough agony already. Not to mention the pure Christian charity of resigning these babies to lonely childhoods without a family to love them and, more likely than not, a lousy education and little hope of a future.

Don't try to speak for God, and focus on things that are actually your business rather than obsessing over my womb.
vergiss said:
How compassionate of you to force women to go through pregnancy (which definitely is no bed of roses), hours of painful childbirth and the emotional pain of having to give up her own flesh and blood.
Is it compassionate to kill those who inconvenience us? And how about the emotional pain of KILLING her own flesh and blood? Most women who have abortions experience severe emotional trauma from 3-7 years after the event.

Not to mention the pure Christian charity of resigning these babies to lonely childhoods without a family to love them and, more likely than not, a lousy education and little hope of a future.
Oh I get it - we should just kill unhappy/poor people and put them out of their misery.:roll: Instead of sending aid packages to Africa, we should be sending troops to just wipe them all out and save everybody the discomfort of acknowledging the presence of the poor.

Don't try to speak for God, and focus on things that are actually your business rather than obsessing over my womb.
You're right. And we should have let Hitler finish off those Jews. It wasn't our business what Germany did with it's own citizens.
Most women experience severe emotional trauma following abortion? That's strange, seeing as I know of four women who had abortions, and they spoke of nothing but relief. But I suppose making things up is more convenient for you.

Yes, that's exactly what I said. Don't worry about putting words in my mouth and making yourself sound like a moron.

You know, you're either in possession of a below-average IQ or plain delusional if you think my uterus has anything to do with genocide. My relatives were gathered up into trucks and brutally slaughtered, along with 6 million of their people. In Germany you would actually get in trouble with the law for saying something so incredibly offensive and ignorant.

It's a pity your mother didn't believe in abortion.
vergiss said:
It's a pity your mother didn't believe in abortion.

You know I believe in a spirited debate as well as anyone, but that was just uncalled for.

You know four women who felt relief and that does what? Is that a consensus or something? I can name over 20 women I know who regretted their decision and have felt nothing but regret and shame for what they had done. What is your point?
Hurtful and ignorant comments about the Holocaust were uncalled for, as is calling women who have abortions murderers by implication. What is it the right-wing would call what you're being right now? Oh, that's it - PC.

My point is that until he's interviewed every single woman alive who's ever had an abortion and documented it all, he can hardly declare that "most" women regret the decision.

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