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Out of These Beers..... (1 Viewer)

Favorite Beer Brand from the List Provided

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Out of all the beers on that list I never had Labatt Blue and Leinenkugel. But out of the beers on that list I did have I liked Corona / Corona Lite the most. Out of all the beers on the list that I have tried I dislike Guinness the most, too bitter.
The only decent beer up there is Guiness. I can drink it by the gallons...
I don't drink beer often, but when I do I drink Dos Equis. Also Sam Adams because my friend gets 6 packs for free.
Natty Ice is not there:confused::2razz::lol:
Whatever is on sale is not on the list.
The only beer I like on that list is Leinenkugel. I'm not a big fan of most mass produced American beers, they tend to have very little flavor. I prefer dark beers like Modelo NEgro or Newcastle Brown. For a lighter beer, Sam Adams Summer Ale, Harp Lager, and Beck's are good.

Some of the best beers I've ever had were in Alaska...Alaskan Brewery, Midnight Sun Brewery, or the beers at Silver Gulch Brewery. YUM. I still have dreams about their pickaxe porter and Golden Heart Wheat. There are some great ones in the northwest, too, like Deschutes Black Butte Porter.

Thanks alot. Now I'm craving a beer.
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pffft..... Beer Snobs....
Pfft...**** drinkers. ;) I'll be drinking Bud Light tomorrow at the race, since Budweiser has NASCAR in a headlock. But, I'll be craving a Modelo Negro.

In fact, I think I"ll have one right now, just to piss you off, caine. :)
I grew up on Stroh's when I was in High School. After that, whatever is on sale tastes great and is less costly. It's amazing how Stroh's can make you appreciate bears like Milwaukee's best and Schaffer's.
I live in Oregon. We have dozens of breweries that put out better beer than any of this mass-produced stuff.

Heck, just here in town there are a half dozen breweries, so I don't have to go very far.
I never met a beer I will not do.. Well unless it is that cheap ass Milw. Best crap. Yuck
A good micro Beer or Ale.
The only beer I like on that list is Leinenkugel. I'm not a big fan of most mass produced American beers, they tend to have very little flavor. I prefer dark beers like Modelo NEgro or Newcastle Brown. For a lighter beer, Sam Adams Summer Ale, Harp Lager, and Beck's are good.

Some of the best beers I've ever had were in Alaska...Alaskan Brewery, Midnight Sun Brewery, or the beers at Silver Gulch Brewery. YUM. I still have dreams about their pickaxe porter and Golden Heart Wheat. There are some great ones in the northwest, too, like Deschutes Black Butte Porter.

Thanks alot. Now I'm craving a beer.

Black Butte is a really good beer. Did you get a chance to have any of the Bear's Tooth Brewery beers while you were in Alaska? The Imperial Stout is to die for.

Glacier Brewhouse also had a good stout that was so strong they legally had to serve it in a brandy snifter.
I live in Oregon. We have dozens of breweries that put out better beer than any of this mass-produced stuff.

Heck, just here in town there are a half dozen breweries, so I don't have to go very far.
I think there are about 30 in the Portland Metro area.
Out of those choices I clicked Guiness, Corona and Heineken. Those are what I usually drink at the bar for beer anyway.

If I'm home or whereever it's 40s of OE for me.
Depends what time of year. In the winter, Guiness. In the summer, Corona.

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