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Nearly two-thirds of U.S. terrorism tied to right-wing extremists (1 Viewer)


Yet again showing that it is right-wing extremists that are currently our number one terrorism problem.

Note that a lot of people will deny this study because they don't like what it says, but their ill-informed opinion is overridden by the facts.

Clearly you had zero chance of being wrong in your prediction.

After perusing it for a time I offer the entire thread as exhibit "A" in the Twilight Zone politics of the Excited States.

For **** sakes people there re extremists in EVERY organization, from churches that shame funerals to gun crazed lotus attend eaters are funerals of the slain.

It does not mean that everyone on that 'side' is a child hating Charlton Heston or this side a Mother Teresa. The whole thread is an elaborate rouse for the same people to call the same people different names than they have before ... and ... the reason the Excited States is moving backwards while the elite stuff their Bentley's with cash.

And, exhibit two. I was still a reporter when WACO went down. I had hair...but like every other **** up in the US the argument never dies, and by the way, George Washington read communist literature* ....

By never ending the argument you don't have to face change. But it's like coming to a fork in the river...sooner or later you're going to have to choose a way.

In the meantime what concerns me most from this vantage point is the nature of the Trump administration to attack with a vengeance even the slightest provocation. Trumpies now want to start a war with the ICC, seeking revenge against individual judges.

People, that's not just bad government, that's tyranny.

* How many people will post that 'communism had not been invented in Washington's time, not realizing it is a metaphor for embracing the absurd, which, frankly seem to be all of your arguments
There's a lot of projection there, given the facts of the current political climate. It's the conservative monster that is stomping all over American freedoms and ****ting on the poor. Get your facts straight. Cut and paste if you must but realize it's just a distraction from the facts of NOW.

Sorry... I can get more from reading the funny pages than your nonsense.
The SPLC isn't an extremist organization.

Not to you it isn't. But you believe the NRA is-I don't. see how that works

what the SPLC is is a fraud that tries to scare older folks-often Black or Jewish into giving them money -with their claims of klansmen and birchers under everyones' beds. Morris Dees is a con artist
In fact, judging by the responses here, I question whether everyone on the right unconditionally opposes terrorism.

In a thread about right-wing terrorists, you have the gall to suspect that there are right-wingers who aren't opposed to terrorism? I'm frankly shocked by your radical theories and rumor mongering.
As the Southern Poverty Law Center explained when folks asked why they weren't adding the ANTIFA folks who tried to blow up a bridge to their list "We aren't really set up to monitor the extreme left".

SPLC is... shall we say.... far less than credible. I'll mark this right up there next to "Also, Hannity Says Republicans Who Don't Support Trump Are Traitors".

CP, where'd you go. You posted attributed a false statement to the SPLC and then used that false statement to question their credibility.
As the Southern Poverty Law Center explained when folks asked why they weren't adding the ANTIFA folks who tried to blow up a bridge to their list "We aren't really set up to monitor the extreme left".

SPLC is... shall we say.... far less than credible. I'll mark this right up there next to "Also, Hannity Says Republicans Who Don't Support Trump Are Traitors".

CP, I really thought you were different from the conservatives here that cowardly cut and run from any fact. You posted a falsehood that you made up or liars told you. Can you at least tell us which?

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