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Palin sparks Twitter fight on mosque (1 Viewer)


Rule of Two
DP Veteran
Oct 17, 2006
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Palin sparks Twitter fight on mosque - Yahoo! News

"Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand, Ground Zero mosque is UNNECESSARY provocation; it stabs hearts. Pls reject it in interest of healing," she tweeted Sunday. (See the week's best one-liners.)

The building's planners, the American Society for Muslim Advancement and the Cordoba Initiative, have said it's modeled on religious and community centers such as the YMCA, and that the 13-story, $100 million building would also include an arts center, gym and a swimming pool, as well as a mosque. It would be two blocks away from Ground Zero.

The project, which has become an increasingly partisan issue in New York, received a renewed burst of national attention when CBS and NBC rejected an ad from the National Republican Trust PAC that crosscut footage of the 9/11 attacks with the sounds of Muslim prayer.

"Unlike @SarahPalinUSA, I was born here grew up here. Was showing off to a visitor today - look at how beautiful and diverse my city is."

"I felt pain of 9/11, the trauma. I got through it by believing in my city. Not through fear and hate."

Bloomberg has defended the plan for the mosque, arguing that blocking it would impinge on religious freedom, and he's denounced calls to look into the group's funding – led by Republican gubernatorial hopeful Rick Lazio in a bid to engage his rival, Democrat Andrew Cuomo — as "un-American."

Interesting. On one hand I agree with Palin, it feels like a provocation. On the other hand, Palin should mind her own damn business. This is a New York City issue. The Masjid Manhattan Mosque is only a few blocks away from the WTC. Muslims regularly can be seen praying OUTSIDE of the mosque when it is too busy. Is that a provocation? Not at all. Seems to me like one more issue she feels the need to cash in on. New Yorkers pride themselves in being multicultural. It should be up to them to decide whether or not the mosque is built and for what reason. Not up to politicians who pimp themselves out at every chance or their xenophobic followers around America.
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Palin sparks Twitter fight on mosque - Yahoo! News

Interesting. On one hand I agree with Palin, it feels like a provocation. On the other hand, Palin should mind her own damn business. This is a New York City issue. The Masjid Manhattan Mosque is only a few blocks away from the WTC. Muslims regularly can be seen praying OUTSIDE of the mosque when it is too busy. Is that a provocation? Not at all. Seems to me like one more issue she feels the need to cash in on. New Yorkers pride themselves in being multicultural. They have more languages per block than most Midwestern states. It should be up to them to decide whether or not the mosque is built. Not up to politicians who pimp themselves out at every chance.

It's only a provocation if you think Muslims and the 9/11 terrorists are actually part of the same group.
If that is the case, you should consider whether or not this applies to the Ku Klux Klan/Army of God and Christians.
Whew, for a minute there I thought Palin was actually serious about running for president, but with remarks like this she's apaprently decided to take herself out of the running.
People still take Palin seriously?
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Juan Cole's article on this did a fairly good job of all-around destroying any hint of a point Palin was attempting to make.

....yeah this pretty much should end the discussion.

edit: And one of the commenters on that blog noted that Al-Qaeda has killed more muslims than any other group. Quite a good point!
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It's only a provocation if you think Muslims and the 9/11 terrorists are actually part of the same group.
If that is the case, you should consider whether or not this applies to the Ku Klux Klan/Army of God and Christians.

Would you be cool with the KKK building a monument to fallen Klansmen, a few blocks from the 16th Street Church in Brimingham?
Palin sparks Twitter fight on mosque - Yahoo! News

Interesting. On one hand I agree with Palin, it feels like a provocation. On the other hand, Palin should mind her own damn business. This is a New York City issue. The Masjid Manhattan Mosque is only a few blocks away from the WTC. Muslims regularly can be seen praying OUTSIDE of the mosque when it is too busy. Is that a provocation? Not at all. Seems to me like one more issue she feels the need to cash in on. New Yorkers pride themselves in being multicultural. It should be up to them to decide whether or not the mosque is built and for what reason. Not up to politicians who pimp themselves out at every chance or their xenophobic followers around America.

I am going to agree with you on this one, Hatuey. America stands for freedom of religion, and in one of Jefferson's speeches, he said that it applied not only to Christians, but also to Jews, "Hindoo", and Muslims. Praying or preaching in any religion is not provocation......

Oops, unless it is Pat Robertson preaching for more of the 911 victims' families to suffer, like he has already done. He isn't Islamic either. How about that!
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Would you be cool with the KKK building a monument to fallen Klansmen, a few blocks from the 16th Street Church in Brimingham?

So the KKK represents all of Christianity to you, does it? I wouldn't like the KKK building a monument, but if a Christian church wants to build one to commemorate something other than a fallen Klansman, I don't mind. In fact, they might even build a replica of a straw man. You just gave them an excellent blueprint.
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When politicians are having fights on twitter, you know were ****ed.
When politicians are having fights on twitter, you know were ****ed.

A question for the ages: Politicians using twitter...... Does that makes them twits, or were they always that way?
Would you be cool with the KKK building a monument to fallen Klansmen, a few blocks from the 16th Street Church in Brimingham?

The argument doesn't apply as Al-Queda is not trying to build the mosuqe. 99.9999999999% of Muslims are not terrorists.
Would you be cool with the KKK building a monument to fallen Klansmen, a few blocks from the 16th Street Church in Brimingham?

This mosque isn't a monument to Al-Qaeda of any sort so your analogy is not accurate. A better analogy would be if I would be cool with some regular Catholic church being build there by a Catholic group, and I would be perfectly fine with that, yes.

The argument doesn't apply as Al-Queda is not trying to build the mosuqe. 99.9999999999% of Muslims are not terrorists.

The ratio of Muslims:Terrorists is actually slightly higher than you describe. (too many decimal points. there aren't that many people on earth ;) )
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This mosque isn't a monument to Al-Qaeda of any sort so your analogy is not accurate. A better analogy would be if I would be cool with some regular Catholic church being build there, and I would be perfectly fine with that, yes.

The ratio of Muslims:Terrorists is actually slightly higher than you describe. (too many decimal points. there aren't that many people on earth ;) )

This. End of thread.
Who owns the property? If it's a private individual/company they can build whatever they like. If it's the government (no matter what level) then no because it's a violation of the First Amendment's prohibition against establishing a religion.
So the KKK represents all of Christianity to you, does it? I wouldn't like the KKK building a monument, but if a Christian church wants to build one to commemorate something other than a fallen Klansman, I don't mind. In fact, they might even build a replica of a straw man. You just gave them an excellent blueprint.

The imam building the mosque is a jihadist. Do jihadists represent AQ? Yes??

Ground Zero mosque imam tied to group behind Gaza jihad flotilla - Jihad Watch
The imam building the mosque is a jihadist. Do jihadists represent AQ? Yes??

Ground Zero mosque imam tied to group behind Gaza jihad flotilla - Jihad Watch

A tenuous link provided by a tenuous source. It goes Imam -> Free Gaza -> Freedom Flotilla <- IHH... and that's if you take Glenn Beck's chalkboard and the NY Post at face value...

If I give money to the Red Cross and they give some of it to a group who also gets money from blood diamond miners, did I also support blood diamond miners?
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A tenuous link provided by a tenuous source. It goes Imam -> Free Gaza -> Freedom Flotilla <- IHH... and that's if you take Glenn Beck's chalkboard and the NY Post at face value...

If I give money to the Red Cross and they give some of it to a group who also gets money from blood diamond miners, did I also support blood diamond miners?

Is the Red Cross a jihadist group? If so, they need to eb executed in the street like dogs.
Is the Red Cross a jihadist group? If so, they need to eb executed in the street like dogs.

Yeah, screw that Constitution thing. :roll:
Is the Red Cross a jihadist group? If so, they need to eb executed in the street like dogs.

PGPO and the Free Gaza Movement aren't jihadist groups. Apparently you have no idea what a jihadist group is. Here's a hint: Al Qaida is one.
Sarah Palin said:
Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand, Ground Zero mosque is UNNECESSARY provocation; it stabs hearts.

mygoodness.. women are so emotional :scared:

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