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Nearly two-thirds of U.S. terrorism tied to right-wing extremists (1 Viewer)

What a full of crap statement.

I could cut & paste articles all day long about liberals/democrats being violent and spewing out fear mongering at their political events. You people can't see past your own noses, while demanding others live and think like you do.

His entire package, almost all of his sermons, revolved around preparing FOR and PROVOKING a doomsday war against the government, with HIM cast as a MARTYR.
And the trouble with these people on the Right who invoke his name is, they're all too eager to martyr the rest of the nation to achieve their own agenda. We are being slow motion Koresh'd right now.
No, they're not. They are opposed to white nationalism. I understand completely why you might not like that. But that doesn't make them extremists.

They're all communists. Human garbage on the same level as fascists.

Gee, that’s funny. I know I’ve seen conservatives repeatedly declare mass shooters and terrorists “Democrats” on other threads without the slightest shred of evidence.....with not a peep of objection from people like you.

But all of sudden now you want to pretend claiming something about the shooter’s political views is “partisan as hell”?

Hmm.....gee, I wonder what changed? :roll:
What "facts" are those? That an extreme leftwing organization blames the other side? Meh.

do some research on your own, it's easily confirmed

wingnuts have been the biggest terrorists concerns for decades now
The SPLC has nothing to do with communism. Most of what it does is tracking white nationalist extremists.

They rock. I understand completely why they tick you off.

They're pieces of communist ****.
do some research on your own, it's easily confirmed

wingnuts have been the biggest terrorists concerns for decades now
Already DID the research. Your turn.
your post is evidence that you failed to read the cite i shared
had you actually read it, that information should have disabused you of your false notions

OK, you go right on believing that lawless thugs carrying the Red Russian flag do not favor communism. I am not the only one that has explained the painfully obvious to you on this thread. You can reply if you want but I will waste no more time with you in this thread.
Those guys were not Americans.

They were on the Right, religious reactionary extremists. That's been true for centuries, take a look at the Dark Ages.

IOW, you have less than nothing.

LOL, Muslim extremist. Only the agenda driven attempt to twist the obvious. I bet tons of Muslims voted for Trump....:doh
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that cite you refused to read noted that antifa is against communism. one would then be very stupid to believe antifa was thus a communist organization
that cite you refused to read noted that antifa is against communism. one would then be very stupid to believe antifa was thus a communist organization

Ok, must say this. One has to be an idiotic halfwit to think a group that parades a Communist flag of the Communist Russia, does not cotton to it. Care to explain this? I am now certainly done responding to you in this thread as it is evident, you are agenda driven and have zero interest in truth.
uh, Bob, those would be communists - NOT antifa
and thanks for the laugh:

Timmy McVeigh and a handful of other white guys have killed so many people that lefties put warnings out to their flock to profile Christians as possible threats and to fight Christians who claim Muslims are possible threats.

come on CP, you're smarter than that. I'm sure you heard "not set up to monitor extreme left" on some right wing radio show but it's crap. SPLC monitors hate groups. they have a clear definition of hate groups and they clearly state antifa is not a hate group.

Why doesn't the SPLC list antifa as a hate group?
The SPLC condemns violence in all its forms, including the violent acts of far-left street movements like antifa (short for anti-fascist). But the propensity for violence, though present in many hate groups, is not among the criteria for listing. Also, antifa groups do not promote hatred based on race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity (see criteria above).

https://www.splcenter.org/20171004/frequently-asked-questions-about-hate-groups#black lives matter
Muslim extremist. Only the agenda driven attempt to twist the obvious. I bet tons of Muslims voted for Trump....

In the first days of science, the Inquisition liked killing scientists. One of their favorite methods was to suspend a guy high enough over a fire that his agony would last for hours.

You completely missed the point.

Good point.

I'd also point out that their statements place them well outside the rule of law and the norms that hold a civilisation together.

Bizarre doesn't begin to describe that.
Good point.

I'd also point out that their statements place them well outside the rule of law and the norms that hold a civilisation together.

Bizarre doesn't begin to describe that.


I'm just sick of seeing


Used as justification for anything and everything right wingers do.

And by the way, Alex Jones was among THE VERY FIRST to raise that battle cry.
I've come to the conclusion that if someone mentions hatred of the government and Waco in the same conversation, that they likely have pedophile tendencies and bomb making materials stashed somewhere, or they hang with folks who do, or they want to BE those people someday.
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There's a lot of projection there, given the facts of the current political climate. It's the conservative monster that is stomping all over American freedoms and ****ting on the poor. Get your facts straight. Cut and paste if you must but realize it's just a distraction from the facts of NOW.

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