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Nearly two-thirds of U.S. terrorism tied to right-wing extremists (1 Viewer)


Purge evil with Justice
DP Veteran
Jul 24, 2011
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Slightly Liberal

Researchers and journalists for the news site Quartz said they used data compiled by the Global Terrorism Database that has tabulated terrorist events around the world since 1970. The database is supported by the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START), affiliated with the University of Maryland.

“A Quartz analysis of the database shows that almost two-thirds of terror attacks in the (United States) last year were tied to racist, anti-Muslim, homophobic, anti-Semitic, fascist, anti-government, or xenophobic motivations,” its posting says.

The remaining attacks, the web site said, “were driven by left-wing ideologies … and Islamic extremism.”

In a related post last month, Quartz said of 65 terrorism incidents last year in the United States, 37 were “tied to racist, anti-Muslim, homophobic, anti-Semitic, fascist, anti-government or xenophobic motivations.”

Yet again showing that it is right-wing extremists that are currently our number one terrorism problem.

Note that a lot of people will deny this study because they don't like what it says, but their ill-informed opinion is overridden by the facts.

Yeah, first off the SPLC is a left wing extremist organization, it exists solely to create labels to stifle discussion and is not a reliable source. After reviewing their source material, the Global Terrorism Database operated by GMU, you can now review each incident listed, and most do not qualify as terrorist attacks or have unknown perpetrators. Included as “terrorist attacks” are an incident where a man pulled the emergency brake on an Amtrak train and was arrested on minor charges but had some “white supremacist literature” on his person (no description of said literature) and someone leaving a firebomb at a gay bar in Puerto Rico where the offenders were never arrested and hence their motivation cannot be proven. The Mandelay Bay shooting is listed as a “terrorist attack” because the shooter had criticized the government response to the Waco and Ruby Ridge standoffs ( as did the majority of the population) even though no motive has been proven for the shooting. I’ve read at least three where petty vandalism is considered an “attack”
What "facts" are those? That an extreme leftwing organization blames the other side? Meh.

Well I guess I can pump up the numbers, I should go pull a train brake and leave a sticker reading “long live Harvey milk” and that should be considered homosexual terrorism, if I can get just 12 people to do this then we’ve equalized SPLCs numbers

Yet again showing that it is right-wing extremists that are currently our number one terrorism problem.

Note that a lot of people will deny this study because they don't like what it says, but their ill-informed opinion is overridden by the facts.

As the Southern Poverty Law Center explained when folks asked why they weren't adding the ANTIFA folks who tried to blow up a bridge to their list "We aren't really set up to monitor the extreme left".

SPLC is... shall we say.... far less than credible. I'll mark this right up there next to "Also, Hannity Says Republicans Who Don't Support Trump Are Traitors".
Yeah, first off the SPLC is a left wing extremist organization, it exists solely to create labels to stifle discussion and is not a reliable source. After reviewing their source material, the Global Terrorism Database operated by GMU, you can now review each incident listed, and most do not qualify as terrorist attacks or have unknown perpetrators. Included as “terrorist attacks” are an incident where a man pulled the emergency brake on an Amtrak train and was arrested on minor charges but had some “white supremacist literature” on his person (no description of said literature) and someone leaving a firebomb at a gay bar in Puerto Rico where the offenders were never arrested and hence their motivation cannot be proven. The Mandelay Bay shooting is listed as a “terrorist attack” because the shooter had criticized the government response to the Waco and Ruby Ridge standoffs ( as did the majority of the population) even though no motive has been proven for the shooting. I’ve read at least three where petty vandalism is considered an “attack”

The SPLC isn't an extremist organization.
The Mandelay Bay shooting is listed as a “terrorist attack” because the shooter had criticized the government response to the Waco and Ruby Ridge standoffs ( as did the majority of the population)

The majority of the population may have criticized the handling of Waco and Ruby Ridge but they did not approve of using those actions as a "Pearl Harbor" moment to spawn a paramilitary insurgency in this country.
And the mere thought that the government deserves punishment for attempting to shut down a perverted child sex cult church is disgusting, because while they may have failed to handle it in the best manner possible, I'll gladly suffer five thousand Wacos a day if it means that doomsday cults get wiped out.

Thank you for standing up and identifying yourself as a person who automatically labels anyone who touches Waco "extreme left wing".
At least we now know that you're "extreme right wing".

I'll "review each incident listed", and decide for myself which ones "qualify as terrorist attacks", thank you.
Save your "radioactive" labels, you're gonna need em.
Where is the association with communism found

Almost everywhere you see them gathering.
I assume you've been watching and following the AntiFa stories in the news. Look closely at the flags they carry.
As the Southern Poverty Law Center explained when folks asked why they weren't adding the ANTIFA folks who tried to blow up a bridge to their list "We aren't really set up to monitor the extreme left".

SPLC is... shall we say.... far less than credible. I'll mark this right up there next to "Also, Hannity Says Republicans Who Don't Support Trump Are Traitors".

I'll buy that for a dollar.
They aren't set up to monitor the extreme left, eh?
They should get busy and do some setting up, because the mechanism for monitoring is the same, only the target differs.
Yeah sure, it points to their partiality, but that doesn't mean that all of the data that they gather from outside sources is suspect, it just means that they engage in a slanted approach.

By the way, are we ready to list the number of similar groups on the Right that compile databases of what they perceive as the extreme Left?
What if one organization compiled the data from all groups, those which monitor the extremes on both Right and Left?
Yeah, first off the SPLC is a left wing extremist organization

What "facts" are those? That an extreme leftwing organization blames the other side? Meh.

And there it is. Exactly as I predicted.

Note that a lot of people will deny this study because they don't like what it says, but their ill-informed opinion is overridden by the facts.

It is a fact, a cold, hard fact, that right-wing extremists currently pose the #1 terrorist threat to America today. In fact, judging by the responses here, I question whether everyone on the right unconditionally opposes terrorism.
The SPLC isn't an extremist organization.

But *that* is back in the real world.



Well golllllleeeee! Someone said they've lost all credibility, and it agrees with what I want to think, so it must be true!

They've been spot on with a lot of what they've said, for instance that Trump was activating the extreme right, although it looks like he activated more than just the extreme right:

A brief history of 'Lügenpresse,' the Nazi-era predecessor to Trump's 'Fake News'

Research Finds That Racism, Sexism, and Status Fears Drove Trump Voters

Ryan: Trump's comments 'textbook definition' of racism

Trump Defends White-Nationalist Protesters: 'Some Very Fine People'
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I'll buy that for a dollar.
They aren't set up to monitor the extreme left, eh?
They should get busy and do some setting up, because the mechanism for monitoring is the same, only the target differs.
Yeah sure, it points to their partiality, but that doesn't mean that all of the data that they gather from outside sources is suspect, it just means that they engage in a slanted approach.

By the way, are we ready to list the number of similar groups on the Right that compile databases of what they perceive as the extreme Left?
What if one organization compiled the data from all groups, those which monitor the extremes on both Right and Left?

It's interesting to read SPLC excuses/reasons why certain groups are listed or ignored.


A short read. A couple minutes. Explains a lot.
And there it is. Exactly as I predicted.

It is a fact, a cold, hard fact, that right-wing extremists currently pose the #1 terrorist threat to America today. In fact, judging by the responses here, I question whether everyone on the right unconditionally opposes terrorism.

Phys, thank you for being my 3,600th like on DP. In appreciation, I'll be emailing you a coupon for 1 million trump voter brain cells, good as new, never used. Congrats :)

Yet again showing that it is right-wing extremists that are currently our number one terrorism problem.

Note that a lot of people will deny this study because they don't like what it says, but their ill-informed opinion is overridden by the facts.

Nice work. And the only reason you like it is because it allows you a few applauds and likes from your liberal buddies.

And you also fail to mention that 99.9% of Conservatives & Republicans are just as peace loving as any Liberal & Democrat across the nation.

This is why we have a Trump because a lot people are sick of you and your ilk.

For your information, returning veterans were also considered for the terrorist watch paranoia under the Obama administration.

Homeland security chief apologizes to veterans groups - CNN.com
It's interesting to read SPLC excuses/reasons why certain groups are listed or ignored.


A short read. A couple minutes. Explains a lot.

The SPLC listed nearly 233 black nationalist groups in 2017 – including chapters of the Nation of Islam and the New Black Panther Party – whose tenets include anti-Semitism and racially based hatred of white people.

Interesting that you call anything at SPLC "a short read".
Does your internal dialogue sounds a lot like, "Oh so they hate the Klan, but they coddle the commie nigras" ?

1979 Greensboro Massacre

And there it is. Exactly as I predicted.

It is a fact, a cold, hard fact, that right-wing extremists currently pose the #1 terrorist threat to America today. In fact, judging by the responses here, I question whether everyone on the right unconditionally opposes terrorism.
Sorry, no. No facts, just anecdotal blather.
The SPLC listed nearly 233 black nationalist groups in 2017 – including chapters of the Nation of Islam and the New Black Panther Party – whose tenets include anti-Semitism and racially based hatred of white people.

Interesting that you call anything at SPLC "a short read".
Does your internal dialogue sounds a lot like, "Oh so they hate the Klan, but they coddle the commie nigras" ?

1979 Greensboro Massacre

Get real. I called the page (the FAQ) I posted a short read. As opposed to Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, a long read.

Is there something about the video I am supposed to address? Or the KKK? or Commie nigras? Whatever that is.
Almost everywhere you see them gathering.
I assume you've been watching and following the AntiFa stories in the news. Look closely at the flags they carry.

there is nothing about the antifa which aligns with communism
anarchy, absolutely. communism, no way

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