DeeJayH said:
i have heard conflicting reports
is there really a type of person known as Palestinian?
Actually NO! Arafat invented the term for it to disingenuinely denote a "people", or an "ethnicity", ..that was the sole reason behind his scheme.
Palestine comes from the ancient ROMAN name, Palestina which was a geographical area once inhabited by the ancient philistines, ..thus that is where the "root" word originated from.
Arafat in fact, ..was born in Egypt himself. THe non-jewish inhabitents of Palestine are basically misplaced Jordanians, & Syrians who are nothing more than generic arab peoples who were basically wandering nomadic tribes who were land squatters even when Turkey controlled the area.
To imply or state that there EVER was a golden age for a people called; "Palestinian", that had a past government, or country, or kingdom, or coined money that represented them is ridiculous.
In Ancient Israel's past there were a multitude of arab peoples LONG BEFORE Islams founding, & they co-existed with Israel, & in fact many of them WERE allies with Israel such as King Hiram from Phoenecia/Lebanon who also was a trading partner with Israel.
The notion, & false teaching that Israel threw out these people when Israel was granted statehood is completely FALSE, ..& Israel did not dispossess any body from their land in 1948.
After the 1948 statehood of Israel, ..many ISLAMIC countries declared war on Israel the very next day, & ORDERED their muslim palestinian brothers to leave Israel.
Israel did NOT wish for that, & in fact know it suicidal to not want to have peace among all the people around the nation of Israel as they are surrounded by millions of Arab peoples.
The so called, "palestinians" are nothing more than "proxies" for most arab nations that despise Israel, & want to see the dissolution of the jewish state by years of rebellion, & war, & acts of nonstop terrorism against the state of Israel & its jewish citizens.
The notion that all it is about is statehood for the Palestinians is FALSE, because they could have had THEIR OWN state decades ago....IF that is all it was about, & Israel WAS willing to accept that.
IT actually is MORE than just about statehood, ..& like it or not the truth MUST be told, & that is it is BECAUSE OF ISLAM that Israel is hated, & despised, & reviled because that is what IS taught by the mullahs, & by the Koran.
When the british government set aside (The Balfour Declaration) land parcels it reserved the most for the arabs in that region because the arab population was bigger.
Sorry to say BUT peace will never come to that region until Muslims have successfully extracted their will upon the Jewish state of Israel, ..& nobody with a sense of honesty can hardly dispute it any longer.
Israel does NOT initiate terror, ..but it RESPONDS to it very forcibly. Clearly the true minority in that region of the world IS the jewish state of Israel, & the only time REAL peace will come to that region is when, & "IF" muslim terror is extrapolated continually upon the jewish population, & wears them down through constant murder, & violence...with the rest of Arab muslim world condemnation, & their constant demands for more land & more concessions. Israel is VERY small in geographic region, & size.
The truth is, & has been that the whole palestinian movement has been to portray themselves FALSELY as "victims" of Israeli oppression to rally other arab muslim nations to its cause of mutual islamic hate for Israel, ..& what unites them IS ISLAM.
Having palestinains wage war upon Israel through daily terrorism is far better for them, & more cost effective than by launching unsuccessful wars against Israel such as all the wars that Egypt, & their Arab allies fought & lost against Israel,...The Palestinans are serving them by proxy quite nicely, & recieving world sympathy at the same time.
The bottom line is that it is NOT about having a just peace with Israel, about the ultimate destruction of the state of Israel that is lusted for by the arab muslim population at large because it is an ideology base that was brought forth, & united by the seeds of Islamic teachings, ..& it is time that fair minded people stop behaving like the ostrich.
Wherever jews were to be found, it the 1972 Munich olympic games, or luxury cruise ships,(Achille Laurel) ..or anywhere jews were to be found...they have been singled out, & executed ruthlessly by islamics.