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Nearly two-thirds of U.S. terrorism tied to right-wing extremists (1 Viewer)

No one is trying to exonerate Paddock, again you’re throwing bogus straw men out.

Do you believe Paddocks crimes were politically motivated terrorism and what do you base the answer on if yes?

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I base them on his anti-government rants.
Do I need more than that? If I do, then someone needs to pay me to do more intensive work.
I mean, are you asking my opinion or were you expecting expert witness testimony?

In MY OPINION, Stephen Paddock was one more whacko anti-government right wing nut job.
But *that* is back in the real world.



The SPL C had nothing to do with Oklahoma City. That was the obviously right wing Tim McVeigh.
In other words, you believe in Government Genocide of non combatants. Got it. So when you said earlier you would prefer it ended peacefully you were lying. Thanks

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:lamo....you're enjoying yourself, I can see it.
I don't wanna ruin your day.
Go for it, homie.
I base them on his anti-government rants.
Do I need more than that? If I do, then someone needs to pay me to do more intensive work.
I mean, are you asking my opinion or were you expecting expert witness testimony?

In MY OPINION, Stephen Paddock was one more whacko anti-government right wing nut job.

So anyone who rants against the government is automatically right wing?

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In other words, you believe in Government Genocide of non combatants. Got it. So when you said earlier you would prefer it ended peacefully you were lying. Thanks

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How big is your front lawn, dude? :lamo
So anyone who rants against the government is automatically right wing?

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So anyone who hates Donald Trump is automatically violent Leftists?
Two can play this stupid game.
No, they're not. They are opposed to white nationalism. I understand completely why you might not like that. But that doesn't make them extremists.

Edit: my bad, thought there was something else being discussed. Disregard this post.
Except you’re trying to make self righteous responses to arguments no one made.

First off I will criticize the government response to Waco until federal agents see the inside of a jail cell over it,

But second off no one justified David Koresh, the reason Waco entered this conversation is because SPLC cited a source that claimed Stephen Paddock was a right wing terrorist because he happened to criticize the government reaction to Waco and Ruby Ridge years before his shooting rampage in Vegas for which a motive has not been identified, do you think that’s a sound argument?

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And he shot up a country music festival, most present would be your classic "deplorables".

Calling that "right wing terror" exposes how agenda driven, the "study" was.
I base them on his anti-government rants.
Do I need more than that? If I do, then someone needs to pay me to do more intensive work.
I mean, are you asking my opinion or were you expecting expert witness testimony?

In MY OPINION, Stephen Paddock was one more whacko anti-government right wing nut job.

So he goes and shoots up a concert that was likely a majority Republican....?:lamo
AntiFa belongs in there, despite the fact that they love communism instead.

I don't think they 'love communism'. I think they love destruction and anarchy. .. at least the west cost ones.
Yeah, first off the SPLC is a left wing extremist organization, it exists solely to create labels to stifle discussion and is not a reliable source. After reviewing their source material, the Global Terrorism Database operated by GMU, you can now review each incident listed, and most do not qualify as terrorist attacks or have unknown perpetrators. Included as “terrorist attacks” are an incident where a man pulled the emergency brake on an Amtrak train and was arrested on minor charges but had some “white supremacist literature” on his person (no description of said literature) and someone leaving a firebomb at a gay bar in Puerto Rico where the offenders were never arrested and hence their motivation cannot be proven. The Mandelay Bay shooting is listed as a “terrorist attack” because the shooter had criticized the government response to the Waco and Ruby Ridge standoffs ( as did the majority of the population) even though no motive has been proven for the shooting. I’ve read at least three where petty vandalism is considered an “attack”


No, the SPLC is not an "extremist group" of any sort. It might hurt your feelings that it calls out all those paramilitary thugs which support Trump for having racist ideology, but you should try to avoid falling into the usual routine of shrieking that those who mention racism are the "real racists".

Ah yes, Waco and Ruby Ridge. Where, according to the far right, a fanatical cult who deliberately set the fires in their compound in the first place and abused kids and a moron who decided to have a firefight with his family in the middle are the real victims :roll:
Yet ultimately shot up a country music concert...wait, are you saying he was not politically motivated and just wanted lots of targets. Maybe he shot with his left and right wings...I mean hands...

No, I'm saying your argument that he wasn't motivated by fanatical hatred based on political ideology is lacking because he ended up targeting a country music concert is not a valid one.
No, I'm saying your argument that he wasn't motivated by fanatical hatred based on political ideology is lacking because he ended up targeting a country music concert is not a valid one.

Now do a 180 and say that again.

with the total blackout of info on Paddock, declaring him right or left wing, is partisan as hell.

About all we know is he was a big gambler married to an Asian and he shot up a country music concert.

But that did not stop the SPLC declaring him "right wing" and useful idiots spreading the meme on the internet, now has it?
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Now do a 180 and say that again.

with the total blackout of info on Paddock, declaring him right or left wing, is partisan as hell.

About all we know is he was a big gambler married to an Asian and he shot up a country music concert.

But that did not stop the SPLC declaring him "right wing" and useful idiots spreading the meme on the internet, now has it?

And thus, the SPLC's political bias is clearly shown, one that drove its analysis of a study to the politically desired conclusion, and which also invalidates its conclusions.
Red sickle and hammer flags they carry enough to clue you in?

your post is evidence that you failed to read the cite i shared
had you actually read it, that information should have disabused you of your false notions
And this WAS directly IN response to Waco.

Just pointing this out makes people on the Right very uncomfortable.

That cognitive dissonance has a couple of sources. One is that it reminds them that their thinking is really screwed up, even if they can't admit it to themselves.

We all have a responsibility to live within the Rule of Law. Koresh could have ended that peacefully at any time, by following legal orders.

He was a psychopath.
Nice work. And the only reason you like it is because it allows you a few applauds and likes from your liberal buddies.

And you also fail to mention that 99.9% of Conservatives & Republicans are just as peace loving as any Liberal & Democrat across the nation.

This is why we have a Trump because a lot people are sick of you and your ilk.

For your information, returning veterans were also considered for the terrorist watch paranoia under the Obama administration.

Homeland security chief apologizes to veterans groups - CNN.com

Nobody is celebrating the fact that the right wing is a threat to civility, we're concerned about it. Don't forget that the Muslim terrorists are ALSO right wing. They, like their conservative American counterparts feel entitled by their faith, by loss of political and cultural influence and discomfort with permissive liberalism which challenges their rigid traditions, juvenile sexuality and misogyny on many fronts.

The truth is, everyone knows WHY conservatives so often turn their magical thinking into acts of violence- because you can't fix stupid- but too few are willing to confront, on the streets, the false narratives in their faith, free market religion and constant cultural fearmongering. The conservatives are COMFORTABLE with being that oppressive ax poised over the necks of civil society, demanding that we honor their delusions or suffer for it. So, when you say 99.9% of conservatives are "peace loving", what you forgot to add to that statement was the qualifier "as long as they are in charge of everyone and everything". When they feel their hegemony is threatened, they will do anything to punish society for straying from their self-proclaimed holy purposes.

It's a really ****ed up situation but it's what we actually have to work with and it's been a perpetual drag upon the machinery of progress throughout recorded human history.

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