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Poll shows high marks for Obama on Tucson, low regard for political dialogue (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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Americans overwhelmingly describe the tone of political discourse in the country as negative, verging on angry, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll, but more than half say the culture did not contribute to the shootings in Tucson that killed six people and wounded 13, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.).
However, Tea Partiers have come out of the gate with even lower approval ratings than the Socialism they accuse Obama of wearing. Sound like a strong statement? Then consider this:

1) From the polling data:

11. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the political movement known as the Tea Party? Do you feel that way strongly or somewhat?

------- Favorable ------- ------ Unfavorable ------ No
NET Strongly Somewhat NET Somewhat Strongly opinion
1/16/11 35 16 19 52 21 31 13
9/2/10 38 18 19 45 24 21 18
6/6/10 36 17 19 50 25 24 14
3/26/10 41 21 21 39 16 23 20
2/8/10 35 20 15 40 20 20 25

That's a 35% approval rating, with only 16% strong approval.

From a Gallup poll, conducted last year, 36% said they approved of Socialism.

That's right, folks. The Tea party has even less approval than Socialists. but how can that be? The answer is that, while the Tea Party originated as a grass roots movement, it has been co-opted by elements within the Republican Party, thus negating the grass roots which began the movement. It is now just another entity in the political spectrum, run by the same dishonest politicians that poisoned the movement.

However, the idea of a Tea Party is still a good one. But for it to be successful, it is going to have to distance itself from the discredited Tea Party Express of Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and others who don't give a damn about America, or anything else, except their own self aggrandizement. This puts the Tea Party at a turning point in their brief history. There are 2 ways to go here:

1) Conduct a tea party against the Tea Party leaders usurpers, throw them out, and take the movement back.


2) Go with the status quo, and accept the fact that the Tea Party is a nothing more than a collection of whores, much like the Democrats and Republicans, and a collection of whores that is rapidly losing it's appeal, and therefore it's power to do anything worthwhile. After all, if you have less approval than Socialists, how are you going to accomplish ANYTHING?

Tea Partiers - The ball is in your court. 4 more years for Obama? That's up to you. The White House can be taken back, but before that can become even remotely possible, you are going to have to take your own movement back from the thieves who stole it.

Finally, the world doesn't revolve around you. You are going to have to convince a majority of Americans, and at a 35% approval rating (even lower than Socialists), and with more than half the country disapproving (52%), you are doing a lousy job. Time for you to step up to the plate, or forever lose the ideals that you are striving for.

Article is here.
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Isn't it the problem with all groups that initially begin with a noble idea are fallen to the fringe group who rise quicker than scum.

I think you can see that in such groups as the NRA and Sierra Club. With those two if you actually see the intent of the groups and how they have changed. They both have great ideas and benefit the citizens but now politics as usual as invaded it like bedbugs.

The Tea Party initially was a revolt by the average guy who was tired of the same BS year after year after year. But the likes of Palin quickly saw that as opprotunity to push her product. I really don't think any group is safe from the fringe nuts who seem to jump at that opportunity.
I don't disagree with you, but I was talking with a person who claimed to be a tea party member this weekend at Menards. He was telling everyone that while he was sad to see the Shooting of the congress person in Arizona, it was the people's right to take such actions. He had his pocket Consititution and he could remove, on his own and by himself, any congress person he disapproved of. It was his constitutional right.

Yes, I don't doubt he is a real minority. No, I don't think he is the average tea party memeber. But, these things leave impressions, and negative impressions last longer and mean more than psotitive ones. This is true in all things.
However, Tea Partiers have come out of the gate with even lower approval ratings than the Socialism they accuse Obama of wearing. Sound like a strong statement? Then consider this:

1) From the polling data:

11. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the political movement known as the Tea Party? Do you feel that way strongly or somewhat?

------- Favorable ------- ------ Unfavorable ------ No
NET Strongly Somewhat NET Somewhat Strongly opinion
1/16/11 35 16 19 52 21 31 13
9/2/10 38 18 19 45 24 21 18
6/6/10 36 17 19 50 25 24 14
3/26/10 41 21 21 39 16 23 20
2/8/10 35 20 15 40 20 20 25

That's a 35% approval rating, with only 16% strong approval.

From a Gallup poll, conducted last year, 36% said they approved of Socialism.

That's right, folks. The Tea party has even less approval than Socialists. but how can that be? The answer is that, while the Tea Party originated as a grass roots movement, it has been co-opted by elements within the Republican Party, thus negating the grass roots which began the movement. It is now just another entity in the political spectrum, run by the same dishonest politicians that poisoned the movement.

However, the idea of a Tea Party is still a good one. But for it to be successful, it is going to have to distance itself from the discredited Tea Party Express of Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and others who don't give a damn about America, or anything else, except their own self aggrandizement. This puts the Tea Party at a turning point in their brief history. There are 2 ways to go here:

1) Conduct a tea party against the Tea Party leaders usurpers, throw them out, and take the movement back.


2) Go with the status quo, and accept the fact that the Tea Party is a nothing more than a collection of whores, much like the Democrats and Republicans, and a collection of whores that is rapidly losing it's appeal, and therefore it's power to do anything worthwhile. After all, if you have less approval than Socialists, how are you going to accomplish ANYTHING?

Tea Partiers - The ball is in your court. 4 more years for Obama? That's up to you. The White House can be taken back, but before that can become even remotely possible, you are going to have to take your own movement back from the thieves who stole it.

Finally, the world doesn't revolve around you. You are going to have to convince a majority of Americans, and at a 35% approval rating (even lower than Socialists), and with more than half the country disapproving (52%), you are doing a lousy job. Time for you to step up to the plate, or forever lose the ideals that you are striving for.

Article is here.


the only poll that counts was conducted just over two months ago, millions of americans participated

the result was a tsunami---most house seats since 1938 (the year after the eponymous roosevelt recession), most state reps and legislatures in modern history, 10 gubs, 6 senators...

i'm surprised anyone could possibly forget so fast

party on, progressives
Looks like blaming the Tea Party for the Safeway shootout worked like a charm.
Isn't it the problem with all groups that initially begin with a noble idea are fallen to the fringe group who rise quicker than scum.

I think you can see that in such groups as the NRA and Sierra Club. With those two if you actually see the intent of the groups and how they have changed. They both have great ideas and benefit the citizens but now politics as usual as invaded it like bedbugs.

The Tea Party initially was a revolt by the average guy who was tired of the same BS year after year after year. But the likes of Palin quickly saw that as opprotunity to push her product. I really don't think any group is safe from the fringe nuts who seem to jump at that opportunity.

That was fast! Gotta be some kinda record.
That was fast! Gotta be some kinda record.

Stewart was on board with Palin saying the Arizona tragedy was the work of a lone gunman that became unnecessarily politicized. However! He became so overwhelmed when she went on to casually commit the same wrong herself by describing Jared Lee Loughner as possibly "left-leaning," that he was driven to invent a new word to describe such an act of hypocrisy: a "Palindrome."

He followed up by essentially calling her a hypocrite and then came up with Sarah Palin's new campaign slogan: "Half the country are amoral a$$holes."

Read more: Jon Stewart Mocks Sarah Palin's Sean Hannity Interview On AZ Shootings
Stewart was on board with Palin saying the Arizona tragedy was the work of a lone gunman that became unnecessarily politicized. However! He became so overwhelmed when she went on to casually commit the same wrong herself by describing Jared Lee Loughner as possibly "left-leaning," that he was driven to invent a new word to describe such an act of hypocrisy: a "Palindrome."

He followed up by essentially calling her a hypocrite and then came up with Sarah Palin's new campaign slogan: "Half the country are amoral a$$holes."

Read more: Jon Stewart Mocks Sarah Palin's Sean Hannity Interview On AZ Shootings

Who didn't see this thread turning into, "it's Palin's fault"?
However, Tea Partiers have come out of the gate with even lower approval ratings than the Socialism they accuse Obama of wearing. Sound like a strong statement? Then consider this:

Dana, its hard to actually defend people bitching about you as a conservative when you're continually misrepresenting Reagan and now are cheering that a movement focused on limited government and limited spending has been raked over the coals so much that it is on par with "socialism" in favorables.

1) From the polling data:

11. Do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of the political movement known as the Tea Party? Do you feel that way strongly or somewhat?

------- Favorable ------- ------ Unfavorable ------ No
NET Strongly Somewhat NET Somewhat Strongly opinion
1/16/11 35 16 19 52 21 31 13
9/2/10 38 18 19 45 24 21 18
6/6/10 36 17 19 50 25 24 14
3/26/10 41 21 21 39 16 23 20
2/8/10 35 20 15 40 20 20 25

Golly gee wiz! You mean after a week of non-stop "The Tea Party has hateful rhetoric that will contribute to people getting killed" bull**** they lost some favorability points and gain unfavorable points.

Oh no! Say it ain't so!

Next will you tell me the sky is blue? The grass is green?

That's a 35% approval rating, with only 16% strong approval.

From a Gallup poll, conducted last year, 36% said they approved of Socialism.

That's right, folks. The Tea party has even less approval than Socialists. but how can that be? The answer is that, while the Tea Party originated as a grass roots movement, it has been co-opted by elements within the Republican Party, thus negating the grass roots which began the movement. It is now just another entity in the political spectrum, run by the same dishonest politicians that poisoned the movement.

Oh look, and now we see its not actual honesty coming from Dana, but worthless hyperbole. You know you're no better than the people who call Obama a socialist with this kind of crap, right Dan?

I guess it doesn't help your case of the Tea Party being the big evil horrible fake conservative co-oped force to point out that from the very first numbers of favorables/unfavorables you showed of the tea party had them lagging behind the President's numbers, and every one after that as well.

2/8 = Less favorable, close unfavorable
3/26 = Less favorable, almost equal unfavorable
6/6 = Less favorable, more unfavorable.
9/6 = Less favorable, close unfavorable

None of which is surprising. The President was wildly popular going into an election, when the most amount of people are paying more than casual attention to the news. The Tea Party has gotten overwhelmingly negative coverage, which for a casual observer whose not digging deeper into it, is going to rub off on people. Its not a surprise in the least that the Tea Party has worse numberes than Obama in polling, especially after a week where they were raked over the coals and Obama gave his best speech since the campaign.

However, the idea of a Tea Party is still a good one. But for it to be successful, it is going to have to distance itself from the discredited Tea Party Express of Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and others who don't give a damn about America, or anything else, except their own self aggrandizement. This puts the Tea Party at a turning point in their brief history. There are 2 ways to go here:

Who chooses to latch themselves onto a movement is hardly the movements direct choice. It does them no good in attempting to speak ill against someone who, while may be self agrandizing, is closer in line with their views than others who are more important to speak against.

I think you're horribly mistaken in thinking that Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin is the reason for all the ills of the Tea Party. I think you're projecting your individual issues with those people and your stereotyped view of the tea party the second Ron Paul wasn't chanted continuously and ignoring any other of the numerous potential reasons for their polling numbers.

Take your own advise, your misguided, heavily biased and cynical, completely conflicting ideology is not what the world revolves around either. Go forth and spread your message how social issues are horrible just ask Reagan...while ignoring he ushered in the age of the social conservative. Go forth and spread your messgae how partisan rhetoric needs to be toned down like the great men like Reagan...while ignoring that he was a man who stated liberalism was a stealth method of enacting socialist policies or suggesting that what liberals think is false or that liberalism is the path "Down".

Yes, if Glenn Beck or Sarah Palin was honestly the "leaders" of the Tea Party, and not simply what the Media and others like to push out there as such through the way in which they reference it as if they speak for each individual tea partier, I may agree with you. If the Tea Party actually wasn't about pushing Conservative ideas, then maybe I'd agree with you. If you ever stopped using your constant allusions to Reagan to try and prove your point while ignoring that half the time he did the very things you're complaining about, I may agree with you.

But its not. Shocker, a political movement that gets a majority of negative coverage and is unabashedly NOT "middle of the road" polls lower than a President who came into the Presidency as one of the biggest populist and cult of personality waves in decades and who has tried to present himself at every step as some kind of "moderate" with many of the media drumming right along to that tune.

The sky is falling.
Oh look, and now we see its not actual honesty coming from Dana, but worthless hyperbole. You know you're no better than the people who call Obama a socialist with this kind of crap, right Dan?

Is this where we are supposed to insert the warning in regards to discussing the issue and not the poster?
Americans overwhelmingly describe the tone of political discourse in the country as negative, verging on angry, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll,
GOOD. Great... eeevehn.
It means people are still pissed off at the direction ObaMarx has driven the country. I hope they stay pissed off too, and let it vent on election day 2012.

but more than half say the culture did not contribute to the shootings in Tucson that killed six people and wounded 13, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.).
The culture did not contribute to the killings, a full blooded moron contributed to the shootings. Had "the culture" contributed, dare I say we would have had a spree of killings for a long time. Has not happened. Will not happen. Americans haven't acted that way since a bunch of uppity Brits tried to stop the creation of this nation.

William Ayers, Frau Dohrn and morons like them are not products of American culture... they're misfits and rejects. Of course they get to teach at universities and spread their bile... but American culture they do not represent.

There will always be idiots with guns, and there will be idiots in positions of power who seek to defame others with the actions taken by idiots... like Sher'f Dumb**** and the journOlists.

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Who didn't see this thread turning into, "it's Palin's fault"?

You're not reading it correctly. No one said it was Palin's fault. In fact, Stewart agreed with Palin up and until she did exactly the same thing to others. If you don't see the problem here, I suggest you breath deeply, clear your mind, and try going over it again. :coffeepap
Is this where we are supposed to insert the warning in regards to discussing the issue and not the poster?

Moderator's Warning:
If you feel a thread is a violation, use the report post button, don't post about it inthread. There, a warning.

jon's just a little too SERIOUS for the most mature members of this forum

meanwhile, yesterday:

The honeymoon’s been good for John Boehner and the American public, according to a USA Today/Gallup poll released Tuesday.

The new House speaker’s favorability rating spiked to 42 percent — or nearly double the 22 percent of respondents who view him unfavorably. The new rating is eight points higher than just after the mid-term election and represents a 15-point jump since earlier in the fall, according to Gallup.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi isn’t seeing the same fortunes. Her unfavorable ratings have stayed constant at 54 percent, while just 33 percent find her favorable — a bump of four points.

Just 25 percent of Americans polled find Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) favorable, and 41 percent unfavorable.

John Boehner gets big poll bump - Jake Sherman and Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com

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